The entire world is a stage for missions.  Wherever you live or work there is someone in need of encouragement and God's love.

Our community sponsors and supports a variety of short and long term missions trips.  Check the following tabs and our Events and Calendar page for upcoming trips that have open registration and information about our missionaries.


If you would like to make a donation to a missionary work, The Covenant Center will receive offerings and send those to the designated mission.  To donate, follow the links below to our online donation page or mark the amount on our regular offering envelope.

Visit the Give page

Short Term Missions Trips:


Israel 360 Trip 2025

Mah NIshmah?

That's Hebrew for "what's up?" Here are a few quick reminders for those of you interested in attending The Covenant Center Israel 360 Trip.  

ARRIVAL: Friday, November 22, 2025
Sunday, December 1, 2025

RESERVATION: Please contact our front office to submit your $100 deposit reservation as space is limited.

DESTINATIONS: Mount Carmel, Jezreel Valley, Megiddo, Sea of Galilee, Mount Beatitudes, Capernaum, Caesarea, Beit Shean, Jordan River, Tel Dan, The Dead Sea, Masada, Mount Moria, Temple Mount, Golgotha, The Garden Tomb, Shalom Center, Old City of Jerusalem, Wailing Wall, Holocaust Memorial, and more!

Be prepared for a deep spiritual refreshing, college level academic training, and action packed adventure!

long term missionaries:


Benny & Alexandra Humphries
Tarapoto, Peru

Benny is a graduate of Morning Star Ministries.  His mission, Deeper In Love Ministries, located in Peru, is to plant churches and educate and raise up a new anointed generation.  Every year, pastors come from all over Peru to be trained and equipped in La Victoria Village in conferences held by Deeper In Love.

Learn more at