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God has invited us to enter His Everlasting (New) Covenant with Him by the blood of the Lamb. He has also sworn an oath, that He swears by Himself, that He will fulfill His covenant word. Hebrews 6:13, “For when God made the promise to Abraham, since He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying ‘I will surely bless you and I will multiply you.’ ”

God’s faithfulness has a covenant oath attached to it. Some believers have faith in their own feelings of faith. However, our faith is in God’s faithfulness to His covenant word and promises. It is not how strong our faith is, but how trustworthy is His word. We have trust in Him, His word, and His promises because He is faithful. This is what gives us hope.

Many things are exchanged when a covenant is made. A few examples are names, belts, blood, and character. It is our responsibility to understand that God is imparting his faithfulness into our character. We do not have to strive, we just receive His nature and character because of this exchange that is taking place.

Isaiah 55:11, “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” His faithfulness will give us hope. I believe even though our emotions may have been challenged during this time of Covid; disappointments, expectations not coming to pass, and our faith being tested, God’s faithfulness brings hope! Why, because His word will accomplish what He desires according to Isaiah. Some things may not occur according to our timing or desire, but His word will succeed.

Bottom line, His faithfulness means we can trust Him. He keeps His covenant promises. End of the day concerns may turn into worry or our hope might be deferred. But….He keeps His covenant word and part of His character is His faithfulness! This is a time to celebrate. We may not understand everything He is doing, but we can trust Him because of Who He is - Faithful. 

In his Covenant love,

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