
Distractions From Intimacy with God by Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

Distractions From Intimacy With God

I have a desire to spend time with the Lord and not only get to know Him, but to hear his voice and do what He is asking me to do. Even though I have taken more time to be with Him lately, I have noticed that my mind has been distracted from engaging in that intimate time.

Psalms 103:4 is a scripture which has been meaningful to me. “(God)Who redeems your life from the pit; who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion.” The word lovingkindness is hesed in the Hebrew and has significant meaning when it comes to God’s relationship with us. We have discussed in the past the importance of our covenant relationship with Him and the exchange process that takes place as our character begins to look more and more like Him each day. However, it does not mean that God shows kindness to us just because of our covenant with Him.

God not only loves us and is able to enjoy us, but it is because of His great love for all of His own creation. He even loves us when we have done something to break our relationship with Him. He not only redeems us but gives love, mercy and compassion to us. His hesed means He chooses to obligate Himself to us. He doesn’t wait for our self-improvement methods. He steps in and loves us regardless of how hard we are on ourselves.

We must realize the enemy wants us to choose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge instead of the Tree of Life. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil results in death, however the Tree of Life is representative of God’s life and creative power. Any distraction away from the Tree of Life keeps us from communicating with God. Seeing and hearing His voice becomes low priority when there are so many other distractions. The political arena, like having a new president with an accelerated agenda, watching the news, managing our own emotions as we listen to the opinions of men; while trying to pray and find His truth in all the communications can consume our time and energy.

There is a daily discipline in the many decisions we make. How do we bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ? Our televisions, cell phones, podcasts and other types of technology will distract us from intimacy with the Lord if we are not conscious of how and where we focus our time. The enemy will attack our emotions, thoughts, desires, and our fears… anything to keep our focus off the One who can bring us wisdom and understanding. Therefore, our counterattack is choosing to focus on loving, praying, and spending time with Him. We can even be distracted by studying His Word and focusing on gaining knowledge without understanding or relating to Him. This is a new era of choosing to focus on God and realizing how much He wants to love and communicate with us!

In His Covenant Love,







God's Lovingkindness and Compassion by Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

God’s Lovingkindness and Compassion

David begins to list some of God’s benefits, beginning in Psalm 103:4 with “Who redeems your life from the pit; Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion.” Many believers agree that the Lord has redeemed us from the pit, however there may be some hesitation to say that He is crowning us with lovingkindness and compassion. Many have been discouraged in the last few years with how people have been communicating in the media, the government, education, religion, family, friends, and business relationships. Trust has been challenging not only with people and organizations, but many have had their faith with God stretched to new levels, including me.

In order to receive some peace and joy I have had go back to the Scriptures and renew understanding of my covenant relationship with God. In the Hebrew, the word covenant is berith, which literally means “to bind or to fetter: a binding obligation.” It is the ultimate expression of committed love and trust and was usually made to define, confirm, establish, or make binding a relationship that had been in the making for some time. From God’s viewpoint this relationship begins when He created us.

The word hesed found in Psalm 103:4, is translated lovingkindness in the English translation. It is defined as a benevolent action on behalf of another, promoting and preserving life through relationships and faithful commitment.

Compassion is a deep emotional response on behalf of someone else. It is a response that finds its ultimate origination in the heart of God. He does not just show kindness to people He is in covenant with; however, He loves His own creation regardless of our rebellion. He still loves us because that is His heart.

As believers it is a wonderful reminder that God crowns us with hesed (lovingkindness) and compassion. Even though we may not understand or agree with what God may be doing in the world, knowing that He loves and obligates Himself to us will bring peace in a turbulent environment. His written Word also will bring comfort, even though it speaks of the good fight of faith, wrestling against the enemy, and the war of denying self.

You may run into non-believers or those who are discouraged to the point they just do whatever they want to. An explanation of what Jesus did on the cross and that God has desired a covenant love relationship with them from birth may make a difference. He not only created us to love, but He obligates Himself to continually seek us even when we do not reciprocate our love to Him.

Whenever my negative emotions take over my opinion of the world around me, I choose to have faith that our God who not only redeemed us but crowns us with hesed and compassion is in charge…even if I don’t understand His ways. I choose to trust Him!

In His Covenant Love,

Richard Maisenbacher

Richard and his wife Becky have been in ministry for over 45 years. Pastors and founders of The Covenant Center, they have also served as elders and board members of various churches, as well as facilitated numerous home groups and classes.

They are dedicated to bringing freedom and wholeness to the wounded and captive through covenant understanding, healing, transformation, restoration, and reconciliation. They desire to see each person trained, equipped, and activated to serve in the Kingdom as they walk in their identity in Christ, being strengthened in their gifts, fulfilling their destiny.  Richard and Becky encourage and support individuals to grow in relationship with the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, maturing in wisdom, holiness, character, and the prophetic.







"Make Room For Me" by Becky Maisenbacher

Make Room For Me

Since November, I have been looking forward to this Christmas. Reflecting on Jesus’ birth and the reality of this coming special season, I recently asked our Father if He had anything to share. Days passed without an answer, however, as I awoke this Monday morning to the sweet whisper of Holy Spirit I heard His voice, “Make room for Me. Tell My people to make room for Me.”

Immediately I saw in my mind’s eye Mary and Joseph as they wandered, seeking an available room to rest from their journey, only to find all lodging filled. How lonely it must have been searching and hoping to find a room. I’m sure they trusted God would provide for them, but where? We find in Matthew 1:18-20 and Luke 2: 1-20 the story of their journey and Mary giving birth to Jesus in a manger.

As I read the Scripture again and pondered this event, I once again, heard the Spirit’s whisper – “Becky, tell them to make room for Me.” I then laughed aloud, “Isn’t that like you Father, to share a simple, straightforward, uncomplicated, message so we all can relate and understand. However, it’s also true as Scripture states in Psalm 25:2, It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” Sometimes He allows us to grow in understanding as we explore with Him and hunt for truth. I have experienced heavenly dreams that took time to understand, but basically God has always spoken directly, succinctly, and truthfully. “Be careful. Don’t go in there now. Go this other way. Give a call to them. Text this message. Pray for them. Spend some time with me today. Isn’t this beautiful! Read this chapter and verse. I love you. I am with you. I delight in you. You’re going to be ok. I will help you. Follow My peace.”

You get the idea, because I’m sure you’ve heard His gentle guiding whispers in your life too. God is all about relationship and simplicity. I personally believe people have made knowing God a bit complicated, where we look to those instructing us more than we look to Him. It is wonderful to have clergy, teachers, and pastors to guide and comfort us, but the One who is closer than a friend, always available, who cares for us, comforts and loves us, desires to guide us in this life and help us is God our Father, Jesus the Son, and Holy Spirit. I turn 75 this Spring and choices I made early in life without consulting Him were not very fruitful, in fact some were devastating. However, the choices made while spending time with Him, developing a relationship with Him, and asking Him for guidance and truth have led to some of the best choices of my life.

The Gospel is naturally supernatural! When we search for Him we will find Him. He delights in you and desires to be known by you. He is asking you to consider making room for Him now and in this New Year 2025.

You may ask. “Where do I start?” Ask Him to come into your life and make Himself known to you. Keep a journal and write down impressions or thoughts. Talk to Him and transparently share your heart with Him. Read His word. Studying His word will help you become familiar with His voice. Enjoy the peace you will find in His presence.

May I also submit to you a few foundational Scriptures that have guided me in life. I hope they bring truth to you too.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.

“The second is this. Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measured you use, it will be measured to you.” Matt. 7:1-2

“Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Deut. 5:16

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6:7-8

Therefore, you are without excuse, every man of you who passes judgment, for in that you judge another, you condemn yourself; if you who judge practice the same things.” Romans 2:1

It is not that we acquire the sins of others when we judge, but judging others does condemn us to blindly continue in the same sin or poor choices, missing the mark and causing us to be unavailable to God’s grace and healing.

The wonderful simplicity of His kingdom is when we realize our lack, we can come to Him and ask for His forgiveness, once again being placed in right standing with Him.

As we’ve entered not only a new season but also a new era, let Him find room and lodging in your heart so this coming year will not only be the most peaceful, but also the most joyful as e maHeHe makes Himself known to you. His Spirit is speaking: “Please make room for Me.”

Merry Christmas to you and family and blessings for the New Year!

In His Love,

Becky Maisenbacher

Becky and her husband Richard have been in ministry for over 45 years. Pastors and founders of The Covenant Center, they have also served as elders and board members of various churches, as well as facilitated numerous home groups and classes.

They are dedicated to bringing freedom and wholeness to the wounded and captive through covenant understanding, healing, transformation, restoration, and reconciliation.  They desire to see each person trained, equipped, and activated to serve in the Kingdom as they walk in their identity in Christ, being strengthened in their gifts, fulfilling their destiny.  Richard and Becky encourage and support individuals to grow in relationship with the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, maturing in wisdom, holiness, character, and the prophetic.












A Blessed And Joyful Thanksgiving - Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

A Blessed and Joyful Thanksgiving!

In my Key Word Study Bible Psalm 100 is described by a bold print heading: All Men Exhorted to Praise God (A Psalm for Thanksgiving).

Psalm 100:1-5 “Shout joyfully to the Lord all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. Know that the Lord Himself is God. It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving, And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him: bless His name. For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting, And His faithfulness to all generations.”

Psalm 100 is a praise song. Everyone and everything is encouraged to offer thanksgiving to God. Although with today’s culture, the politics, and the enemy causing turmoil on the earth, it seems way more challenging to be thankful. Once we take our eyes off the Lord, we become aware of many problems which can have a major influence on our perspective.

To be honest, focusing my faith on the Lord, staying in prayer, and giving Him thanks changes not only my thinking, but what and how I speak. In essence, it affects my behavior. When we look at all Job went through, after processing the challenges and events in his life, one of his final confessions and revelations found in Job 42:2 declares: “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”

Even though Thanksgiving with turkey and dressing may not be a biblical holiday, and life’s discouragements can be overwhelming, the concept and scriptures emphasizing thanksgiving are definitely from God.

So Lord, we thank You that You are King of the Universe and in covenant with us. You know an understand the many daily decisions and events that surround us. I give all my concerns and receive Your peace. I choose to trust You today and give You praise for Your goodness, knowing You are with me and walk beside me.

Happy Thanksgiving and join with me in this song of Praise!

In His Covenant Love,

Richard Maisenbacher



Did Your Power Go Out? by Nicole Welch

Nicole Welch

Did Your Power Go Out?

This is the whole thing about Christianity. We Floridians really get it because when a hurricane comes the number one question is, “Did you lose power? Do you have electricity?”

Electricity expresses itself in different ways. We have lights, some electric cars, some phone chargers, refrigerators, (you get the picture). They look different as the life force of electricity is flowing through it, but it is the same source.

It looks different for each person in various situations. It's going to look different when you need peace; it’s going to look different when you need to raise the dead. It’s going to look different when you need contentment, but the source of it all is the same power of electricity -  Holy Spirit.

Jesus didn’t say it’s tough living this life as a Christian - He said it was impossible. We were never supposed to do life without Him. Apart from Him we can do NOTHING! (John 15:5).

Just picture yourself as a hot cup of water and Jesus is the delicious flavorful, sweet smelling tea bag that is dropped into your boiling cup. “I can do all things through Christ who infuses His strength into my colorless and tasteless life.” (Philippians 4:13 msg).

Apart from Christ, you cannot do anything that pleases God because He is the originator of everything. Batteries are for a battery powered flashlight; gasoline is for a gas empowered car. That is what makes it go.

The word says, “He breathed His Spirit into Adam… Man was made to run on the Holy Spirit, and He is telling you today as you read this - “Fill up and GO!” (Matt:28:19-20).

The time of teaching and training will never end, but now is the time for deployment. Many are being filled up with the true source of life and being sent out to GO! Anything that is not produced from that source is self-works.

So now we can do things, not just from an “I'm trying really hard!” but from a whole different kind of source. The secret is learning how to embrace the season you are in and to live out of a different power source, especially for what is coming..

We need to be prepared to rely on the Holy Spirit to keep the lights on and the refrigerator running. We will feed the needy and be a light to all the darkness surrounding us. Your heart is needed for this very hour! You were made for this very moment to shine.

Nic Welch

Grab a copy of my latest book on Amazon!,

Nicole is a consultant, podcaster, author, public speaker, world traveler, therapist, wife, mom, and loyal friend (also very intense and fun). Her authority lies in living from your true God given identity, communication skills, and leadership. She has major superpowers in creating powerful people by connecting quickly, influencing deeply, and achieving more in every encounter.







God Is Preparing His People For Victory by Becky Maisenbacher

God Is Preparing His People for Victory

Recently on October 24, 2024, I awoke late in the morning (10:15am) after a deep, restful sleep. I was an observer in the following dream, which was so joyfully intense and filled with symbolism that I knew even in the dream God was speaking, and I did not want to wake up.

The dream began as I was stood a high school hallway. Cheerleaders lined the hallway as they clapped and hopped up and down with open arms and anticipation. I could sense the excitement and expectancy of the young people and their preparation for what appeared to be their championship football game. As I watched the many people, young and old, meandering back and forth in the long hallway, I began to sense ground vibrations and a thunderous sound like the pounding hooves of a thousand horses running in a pack. As I waited and watched - the Team, a massive number of students, appeared.

The high school football team was dressed in black and gold uniforms, marching together in a mountainous huddle – heads down, helmets touching, and arms interwoven; they appeared like a massive mountain of young men slowly moving through the hallway. They were strong and powerful, advancing as a single-minded unit, totally linked together, hearts prepared, ready for battle, and expecting victory. You could not see their faces, only the outline of strong and powerful athletic bodies leaning into one another. I was taken aback by the strength, power, and deliberate strategic movement and unity as they advanced.

As they finally exited the building heading for the field, a long procession of supporters formed. The cheerleaders followed, cheering excitedly in anticipation of the victory. The dance team quickly gathered in formation, followed by the band, coming into alignment and marched in step. The cheerleaders and band members were also in a colorful array — beautiful, deep, bold red.

After all the participants had passed through the hallway, I looked to my right. There was my now-deceased mother, also in a red cheerleading uniform, calmly walking through the hallway behind the youth. Her gaze expressed determination like a set assignment she was there to fulfill. She did not look to the right or left. She looked forward to the young people as they exited the building. She was set on the path laid before her.

As I prayed and asked the Lord what He desired to share regarding the meaning of this bright, joy filled, technicolor dream, I knew it was important to study and define the following which I submit to you for reflection.


High School: Spiritual training to go into the high places with God. Promotion from the elementary things and junior levels, into a higher realm of understanding.

Hallways: halls represent the passage of time, transition or journey into the unknown; self-exploration the beginning of a new life path; spiritual enlightenment, emotional healing, physical or mental passage into new opportunities.

Football: exclusive team sport for manly men, expect a great deal of opposition, forceful contact, protective gear or equipment is worn, competitive, recreational entertainment. America’s favorite pastime.

Team: fellow workers, a group that is organized so they can produce, work together; fellow workers.

Cheerleader: competition and victory, offer more praise and encouragement to people “cheer them on.” Self-confidence in leadership, a person of high self-esteem. It is time to take more positive actions. John 16:33.

Mother: church; Jerusalem; charity and love; comfort; Holy Spirit; kind; gentle; giving; nurturer; natural or spiritual mother; teacher. Eve is the mother of all living. Ge 3:20.

Black: dusk, moved with passion; midnight hour; formality; elegance; wealth; mystery...

Gold: represents the glory of God and divinity, the angelic realm, golden splendor, spiritual guidance, to taste heavenly; vessel of honor; glorious riches; high standard; golden touch of success; enlightenment.

Red: the Spirit of the Lord, Isaiah 11:2; anointing; power; prophetic anointing; 1 John 5:6; prayer; evangelist; thanksgiving; the blood of Jesus; Jesus healing blood atonement; suffering, a sacrifice for sin; passion; emotion; strength…

Ten - Yad: pastor; law and order, Ex 20; government; restoration; nature; trial; testings and responsibility, Mt 25: 1-13, 28.

Fifteen: energy of the divine Godhead’s grace; deity; rest; mercy; resurrection in glory; freedom or delivered from death; bride of Christ; reprieve; pardon; restoration. Is 38:5, Ga 1:18, Lk 3:1-6.

Young (youth): youth are in the early or undeveloped period of life or growth where they lack experience but have a fresh juvenile vigor to begin anew in many areas. They have a fresh outlook on life believing they are invincible and that nothing is impossible. You may need to adopt a more youthful view of life, as you have stopped taking chances and do everything in safe mode.

What is God saying:

I realize this dream speaks to me, but I believe it also has a message for you and God’s body.

God is taking His church into a new era, transitioning each person into what may appear to be the unknown. He is taking them into a season of spiritual self-exploration, which may result in a new life path or spiritual elevation. Experiencing His revelation and enlightenment, emotional and spiritual healing will appear, bringing physical, mental and spiritual passage into new opportunities and understanding.

In this reformation He desires to clothe His Church in His glory, with the spirit of understanding, power, prophetic anointing, prayer and thanksgiving. He is refreshing, invigorating, unifying, strengthening, and renewing a healthy, youthful, energetic body that moves forward in power by His grace. As they have learned to walk in Godly authority, understanding He is their life source, they move with one mind, vision, and focus, gaining victory over oppressive and forceful opposition.

He is organizing His body to recognize the importance of their positions. Some are wearing protective head and body gear for offensive and defensive contact (His armor), while others are being positioned to support and cheer on His people, offering praise to Him and encouragement, building up each other in the faith as they daily walk out their calling. They are His hand extended, through positive, divinely appointed actions and assignments, touching a world in His name.

They are well trained, moving forward in strength and power, working together for one cause – the case for Christ and victory over the enemy. Those who have gone before and now walk in heavenly places are prayerfully focused, with their eye on the youth or young in the Lord, continuing to pray and intercede as Jesus oversees the continued growth and development of His Church.

The Ecclesia – the Church, is being refreshed and trained anew to walk into their finest days of victory by His grace, as they learn to move together as one force, One Team, rather than competing against each other. Their unity, as they grow in their respect for one another and their gifts and callings, will bring not only a greater release of His presence and anointing; but also greater strength and power, as He forges them into a mighty team, thrusting them forward to victory over the impeding darkness.

We are living in extraordinary times and God is not caught unaware. He has a plan and continues to love, expose, release truth, train, equip, and build His Body.

“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” Matt. 16:18

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

 These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace, in the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

Let’s pray: Father, may your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us heightened discernment to understand and know what is of you and what is not - what is holy to you and was is profane. Help us remember that all that glitters is not gold. Guide us in the alignments and covenants we make in the coming days, that we may stand together and support one another in your love. May you continue to build your church and body in your strength and power. Thank you that your love never fails and you reign over all the earth.


**Definitions are taken from Dr. Barbie Breathitt, A-Z Dream Symbology Dictionary,©2015, Barbie Breathitt Enterprises, Breath of the Spirit Ministries, Inc. Lake Dallas, Texas,  



There is Destiny in Reformation by Richard Maisenbacher

October 20, 2024
Dear Covenant Family,                           

Our hearts and prayers are with you as we recently experienced Hurricane Milton in Central Florida. The storm brought challenges for many, and we are thankful that those in our community are safe. 

We want to keep you updated on what has transpired since the building closing and a vision for the future.

After sorting through the TCC property and making several donations, this week, as of October 20, we finished moving equipment, supplies, and materials to storage. After twenty-six years of life as a community, this has been no small feat. We are grateful to all who assisted. We also thank our Covenant Family for your patience and prayers and for hanging in there with us during this challenging transition. We know it has been difficult for many of you, too.

Even with limited prayer time due to the busyness of the building closing, we have continually sensed His presence and experienced miraculous provision. We received generous offerings that covered our moving expenses and monthly storage facility payments. God’s hands have been actively overseeing this move. He is faithful!

We are grateful to each of you who have continued to provide financial support to help preserve the ministry's ongoing aspects, such as our online School of Ministry, CovenantU, website, License and Ordination certification, Missions, Prayer and Intercession.

It was brought to our attention that our website's “Giving” button stopped working for a few days. We apologize for any inconvenience, and it should be functioning correctly now. In addition to giving online, you can continue sending donations to The Covenant Center, PO Box 524, Lakeland, Florida 33802-0524. Thank you for helping us continue to train, equip, and release His people into the world. God bless and keep you and your family always!

It is great to hear of the many activities, home groups, and outreach taking place as you release your gifts to those around you. You are the ecclesia/church releasing His kingdom.  

 Reformation of the Church
The church at large is in a Reformation. God is purifying His body, pruning, and reorganizing it. As a prophetic community, we have anticipated this season, but it is still a bit shocking when it happens and looks different from what we could perceive or understand. 

When you give your heart to the Lord, it is for eternity. We do not choose our life and destiny; it all lies within Him. Every day, we wake up pursuing His heart - to know Him, His ways, and what He desires for us in service. This will never change, and He has taught us there is no retirement in His kingdom. 

He is not done with The Covenant Center family; He is “reforming” what we look like. In our midst, He has been building an apostolic center that houses the five-fold ministry working together, training, teaching, developing giftings, establishing the Tabernacle of David, honoring and serving one another, hearing His voice, and understanding His ways. We have been growing together to build and activate His plan.

We have been a salvation center, training center, halal center, creative arts center, prophetic center, worship and prayer center, counseling center, healing center, spiritual hospital center, evangelism center, outreach center, benevolence center, missions center, market-place ministry center, fellowship center, while teaching adults and our children in their gifts to know and hear God.

The Second Phase: Apostolic Center
As our prophetic words convey, we have moved into the second phase of The Covenant Center. God is developing a Kingdom House as He continues to create and build an Apostolic Sender Center. He placed the five-fold ministry gifts within our TCC family, functioning in our community without competition. Every person is called to develop their gifts with training, moving to a place of release for Kingdom service. When you take CovenantU classes, the last course is designed for you to develop and build the vision God gives you. Everyone in His Kingdom is valuable, and everyone has gifts to release.

TCC as a prophetic center has been a prophetic sender, and now a prophetic revelation will usher in new apostolic understanding. God is bringing new apostolic revelation. Apostle is defined in the Jewish Dictionary, “Apostle and Apostleship, by Kaufmann Kohler, “to send,” (Apostle, Greek ἀπόστολοσ, from ἀποστήλλειν, "to send, a person delegated for a certain purpose.” ( In Acts 13 Paul is a prophet at the church in Antioch and certain prophets teach. Then Holy Ghost spoke and said, “Send Paul and Barnabas,” Acts 13; and by Acts 14 they were sent. In Acts 13 they are prophets. By Acts 14 they become apostles. The only difference is they were sent. The apostolic often downplays the prophetic; however, it is the prophetic that reveals the apostolic. It is not the apostolic that reveals the prophetic. God will continue to bring greater clarity regarding the apostolic revelation in the coming days.

What’s Next - The Timing of The Lord
As you share your spiritual gifts by exhorting one another, laying down your life for each other, and helping one another as needs and challenges arise, you become the hand of Jesus. This is what God has said that He wants. As we enter this new season and era, we want to continue to help you develop the vision and plan God is giving you. You may assist a neighbor or travel to a distant land. Whatever your vision and calling, It is time for many of you to attend to the focus or desire within your heart. His timing is always perfect.

One challenging aspect of Kingdom transition is waiting for His plans. Jesus is the Master Builder, and He builds his church in steps: He gathers people to Himself, forms, appoints, commissions, trains, and sends them into the world (John 17:18).

We wait for Him to bring the plans for this new second phase, just as He built the first phase. In the coming days, we will see Him giving assignments, vision, and plans to various faithful individuals and groups. He will establish numerous outposts and apostolic centers. When He builds, it is established. So, as much as we would like to bring comfort and say we know the way, we want His way and will wait for Him to establish the plan.

I hope you will be enlightened by His vision as He continues to build, not only for us now, but for future generations to come. We are so thankful for you! Your continued love and support, standing beside us in His grace; your faithful prayers, and patience have undergirded us for twenty-six years. How grateful we are for our Father who brought us all together. Only He could build this beautiful multi-age, multi-talented, multi-gifted, multi-cultural family. And as we stated in our first letter to you – “Stay tuned! There is more to come!” 

In His Covenant Love,

Richard and Becky Maisenbacher






The Feast of Tabernacles - Oct. 16-23 - Richard Maisenbacher

The Feast of Tabernacles – October 16-23

Exodus 23:14 says, “Three times a year you shall make a festival to Me.” Those three times are 1) Passover 2) Pentecost (Shavuot) 3) Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot or the Feast of Booths). The harvest was over, they no longer needed to toil in the fields. They could now rest and rejoice at the fruit of their labors!

Sukkot is the Hebrew word that also means booths. They are temporary shelters for the wandering in the wilderness. They are looking back as God is reminding them of their wanderings and unbelief and how He met their every need.

Our English translation of Sukkot is Feast of Tabernacles suggesting the connection to the Tabernacle. A sukkah is just a tent. It is not like a Tabernacle. The sukkah is designed to be temporary while the Tabernacle represented the permanent place of God’s presence. God’s image is tied to His visible presence among His people.  So, in the tent when David needed to run and hide, he knew where to go. He went to God’s tent where he felt God’s presence. The temporary sukkah tent was the shelter representing the tabernacle that God provided for His people in the wilderness.  

Jesus it the ultimate tabernacle in our hearts! He doesn’t just give us life, He is our life, love and peace. The Feast of Tabernacles is about coming into the presence of God’s shelter where we can find His covering and care. Every year God’s people are required to remember His provision and protection; not just in the wilderness, but as a reminder of His continuing grace each year of our lives.

To see the faithfulness of God in the present is to experience a celebration that connects us with the same God who cared for all the freed slaves. I think He knows how we need reminders. He knows the chaos of the world and how we can be distracted from His grace and goodness.

You might not have gone into a booth or tent, but you may have memories of a tent when you went camping or fishing or if you were in the military and went camping during bivouac. Part of the purpose of this Feast is to remember that He is the Lord who brought us out of a house of bondage! Part of this festival is its’ emotional tone. This is a time of rejoicing in God’s goodness during the years of wandering. It is a time of undoing bitterness and complaining to focus on His provision and grace.

Even though the world seems to be in chaos right now it is a time of thanksgiving; when we as His body honor God’s fulfillment of His promises and we look forward to His redemptive process. Sukkot is a festival, which comes from the Hebrew word hagag (to feast). It involves dancing, celebrating, eating, leaping, feeling giddy, and making a pilgrimage.
Even though we presently are walking through challenging, even to some devastating circumstances, He wants us to choose to look to Him and find joy in His presence and celebrate! God bless and keep you!

 In His Covenant Love,

Richard Maisenbacher



An Update For Our TCC Family by Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

Dear Covenant Center Family,

Just an update for everyone. I know the closing was abrupt as we are also witnessing businesses, restaurants, even educational institutions and other churches closing. These are unprecedented times, and I know for many of you it has been difficult and some of you have shared the depth of your grief in the closing of our gathering place. We identify with you. This has been tough! However, God has built us all to be overcomers. He has imparted in each of us the ability to endure and persevere in difficult times.

During prayer, the Lord has been reminding me today of Moses in the desert with a vision of the Israelites circling round and round, only getting mana waiting on the Lord’s direction. As they hoped to get guidance and direction, they looked to Moses asking what are we doing out here? Holy spirit spoke to me, “Little did they know through their stress and uncertainty, I was teaching them to not look to man nor look to food or drink or clothing but to look to Me.” This is a deep to deep moment.

As a prophetic community it’s not unusual for God to use the experiences we walk through as a message to others who can see and hear His messages.  I think it’s important to learn from our forefathers during this time of waiting for the Lord, to be careful of what we speak or think. Even this morning Becky came to me and shared that the Lord opened her ears to hear the demons and what they were saying.

In this uncertain time of transition, not only for us, but also for the world, they are strategizing to entice the Body of Christ to become critical, judgmental, fearful, disillusioned with one another, to cause us to open the door to the destroyers. This is a serious thing.

1 Corinthians 10:10 – “Nor grumble, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the destroyer.” Verse 11, “Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.”

In uncertain times, in our humanity, it is easy to become fearful, critical, judgmental, even murmur or complain. This is an important scripture that I have referred to in our meetings, because I do not want you or myself to be destroyed. We know from our training that these choices open the door for the enemy to attack. We’ve come too far individually and as a community. We know too much of his ways to engage in fear, murmuring, or disillusionment.

So, I encourage you to hold fast to what is set before you. We need to be looking to the Lord and listening for His direction. He has actually given us all time to slow down, take time to be with Him and hear from Him as we prepare for the new year. In the coming days things will become clearer. But for now, as the Lord has spoken to me before in prayer, “Do what you know to do until I give you specific directions.”

We have been busy these past 3 weeks, organizing, storing, purging, packing, materials and closing out our building location. We received unexpected, specific contributions to pay for our monthly storage units and a contribution to help pay for the moving expenses. These were God gifts. Thank you and thank you Lord for all contributions.

For those who feel led to continue to contribute to Covenant Outreach Ministries, Inc. we appreciate it very much! We still will maintain our website with news, message posts, and Covenant U classes to help those licensed and ordained ministers and others to move out in whatever ministry God has led them to at this time. Or you may want to take a class to simply enjoy and grow in understanding of topics that may interest you. To have technology is to invest in technicians and we are thankful for ours. As much as our technicians generously give of their time, this is also their business. This will still take time and finances to continue our communication and training. Thank you all for your continued giving and investing in future kingdom builders!

LIdy and Susan will continue overseeing administrative communication, like, emails, prayer, counseling, accounting and finances. I will continue engaging with our Covenant U students, other ministry consultations, home groups and of course prayer.

I am personally waiting for specific directions for Covenant Outreach Ministries, Inc. We know retirement is not in God’s vocabulary, so we will be refreshed by this break, and even though transition is messy, we look forward to this New Year and His continued guidance and provision.

I thank God for you! Your love, support and dedication to His kingdom continues to be a great gift. Shana Tova and a sweet Rosh Hashanah to you and family!





Here Comes the Fall Feasts of the Lord - Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

Here Come the Fall Feasts

We find described in Leviticus 23, God's feasts or His appointed times of celebration and consecration. The Fall Feasts are a time when God wants His people to learn to rest in Him. Let’s review first: The Feast of Passover teaches about God's peace. The Feast of Pentecost instructs us on God's power and the Fall Feasts give understanding about God's rest.

Even though the 30 days (Days of Elul) before the Feast of Tabernacles were a time of repentance and reflection, they celebrated the final ingathering of the harvest whereby God blessed the people for the year. The fruit of the land had been harvested, so the people could now rest from their labors. It was a time of great rejoicing! They would celebrate and thank God in advance for the next harvest.

The Fall Feasts emphasized a rest with the Lord; however it did not necessarily mean to literally lay down and do nothing. Rest meant to continue to be intimate with Him, staying involved in the normal work of the Kingdom, while continuing with their occupation, family, study, prayer and ministry.

The dates for this year’s Fall Feasts 2024 are: 

Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) Beginning of the New Year - October 2-4th (Weds. - Friday)

Days of Awe -Include the 10 days from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur October 2- 11th (Weds. - Friday)

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) A Day of Fasting October 11-12th (Friday-Saturday)

Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles/Booths – October 16- October 23rd -(Weds. to Weds.)

God is working behind the scenes during this time of transition, restoration and reformation. I know during this Fall season God is going to move in a great way, increasing His harvest by transforming His people. This will also automatically have an impact on the seven mountains. I do not know how it will play out, but I still believe there is a correction coming to level out the playing field and begin to restore what has been stolen from His people.

We find in John 7:37-38 the words of Jesus included in John’s letter: “Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, ‘If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.’”

Enjoy the Feasts of the Lord and look forward to this New Year! “Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,” we thank you Lord! (Eph. 3 :20)

In His Covenant Love,




Preparation for the Ten Days of Awe - Becky Maisenbacher

Preparation for the Ten Days of Awe

Hello Covenant Center Family!

You may be experiencing visitations particularly during these few weeks as we approach the Ten Days of Awe, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur which begins October 2nd. For me personally, this year seems to be more weighted and sobering. There are many situations hanging in the balance both nationally as well as locally. There is an increase of angelic activity. God is surely visiting His people.

On 9-14-24 I was awakened exactly at 4am. 4 = Dalet; the gospel: four corners of the earth, global implications, the whole world, God’s creative works.

Then, this morning 9-21-2024, I was awakened at exactly 5am. 5 – Hay: life of grace, Lk 7:41-42, anointing, joining heaven and earth, favor, freedom, action, redemption, bold, spontaneous, daring, confident, nature, humanity, atonement, the hand, five-fold ministry of offices. Ephesians 4:11; five natural and spiritual senses, a need to develop more spiritual sensitivity; take a higher path to alter your destiny; complete, divine names of God; new song; miracle of multiplication.

I believe God is speaking to us. We are in a transition as He is preparing some of you for promotion. However as we know there is always a "death" before resurrection.

Our TCC family is processing their grief and what appears to be loss at the moment, as we presently had to relinquish our building; but God is taking each one of us into this new season and era, cleansed and prepared for what is coming this year.

Here is what I heard this morning, 9-21-24, so I submit it to you all. We are all in a time of preparation:

“With Rosh Hashanah approaching and the ten days of awe leading to Yom Kippur you are all in a time of testing and transition, as I will release assignments and “marching orders” for this new year to those who submit and surrender to My purging and cleansing. This is a holy time. A sobering time - so be vigilant and sensitive to My Spirit. This is a time to spend with Me as I release revelation, as I prepare and guide you into My plans for the New Year.”

You are greatly loved and cherished. Covenant is forever…


*Dalet, Hay definitions, Dr. Barbie Breathitt, A To Z Dream Symbology Dictionary, Breath of the Spirit Ministries,Inc.,©2015.



Stay Tuned! The Shift is Here!

Stay Tuned! The Shift is Here!

Dear Covenant Center Family,
This past Sunday was a very special gathering as we as a family and tribe worshipped, sang, danced, prayed and played our last moments together celebrating our King and His goodness in our Covenant Center building. For twenty-six years God has preserved and led The Center community and He will continue to do so. Every month was met with a miracle as we paid the monthly bills and sent out the checks to workers, missions as well as benevolence to the needy. It has been a glorious time serving with you and standing together to touch a world in His name. And it is not over! This month we are simply relinquishing the use of a building due to the inability to sustain the payments any longer.
I’m sure you have questions, so we trust this letter (sorry it’s a bit long, but lots of news and so much of His love and wonder to share) will give you insight as we transition from our current building location. Stay tuned!

First and foremost, the building to us has never represented the church. YOU ARE THE CHURCH! Please always remember your importance and dominion as a representative of His Kingdom.

Secondly, our intercessors, especially Kathy Johnson, whom I have constantly been in contact over the years as we sought the Lord with the Revelation Checklist of our Church – God has continually assured us that we stand in His will and design. The Lord has declared The Covenant Center lampstand is secured! There is not sin in the camp or any person(s) or other negative reasons why finances could no longer sustain us. You have been faithful as you have committed yourself to service to Him and our community. He is simply taking us all into the 2nd phase.

Third – We have been called many “labels,” but now we can tell you we as a family have been A School of the Prophets. If you have been assigned at some time in the last 26 years, God has sent you to The Center for prophetic training. He has never asked us to describe us as a training center for the prophetic, because as we know, declaring it only opens the door to those around the world to come when they are not called, and God our Father has always demanded that He will bring the people; He will assign them, and to always remember those who come belong to  Him not to us. He has never allowed us to once try to “collect” people or count numbers. This is His work, His community, His tribe, His organism – You will always belong to Him! He has simply joined us all together as Family to co-labor with Him and He has caused us all to be successful in training and equipping a generation to intimately have relationship with our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, to hear His voice and to learn to use the gifts of the Spirit with integrity.

John Paul Jackson once taught in his dreams and visions class that the prophet training is the most strenuous and taxing training of the entire five-fold including intercessors, and he concluded with John Sanford of Elijah House - the training takes a life-time. I hope this helps explain the purpose of those called and arriving at The Center who were often met with challenges after joining our family, because they stepped into their training calling and met the King and His stringent deep to deep work to first develop the character, heal the wounds and purify the servant to be prepared to carry His presence into the land.

We have literally had thousands come through our doors, as they have been confronted with the choice to train, serve and work on their character and prophetic training. To some they said, this is “nice” but it’s not for me. Others would say, “Well, I like this, but can I take some of this with me,” and others have come and recognized “What is in you is in me. I have to be in this all the time. Can I join you?”

We have talked about entering this new ERA and we have discussed seasons and the new season we have entered. We are a family of Seers and Nabi prophetic people, so we know that many of you by the Spirit have known something was up or changing. Good for you and well done.

Our antennas should always be leaning into Him and alerted to His activities as He wants us to be aware and prepared for the future, so we can always ask, “Lord, What do I do with this important information? Pray, or share? Take action? Some of you have been trained like stealth fighter pilots, others as uncover agents or you may be sent out as reconaissance - all in His army to serve. We commend you for staying your course in training with Him and holding the line. Well done!

Now to Answer More Specific Questions and Answers:

- We are not going “away,” we are in transformation to a new body structure.
We are not retiring. Richard and I in our time seeking the Lord regarding “retirement,” received His replay years ago as He declared, “There is no retirement in My Kingdom!” That was funny Lord! We signed up for eternity as you have also, so we will continue to serve as He changes us from glory to glory. 

- We are all stepping into the NEW structure of the church (body of Christ) and He will begin to unfold what it will look like for each of you. As a forerunner family it is not a surprise that He is revealing His future plans for the Body of Christ, for all to see, as a prophetic image of what God is working not only in us and the shift in our community, but the entire church body at large. Remember, He always speaks to His prophets and tells them ahead of the action. And often uses their experience as a visual message to the world. Whew - I sure am glad we are not called like Isaiah the son of Amoz to walk around naked for three years as spoken in Isaiah 20: 2-3. Thank you Lord!

 Here are a few points to remember–

 - Your certification licensed or ordained certificates through TCC remain active. All class records, training records, Covenant U records will continue to be maintained, just not in our present building.

- Our online presence will continue; however our title or branding may look a bit different. Our 501(c)3 corporation is actually listed as “Covenant Outreach Ministries.” This has always been our heart to train, equip and send out. Isn’t it amazing that we were directed to declare our corporation as “Outreach Ministries.” We believe we are entering the second stage of our TCC Family taking Him to the streets, developing future plantings with you who have trained and are well prepared for your heavenly assignments.

Be watchful for title changes possibly regarding our FB feed, private TCC community for connection, prayer needs and directives and possible website title changes, etc. We want to remain in contact with you and be of continued service and support to you. Activities and messages will continue as we walk together through this shift. We will advise you as it all unfolds lead by His Spirit. Again, please stay tuned..

I shared on Sunday, remember Kim Clement who traveled the world, shifted to an online streaming content in his entitled “Den” and reached a world with his teachings and prophetic training. Richard will be in prayer and await our Lord’s leading for these future steps.

- Covenant U online school will remain active for continued training,  Our courses are transferable to a regionally accredited university -SEU.

- Your offerings and/or tithes are still important for management of our online presence, records storage, continued training and communication. We are thankful for all our technicians who keep communication lines working as well as managing Covenant U. You can still send your gift to our PO Box and our website “Giving” button will still be functioning. Address: The Covenant Center, PO Box 524, Lakeland, Florida 33802-0524. We thank you so much for your continued support and prayers.

Time for the Butterflies to Fly - God’s Amazing Confirmations –

As we find ourselves in the preparational time before Rosh Hashanah, we have learned that this is always a time of reflection and repentance, as we prepare our hearts to be found faithful, purified and prepared to receive His fresh assignments as we walk into the New Year. What an amazing time for God to come and let us know the second phase and shift is here for us. This is not loss – this is victory!

In the last 6 months it has been evident that God was beginning a shift in our TCC Family. He is the God that opens doors that no man can shut as well as close doors that no man can open. The angels have been very active and His beautiful presence has been very weighted. As we sought Him for direction, I was impressed to contact several of our intercessors to please seek Him and let us know of anything they receive. Months passed without special insight or direction other than, “Keep going forward. Keep doing what you know to do.” Finally, this past week, Richard came out of his prayer room and shared that it was time to close the doors of our building we no longer could financially sustain.

Now, I must add that the sweetness and love of God for His servants can leave you breathless as He confirms His plans and orchestrates the movement of His people. Remember He is the Great Maestro and King of the Universe. As of this past Sunday morning, September 8th, we literally stepped out our frontdoor preparing to head to The Center knowing this was our last physical gathering in this building – Twenty Six years together sustained by you all and His mighty hand.

As I opened my phone and looked at the text, one of our intercessors Judy Ehlenbach, sent the following message she received in prayer on September 3rd. I share this with you to encourage you that you are secure in His plan for you. We are all secure in our future service to Him.

September 3, 2024 received by Judy Ehlenbach –
The blessings of the Lord are and have been over you.

There is a new transition upon you, some might say, “Oh no.”

Trust Me for I know what I am doing.

There are seasons and changes. Many changes are uncomfortable, BUT
his is ME, the Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Each of them had many seasons and steps in their walk with Me that
through their faith in ME, not their circumstances, they thrived.

Fear Not. This is the closing of 1 door to open 100 more. What might seem sad
simply is a new beginning.

Like a child being born the baby leaves their precious mama for a new life,
with many open doors and opportunities.

 The Lord is greatly pleased with your obedience for decades. Covenant Outreach
was a healing, teaching and safe haven for all who walked into the doors.

 Now it is time for a completely new beginning.

 It will be a beginning of rest and stepping back. It is time for the beautiful butterflies
to fly away.

 The cocoon is no longer to be their safe harbor.

 It is time for their beauty to touch the nations. They ALL are stunningly beautiful!
And it is their time to fly.

The blessings of the Lord are upon each one. They are My beloved sons and daughter,

as are you and Richard.

Fear not, this is ME. Some might say, “You didn’t’ do this,” or “You didn’t do that.”

Do NOT listen for I the Lord am doing this.

Doors close. Seasons change. It is ME. Fear not when the door closes.

I will lead MY people! My love will go before each of My children
for I the Lord love you with an everlasting love.

Blessed is the Name of the Lord.  Judy E.

 I’d like to pray with you as we prepare for Rosh Hashanah and launch into the New

We thank you Father for Your faithfulness and perfect timing of Your word. You are never late or early. You are always on time. We give you praise for these twenty-six years together and we as a family now receive the new assignments to accept your call to the Nations. Whether in a word to family or friend, a letter or email, a blog post, a podcast, a social media post, a video, a book or training manual; during a neighborhood walk, downtown, at the beach, in a store, buying groceries, in their travels, in their dreams, in a home group or home church, It is time for your prophetic people to hear your voice, activate their gifts, surrender to Your will, obey, take action and touch a world in Your name.

We thank you for every person who has walked through the doors of the building you provided. We thank you for the psalmists, musicians, artists, writers, and all creatives you have sent to share their gifts and skill training with us. We praise you for the connections you have built as You formed us into a Covenant Family. We thank you for teaching us the importance of covenant, and the connection of being not only one of Your many families but being a part of Your amazing worldwide Body. How good it is for your people to dwell together. And most of all Father, we thank you for Your amazing Love and Your presence that breaks every yoke and heals every heart. Your love is truly amazing and a gift to all who choose to receive You. Now we look forward to Rosh Hashana and the New Year as we enter this New Era and New Season. May your perfect will be done and may You always be glorified in Jesus’ name.

Again, we love you and thank God for you. Stay tuned!

Our trust is in our God not in buildings or materials things.

Shields up and Onward! Let the New Year begin and His Kingdom reign.

 In His love,

Becky and Richard Maisenbacher









Elul And Fall Feast Preparation

Richard Maisenbacher

Elul and Fall Feast Preparation
Elul is the Hebrew month before the Fall Feast which begins October 2nd, 2024 with Rosh Hashanah. It is the last month before the beginning of the New Year. Elul is an acronym for “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.” (A verse from The Song of Songs 6:3) It is a time of drawing close to God and increasing our intimacy with Him.

During this month you may feel an energy shift. This is a serious time of introspection, as we surrender to the work of Holy Spirit causing us to look more like Him. The shofar is blown each morning except on Shabbat, to awaken our soul and spirit as we prepare for this season of repentance.

Psalm 27 is read daily giving support as we continue our transformation process. Elul helps guide us to be honest with ourselves without guilt, shame, or harsh judgment. It helps us reflect and be truthful regarding our thoughts and behavior.

We look forward to the New Year as we flow in the gifts of the Spirit, enjoying the Tree of Life. In this time of contemplation and reflection, I suggest you take time to study, read scriptures, seek forgiveness of those times where you have missed the mark, and most of all enjoy His presence.

During this month God will make some decisions on what He will present to you in this upcoming New Year. If there was ever a time to be intimate with God in this covenant relationship that we have accepted, now seems to be the time, the month of Elul!

In His Covenant Love,


Addressing Anxiety - Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

Addressing Anxiety - Richard Maisenbacher

Negative circumstances in the world and in the U.S. are causing many to question God’s authority and/or love. If He really loved us, He wouldn’t allow this or that. Many have lost faith or trust that He has any control. On top of that the enemy (the spirit of fear) is totally agreeing and whispering those thoughts to us. The enemy is getting us to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil by desiring for us to know what’s good for me and what’s bad for me. As opposed to having a relationship with the Tree of Life (Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit).

In Matthew 6:25, “…do not be anxious for your life.”  That is easier said than done. Anxiety is being afraid of things that are not real, or things that might happen…what if thinking. I do not feel peaceful about here and now because I am worrying about what is to come. Anxiety discounts God’s promise to watch over us. It is disbelief. We might say or think to God, “I don’t believe what you promised.” Jesus knew that we would be afraid of being powerless over the future. However, He is still saying to trust in God’s promises.

He is telling us that anxiety comes from the illusion of control, and control can be destructive. Why be anxious? Because I have no control. I fear something I cannot prevent.

With fear I am going to try to control anything that threatens me rather than possibly find the reason I am afraid. We can’t say that our covenant relationship with God is most important, and then act in ways we believe can control our future, which we may perceive as chaotic. Jesus says we will serve God or ourselves.

He tells us to let anxiety go because it can cause us to serve two masters. Anxiety disrupts our ability to serve God because it convinces us that He is not in control. Then, if He is not in control then it is all up to us. We are not saying bad things can’t happen. They can and do. Jesus says we cannot provide for our future on self-reliance or self-control. The universe is not in my control. The enemy whispers that you can’t count on God. Take care of yourself.

Jesus says God is in charge. Align with Him. We do have complete control on how we respond to the universe. We have freedom on how we react. We may not understand what happens, but God knows this and He’s still in charge. Focus on His mind. Follow His Spirit. Even though the God who reveals also conceals at times (so that we can search it out…Proverbs 25:2). However, God loves us. We are in covenant with Him. Eat (have an intimate relationship) of the Tree of Life and trust Him.

In His Covenant Love,

God's Ways Are Higher - Pat Stark

Pat Stark

God’s Ways Are Higher

What I want to share with you comes from a long journey of struggle with God and His ways that have not always been my ways.

“He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel.” Psalms 103:7

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8,9.

My struggle with God’s ways being different than mine all began many years ago when I had cancer.  My pastor who was well known internationally and been used mightily also had cancer at the same time.  God spoke to me the words that one of us would be sacrificed for greater purpose. Because he was so valuable to the Body, I believed it was me and wrestled to surrender to God. As you can see, I’m still here and he is not, but it caused me to wrestle with something deep inside me regarding God’s ways and purposes that we often can’t see or understand. God also used scriptures like Isaiah 45 in the process.

The painful events of life can cause us to wrestle with things we have never struggled with before regarding God and his ways.

  • Things like when life doesn’t make sense

  • Like when believing for healing, but it doesn’t come

  • Like when there is a death and we were believing for healing

  • Like when we feel the scripture says one thing and God seems to do another

  • Like when we have “pictures” we have created that we felt lined up with scripture but they don’t come to pass the way we had thought

  • When God seems uncaring, silent, absent, or different and we feel confused, forsaken, and alone

  • Times when we are forced to ask with great sadness, “Who are you God? I don’t understand you.”

Oswald Chambers in his time tested devotional, My Utmost For His Highest,”points out:

There are times when God cannot lift the darkness from you, but trust Him. God will appear like an unkind friend, but He is not; He will appear like an unnatural Father, but He is not; He will appear like an unjust judge, but He is not. Keep the notion of the mind of God behind all things strong and growing…therefore you can rest in perfect confidence in Him.”

I’ve met with many people who have been unwilling to wrestle with all those uncomfortable feelings and they’ve just buried those emotions deep inside. Without realizing it, they have buried their anger and resentment toward God, but it displays through their feeling distant from Him, shut down inside, or with anger that comes out sideways, wounding others around them.

I used to shut down inside and then wonder where God was, and why He seemed so distant.  Then I realized that God hadn’t moved, I had just shut Him out by closing my heart. I’ve had to wrestle through some of my misunderstandings of God and scripture. Some of my interpretations were even correct, but my timing was wrong. How many times I had been driven by fear instead of trust in making decisions.

One was the timing of selling our house in New Jersey. God clearly said to put the house on the market in January of that year. But houses were selling slowly, and out of my fear, I talked my husband into listing it in November.  The house sold in 2 weeks. Between November and January housing prices increased by $30,000 and we lost out by having to accept November instead of January prices. Fear driven decisions are bad decisions.

God’s purposes are often higher than ours and His ways are often mystery, but we want to know, and that knowledge can be our trying to control things the way we want or need them to be. Without even realizing it we are eating from the wrong tree in the Garden.  The Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil instead of the Tree of Life (who is Jesus).  We often try to bring God down to our way of thinking, but He says, no, you come up here and see from My perspective. (Revelation 4:1) Even my prayers at an earlier time in life were to get God to do things in the way that seemed right to me. That way, Proverbs 16:25 tells us, is not life producing.

Surrendering to God’s ways first allows us to eat from the Tree of Life.  “God, what are you doing here, what are you saying?” When we have owned our fear and shared it truthfully with God and when we have truly surrendered it to God, not just with words or intellect, but through our fear, and from the will and heart, the result is always the same — His peace that passes our own understanding.

However coming to terms with loss of any kind, or the fear of loss, is so difficult. I believe it’s because we were originally created for the Garden and for delight, not for loss, and not for “deaths” of any kind.  Loss is not “natural” to us in the way God created us prior to the Fall of Man. That’s why we must learn to grieve our losses. 

Mourning our grief is God’s way for us to handle loss of any kind. We have to face the reality of our pain, allow ourselves to feel the hurt, and enter the struggle of our loss. We have to allow God to be our Comforter. We then walk through the loss and pain by holding His hand.  (Isaiah 43:2)

“Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their FEAR of death.”   Hebrews 2:14-15 NIV

There are many different kinds of “deaths” we can fear.

  • Fear of aloneness

  • Fear of emptiness

  • Fear of change or of the unknown

  • Fear of Loss of security which can include jobs, finances, relationships, our health and our loved ones health or even the fear of their wrong choices

 As I’m getting older and I’ve had to face the reality of approaching death myself, and I’ve come to view death very differently. I see death as an event on the journey of life much like a graduation or marriage.  I see it as a transition into a greater season, more than we could ever imagine or hope. However I often have to wrestle more to get to the place of surrender and peace with the present lesser losses.

We are already living in eternity according to Jesus.

“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” John 17:3 NIV

We can tend to think of life as life on this side of eternity and life on the other side instead of realizing we are already in eternity and are in the process of training for reining on the other side of the veil. Because of Jesus’ death,  our lives don’t end in death ~~ the next phase just begins and we get to cross over. But in the process there is a mourning of the old, a releasing and letting go. It requires us to walk through into unknown places, trusting God that he is enough to walk us all the way through.

Life on the other side of the veil is bigger than this small world. It is the fulfillment of purpose, not the end. It is the beginning of a season of living fully alive!


Pat Stark is the author of Born to Fly: Pursuing the Life You Were Meant to Live…Free; Lost Heart: A Guide to Living From Your Heart in a Broken World, and The Story of Life: The Life We All Try to Find,” available on Amazon, as well as The Covenant Center bookstore. Her message brings freedom and hope in the midst of a world of uncertainty. Her desire is to see people restored to who they were originally created to be before they were wounded by the hurts of life. She is gifted in dealing with root issues lying beneath the surface that have kept people trapped and unable to experience true freedom. Pat has worked with people for over 40 years in the area of deep spiritual and emotional healing. She is an ordained minister through The Covenant Center, Lakeland, Florida.


*Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan, c.1963, Oswald Chambers Publications Association, Ltd.



The Tree of Knowledge - Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

The Tree of Knowledge

There are many foundational truths derived from Genesis 2 and 3. We are given the freedom of choice which comes with consequences, accepting responsibility for sin, and understanding the two kingdoms and their nature. 

Genesis 2:9 states, “and out of the ground the Lord God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”  When God created the heavens and earth it included all the trees, but these two were particularly pointed out.

Genesis 2:16-17 says, “and the Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die.”

Now there was a result for eating from the wrong tree. Even though an actual physical death was not one of them, many consequences occurred in Genesis 3 when man decided to eat of the Tree of Knowledge. The serpent had a part to play in this test, but man ultimately was able to make the final choice.

The two trees in the garden represented a freedom of choice. The choice was to believe the Creator- God, or the creature- the serpent. Animals could obviously communicate with man in the garden, thus the set up for the lie occurred. Adam had already been involved in an intimate covenant relationship with God before eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge in Genesis 3. Afterward, because of disobedience the relationship was broken, resulting in many consequences.

In Genesis 3:6 it says, “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.” The serpent convinced Eve and Adam that there were some positive things that would happen if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge. It seemed that Eve believed that she could help God out and not have to bother Him with every little decision she had to make. Their eyes would be open so that they could have the ability to perceive when something was wrong.

It is not just the Tree of Good and Evil; it’s the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In the Hebraic it is the desire to know the difference between good and evil. So, the real issue regarding the Tree of Knowledge becomes my choice to decide for myself what is good and what is not good for me. If I can determine what is right and wrong for me, then I can control my ethics and morality. However, morality is a function of what God says is right. Making all my choices on what I think is right or wrong can easily lead me away from a relationship with God and having little if any desire for the Tree of Life and His Spirit. It cuts off the presence of God and His creation.

God has put in place many methods to be able to communicate with us: his Torah, his voice, visions, dreams, through counsel and teaching, gifts of the Spirit, through circumstances, a sensing, experiences, and other unique ways He may speak. He might tell us that we may make a particular choice on a matter, but it all comes from an intimate relationship of love and hearing Him. 

It seems we all have had an increase in battles and challenges lately, but choosing to seek Him first as opposed to making our own choices of what is good or bad for us from the Tree of Knowledge, is very important!


The Eye of the Needle Gate - Becky Maisenbacher

Becky Maisenbacher

I recently have been seeing what I call “spirit highlights” about God bringing a return in understanding of the fear of the Lord. Scripture instructs us that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10.

During prayer I have sensed His sadness and even grieving at times of how His created people view Him today. I believe some have separated Jesus’ words or full gospel to parts of the gospel that are palatable or “seem good to them.” I was directed to read the Book of Matthew once again. The documented words of Jesus, especially in Matthew, are lovely and encouraging as well as sobering. I encourage you to read through Matthew, especially through chapters 5-7.

We as His body have been through many wonderful seasons of grace and revelation. We have grown in understanding of His amazing Love, His great Grace, His desire to Heal, the expansion of Prophetic understanding and Intimacy to hear His voice. With each season, to some He has become a sweet and merciful Papa, or Abba, which He is;  but the fullness of God reveals He is also a God of War, a God of Power, Judgement, and Correction, which sometimes may look like vengeance, or retribution. How do we digest and comprehend more of the “Fullness of God?”

I personally believe He is coming to show and reveal even more of His character and ways in this season. It may in the future cause discomfort to some in how we see God. We know the earth is shaking, and It appears God is allowing, maybe even orchestrating the times we are in, as He is choosing to expose evil and corruption that is an affront to Him as Creator. He is here. He is Jehovah Shammah. He is ready to reveal Himself as Righteous Judge, which will continue unfolding in the coming days.

For the Lord is a righteous judge, and a God who has indignation ( irritation) every day. If a man does not repent, He will sharpen His sword. Prov. 7:11.

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31.

(2) The second word or phrase highlighted to me recently is, “The Eye of the Needle Gate.

There are many gates one can pass through in Jerusalem: Zion Gate, Damascus Gate, Jaffa Gate, Dung Gate, New Gate, Herod Gate, Golden Gate or Eastern Gate to the Temple Mount, and Lion’s Gate. There are also various opinions among biblical scholars as to whether the eye of the needle gate existed or was used by Jesus as an analogy or hyperbole. As I searched for evidence of the Eye of the Needle gate, it was heralded by some scholars as true while others suggested Jesus used a hyperbolic illustration.

Eye of the Needle Gate

Some scholars suggest, the "Eye of the Needle" was very real and that it was an extremely narrow gateway into Jerusalem. Since camels were heavily loaded with goods and riders, they needed to be un-loaded in order to pass through this opening, I wonder if as a young boy Jesus may have witnessed the small narrow opening where camels were daily unloaded and carefully accompanied through some of the very narrow passageways that still exist today in the old city. History tells us that Jerusalem experienced many battles and occupations, with walls and buildings being destroyed and rebuilt. I personally am inclined to believe Jesus retrieved from His memory the analogy of what He visually experienced as a young boy to teach and illustrate his point. I encourage you to research and let me know what you find.

In Matthew 19:24, Jesus talks to the rich young ruler. This young man is asking what else he needs to do to enter the kingdom of God, when Jesus answers: “If you want to be perfect (fully complete or an adult), go sell your possessions and give to the poor,, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then, come follow Me.” Matt. 19:21.

As we know, the young man goes away sad because he is extremely wealthy. Scripture is unclear if he ever came back, but we can hope that after pondering Jesus’ words, he chose to follow Him. The broader context of Jesus' statement seems to suggest that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter heaven.

Is this true? The rich are often more self-assured, and well off. They usually don't have to worry about having their basic needs met like food, shelter, or money. Therefore, they may not often think of eternity because they have been fairly comfortable on earth.

Jesus isn’t saying here that money is the root of all evil, but the love of money can cause destruction to man’s soul and destiny. After all, Job was a very rich man who God favored, and after his trials, God restored Job’s wealth plus much more. Being rich isn't a sin, and they are not spared from the pains of life; however, I have observed it can be more difficult for them to see their need for Christ.

Those with less, know experientially what it's like to struggle. It is often through our suffering we come to know God. It is in difficult times and challenges we begin to recognize our lack of self sufficiency and our need for a Savior.

Jesus makes an important point regarding this to His audience and followers: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. Matt. 6: 19-21.

Tim Hegg, of, summarizes in His commentary: “So did Yeshua utilize the hyperbolic illustration of a camel going through the eye of a needle to teach that it was impossible for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven? Yes, if we understand that he means a rich person who is trusting in his or her riches to enter the kingdom. And this is the point: There is only one way to enter the kingdom, to trust God fully, and to demonstrate trust by the acceptance of his Messiah and following Him.

I know this is a bit long, but as an intercessor, God often gives puzzle pieces one at a time, causing me to search out and find what He wants to share. I hope you’re enjoying the “hunt” with me as we put the puzzle pieces together. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2. One more highlight to go!

3) Thirdly, He brought to mind a word released at The Covenant Center during our June 2, 2024 worship and celebration meeting where the Lord called His people “gates:” Here is the word transcribed for you:

“The Spirit of the Lord is here speaking, this morning. As the drum roll began we could sense His presence marching into this assembly. Almost simultaneously, Angela, began streaming the silver banner declaring redemption. I then heard the Spirit of the Lord speaking. I’m sure you did also.

He is saying this is not a time of discouragement. I have been training you and preparing you for your entire life for these moments. I want to remind you to be sensitive to My Spirit. I have made you sensitive to My Spirit. For in these times more than ever, it’s going to be important for you to know when I am in your midst and when I am working. For I have not left you. And as I reveal my plans to you, watch as the wind blows. Watch as the Mulberry trees blow. Watch as I come in My majesty. For I am not just coming, I am here! I am here in your midst, and I am doing a great thing in the earth. Will you not know it? Will you not see it? For I have given you eyes to see. I have given you ears to hear. I am increasing your sensitivity and even the anointing level upon you, to those who would seek Me and stand with Me.

And then I heard Him say, “Declare Psalm 24,” the Spirit of the Lord wants to remind us all:

“The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. The world and all who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas and has established it upon the waters. Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in this holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to falsehood (lying or vainness) or swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from the God of his salvation.”

That’s why He’s been working in our hearts to purify us, for this time, to be standing before Him pure, to be able to serve and be sensitive to His will and His plans and desires.

And then He continued: This is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek your face oh God of Jacob.” And the declaration for the day, this morning , released by the  psalmist and musicians was:

“Lift up your head oh gates.” Each of you are one of the kingdom gates Covenant Center family! “Be lifted up oh ancient doors so the King of glory may enter.” Do you sense His weighted presence? He’s here.  

Who is the King of glory? The Lord, our Lord, strong and mighty. The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads oh gates. And be lifted up oh ancient doors. That the King of glory, our King of glory may enter! Who is the King of glory? He is the Lord of Hosts. He is the King of glory. Selah.”

 We praise you Lord. We thank you Almighty God, Elohim, Yeshua, Almighty God, Creator of earth and everything therein. We praise your name today and thank You for who You are. And that You are always working on our behalf and in our midst. Your plans go beyond any man’s plans. May Your will be done in our hearts and in the earth. We give you praise today and thank You for You are mighty. Thank You Lord!

Conclusion: So what am I saying this morning?

As the world continues to shake with His judgments and exposure, people around you may become more unsettled, searching, some for answers, maybe fearful, and you will have a word for them as Holy Spirit leads. The Lord whispered today to share with you - He has been preparing you, your entire life, to serve and be used in the earth at this time, in this season by Him. You are His people, trained to minister and be His hand extended to a confused and hurting world. The Spirit says: I have need of you ~ This is your time. Whosoever will….

And He summoned the crowd together with His disciples, and said to them, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what does it benefit a person to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” Mark 8:34-36.

In His Love,

Becky Maisenbacher




Reconciliation Father's Day - Bob Stark

Bob Stark

I think our tendency, as Western Christians, is that when reading scripture we tend to over spiritualize the stories and to jump to the conclusions we are looking for without really engaging in the story with our heart, and without asking the hard questions that make us uncomfortable.

Life is messy. Our lives are messy. And the lives of the bible characters were messy. And that's the point. With the exception of Jesus, they were just like us in many ways. They were stumbling through life, trying their best to follow God, yet they all lived in a very imperfect way. However, despite their weaknesses and struggles, God always had a plan of redemption.

God is big enough for us to ask hard questions….whether it be about the scriptures, or whether it be about our lives. In order to fully live, we need to fully engage with the scriptures, and to fully engage with life. We need to allow ourselves to look at things honestly, and engage with hard questions, and to wrestle with things that make us uncomfortable.

That’s actually a very Hebraic way to look at things, and is, I believe, the way that God would have us look at things. We are going to look at a familiar story, the story of the sacrifice of Isaac , with fresh eyes, and we are going to connect with the story with our hearts, not just our heads. To do this, we will refer to Genesis chapters 22, 23 and 24. Here’s what we know: God told Abraham to offer his son as a burnt offering on a mountain in the land of Moriah What we don't know is how Abraham handled this with Isaac….we don't know what conversations Abraham had or didn't have with Isaac leading up to this.

Let’s look at Genesis 22:1-19:

22 Now it came about after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” 2 Then He said, “Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you.” 3 So Abraham got up early in the morning and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him and his son Isaac; and he split wood for the burnt offering, and set out and went to the place of which God had told him. 4 On the third day Abraham raised his eyes and saw the place from a distance. 5 Then Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey, and I and the boy will go over there; and we will worship and return to you.” 6 And Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and laid it on his son Isaac, and he took in his hand the fire and the knife. So the two of them walked on together. 7 Isaac spoke to his father Abraham and said, “My father!” And he said, “Here I am, my son.” And he said, “Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” 8 Abraham said, “God will [a]provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” So the two of them walked on together.

9 Then they came to the place of which God had told him; and Abraham built the altar there and arranged the wood, and bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. 10 And Abraham reached out with his hand and took the knife to [b]slaughter his son. 11 But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said, “Abraham, Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” 12 He said, “Do not reach out your hand against the boy, and do not do anything to him; for now I know that you [c]fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” 13 Then Abraham raised his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him was a ram caught in the thicket by its horns; and Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering in the place of his son. 14 And Abraham named that place The Lord Will Provide, as it is said to this day, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”

Here is a question to ask ourselves at this point in the story: “What was that experience like for Isaac?”

15 Then the angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time from heaven, 16 and said, “By Myself I have sworn, declares the Lord, because you have done this thing and have not withheld your son, your only son, 17 indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your [f]seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand, which is on the seashore; and your [g]seed shall possess the gate of [h]their enemies. 18 And in your [i]seed all the nations of the earth shall [j]be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.” 19 So Abraham returned to his young men, and they got up and went together to Beersheba; and Abraham lived in Beersheba.

Can we put ourselves in Isaac’s place for a minute? How must Isaac have felt? Could this have been traumatic for him?

One of the most prevalent Midrash viewpoints on this story is that Isaac was so traumatized by this experience that he didn't come back down the mountain with Abraham and instead, he ran away. Where does this come from? Let’s look further.

What is Midrash? Midrash is an ancient Jewish/hebraic form of commentary which leads to raising questions in an attempt to cause us to look deeper into the text for clues that are intentionally left there by the writers.

The purpose of Midrash is discovery. It teaches us how to think, how to wrestle and discover, but not what to think. As compared to our Western biblical commentary which typically tries to answer questions through explanation or interpretation

Findings: Abraham, Isaac, and two young men journey from Beersheba to the land of Moriah to make a sacrifice. Abraham and Isaac go up the mountain for the sacrifice. Abraham binds Isaac and is about to kill him when the angel of God stops him. God gives Abraham a prophecy about his legacy. There is no mention of Isaac coming down off of the mountain with Abraham and returning with him. Abraham returns with the young men to Beersheba.

Let’s continue in Genesis chapter 23:1-2. Now Sarah lived 127 years; these were the years of the life of Sarah. 2 Sarah died in Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan; and Abraham came in to mourn for Sarah and to weep for her.

Abraham then returns with the young men to Beersheba. Chapter 23 opens with the death of Sarah (Abraham’s wife) in Hebron. The original Hebrew text in vs 2 implies that Abraham “came to” where Sarah had died to mourn for her. In other words, Abraham was not with Sarah when she died  Sarah dies in Kirath-arba which is about 25 miles north of BeershebaSarah dies 25 miles away from where Abraham was (Beersheba)  Why were they separated? What must this experience have been like for Sarah? What conversations did Abraham have/or not have with Sarah about this? There is no mention of Isaac at all in this chapter.

In Chapter 24 we see the story of Abraham sending his chief servant to find a wife for his son Isaac. We find Isaac in Chapter 24, verse 62: Now Isaac had come back from a journey to Beer-lahai-roi; for he was living in the Negev. 63 Isaac went out to meditate in the field toward evening; and he raised his eyes and looked, and behold, camels were coming.”

  • Beer-lahai-roi - This is the well that Hagar named when God met her after Abraham sent her away with Ishmael.

  • Well - “You are a God who sees me.” Beer-lahai-roi is about 50 miles south of Beersheba 

  • Meditate - the original Hebrew can be interpreted as “muse pensively.”

Why would Isaac go to Beer-lahai-roi? And why is he pensively musing?

  • Let’s now put this all together: God speaks to Abrahan and tells him to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering.

  • Abraham, Isaac, and two young men go from Beersheba to the land of Moriah to make a sacrifice.

  • Agraham and Isaac go up the mountain for the sacrifice.

  • Abraham binds Isaac and is about to kill him when the angel of God stops him.

  • God gives Abraham a prophecy about his legace.

  • No mention of Isaac coming down off of the mountain with Abraham and returning with him.

  • Abraham returns with the young men to Beersheba (presumably without Isaac).

  • Isaac is in a field, having returned from Beer-Lahai-roi (a well named by Hagar after being sent away by Abraham and Sarah, 50 miles from Beersheba).

  • Isaac is “pensively musing.”

Remember, this is about discovery, about wrestling with questions, not about trying to put a definitive answer to all of the questions.

So we have to admit what we don’t know, and not go too far to draw concrete conclusions, but I think there is enough here to say that not everything was perfect in this family, and likely there were some significant issues within the whole family unit. And it is very likely that this family has experienced some level of religious trauma as a result of these events.

So what do we do with this? We apply what we’ve learned here and we ask questions of ourselves: Have we experienced some type of religious trauma in our lives? Fathers: How many of us as fathers have done our best to follow God’s call on our lives, and have said yes to God as best we knew how, but in the process of us proceeding in an imperfect way, might have inflicted some level of trauma on our wives and children?

Maybe we went into ministry, and God used us mightily. But have we wrestled with the questions of “what impact has this had on my kids?” “What impact has this had on my wife, and our family as a whole?”

Have we allowed ourselves to ask these questions?

Have we asked this question to our wife, and children in order to get their perspective? Have we acknowledged our own “human-ness” in this equation and owned our mistakes in how we might have carried out our journey to follow God’s voice in our lives. This isn't to say that following God’s direction has caused trauma to our families, but that the way that we have walked it out may have. It begs us to have those honest conversations with our wives and children. Not to justify our actions, but to truly see them, and acknowledge our part if there has been hurt, and take whatever steps to ask for forgiveness and move toward mending the relationships.

The point here is that despite our best efforts as Fathers and Husbands to follow God's will and direction in our lives, the ways that we have walked this out have been imperfect at best, and our mistakes, no matter how well intentioned, may have led to consequences for the ones we love.

Children: How many of us as children have suffered trauma to our lives because of the imperfect way that our fathers have devoted their lives to “the ministry” in service to God?

  • How has that impacted our relationship with our father? How has that impacted our view of our heavenly Father? How has that impacted our relationship with our heavenly Father?

  • Has that caused resentment in relation to God?

  • Have we acknowledged that trauma as real, and how have we dealt with that?

  • Have we tried to speak to our parents about this?

The goal here is reconciliation. The goal is to “see” the impact of our decisions, and our actions on those we love….and own that in the fullest way possible… with the ultimate goal of bringing healing to our relationships.

Malachi 4:5;“Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. 6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and strike the land with complete destruction.”

It’s easy to look at this in regard to our society, but what about in our own household? It has to start with us as fathers, especially fathers in the church…

Bob Stark

You can watch this message at:

Bob Stark and his wife Anita are Ordained ministers and Elders in The Covenant Center. Bob dives into God’s word bringing wisdom, insight and truth to his messages and teachings. He has a heart for the hurting and wounded and a desire to see people prosper. Bob encourages others to develop a relationship with God which brings intimacy and guidance from the Father. He and Anita enjoy spending time with their family and grandchildren. An avid fisherman, Bob enjoys the open water and the discussion of lively fishing tales.

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Revelation Tidbits - David Weber

David Weber

Revelation Tidbits - David Weber

Recently I was directed to look back at the themes that were revelatory in my spiritual walk. These are themes the Lord brought to my remembrance. As we start out on our walk with the Lord we hear certain concepts and our understanding of them is limited. As we mature, we receive clarity and their deeper meaning begin to be revealed. Concepts like grace, faith, the Kingodm of God, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit are exceedingly deep, but the Lord is faithful to open our eyes and has helped me in my journey to uncover some of the deeper meanings that have brought greater intimacy with Him, as God’s loving heart and provision for us was revealed.

What is the Kingdom of Heaven - Kingdom of God as expressed in the Gospels particularly the Gospel of Mathew. We need a revelation of the supernatural power and authority of dwelling (living-operating) in the fullness of the Kingdom of God. Jesus spoke much about His kingdom and how we can apply it to our spiritual lives in this life.

There are two realms of authority on the earth. God’s Kingdom authority and Civil authority which are the governmental laws and cultural restraints of society.

Psalm 115:16 states: “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord. But the earth He has given to the sons of men.” God gave earthly authority to Adam, but Adam sold his authority by obeying Satan in the garden of Eden. Christ bought it back by His total obedience to His Father. He has granted that authority to us. It is our responsibility to actively through prayer, petition and declaration invoke God’s will and Kingdom expression to the earth in our personal realm of authority. Since God’s Kingdom supersedes earthly authority it is our privilege  and responsibility to supplant what we know is counter to the purposes of God through prayer, petition and declaration. When we pray: “Thy will be done, Thy Kingdom come” it is a command and is a powerful declaration that we enact over circumstance! The authority of the Kingdom of our Lord supersedes that of the kingdoms of this earth.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Jesus did not begin His earthly ministry until John the Baptist baptized Him and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. The Lord told His disciples to wait to “be baptized in the Holy Spirit” and “receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” Acts 5. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the activation of the Kingdom power through us! Without Him we operate in our intellect alone. It is available to every believer in Jesus, however many would seek it but often lack clarity on how to receive it. Jesus said in Matt:7:7-11 “Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives…what man is there among you when his son will ask him for a loaf, will give him a stone? Or if he shall ask for a fish he will not give him a snake will he? If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him.”

If you want God to baptize you in the Holy Spirit and you have asked for it, believe that you have already received it because God has given you what you asked for when you asked for it. You may have no cognitive indication, however it is an absolute truth that when you ask He will give it. The issue is what receiving looks like. Like the 120 in the upper room, you may have it manifest powerfully or so gently that you’d not realize it. The key is accepting on faith that God will do what He says He would do.  You must initiate doing the speaking in faith that He will give you the language. When you open your mouth to ‘try’ to speak in tongues you are acting in faith. The sounds might feel foolish like baby talk but the articulation will eventually come. Who among us began speaking anything but baby talk as a child. Why would we expect it to be different learning a new language of the Spirit?

Tongues pray the will of God for our lives and secure the destiny that pleases His purposes for us. God Himself makes intercession for us through the Holy Spirit as we speak in tongues. This is our personal prayer language and rarely do we have any idea what we are praying. This is distinct from the “tongues and interpretation” that is part of a prophetic gift. Every believer can receive it. I recall Lance Walnau who found himself engaged in a political meeting asking the lord “What am I doing here in this political thing when I am a preacher not a politician” The Lord answered immediately “But this is what you’ve been asking for when you’re praying to me in tongues!”. God speaks His mysteries through us to get us to His assignment for us!

Righteousness and Grace: How would you define Righteousness? As a teen I thought that when you become a believer God helps you to become perfect. I tried to be righteous by being perfect. Didn’t Paul say “be perfect even as I am perfect.” Reading that I became very discouraged because I knew that I constantly failed in many ways. Being a perfect Christian was an impossibility for me I discovered. Paul I later learned was saying “perfect” but a more accurate translation would be “mature” which releases us from the impossibility of perfection. Our sanctification comes from our obedience to God and is a lifelong process. In my immaturity in trying and failing I became so discouraged that I left the faith believing it to be impossible to please God. So I went from the ditch of legalism to the other ditch of lawlessness. I spent the next decade living without the guilt of constant failure but without the God of grace.

At the end of that decade I, like the prodigal son came to the end of myself and my emptiness and cried out to return to the Father. In my repentance I discovered grace. What I discovered is that God’s grace is an ocean! It is an inexhaustible sea. It is cleansing and restoring making us new again. His invitation is for us to just dive in!

Now when I am discouraged by failure I travel down to the sea in my mind and dive in. Christ has given us beach access! I discovered that only believing in the sacrifice of Christ was I righteous and it has been freeing because I am no longer condemned by my failings. I now define righteousness as simply being in right relationship with God which is by trusting in Christ alone.

I have found myself mistakenly thinking that greater significance is found in the Lord through ‘doing ministry’ which infers preaching or teaching or some other ‘pure’ spiritual calling. God has called us to our specific place and sees every destiny as significant if we are where He has set us. I am a farmer and have learned that the place that He has set me and blessed me is where I belong. Whatever we do, doing it unto Him is what pleases Him. God’s first and foremost command is to love the Lord with all of your heart mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself. Out of that love and obedience to what He reveals to you will come the true fruit in your life whatever your vocation. Then He will say “Well done good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest”.

Covenant: How understanding covenant changed my relationship with God. (He loves me unconditionally even when I don’t love myself) The covenant is between the Father and Jesus the Son – All of my striving to “to be a better Christian” can never earn my entrance. It is freely given. It is the Kingdom of God enacted!

For much of my teen years I was uncertain of my salvation because I never had that “felt experience”. It felt that salvation was something that you could lose if you weren’t diligent always and I didn’t feel very diligent nor very secure in my salvation. If I had only known about covenant! The Father and His Son entered into covenant for us through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. We did nothing and can do nothing to earn it. I didn’t realize that. I thought salvation was conditional on our behavior. Many sadly believe that but it isn’t true.

When you ask Jesus to be Lord of your life you are entering the Father’s covenant with His Son. You are born again of the Spirit or made alive to God spiritually, born into the Kingdom of God. When we are born again we have birthright citizenship to the new covenant. As birthright citizens we are beneficiaries of all of the rights and privileges of citizenship though we did nothing to earn them. Just as breaking civil law has consequences, our sin can have consequences but does not revoke our spiritual citizenship. Thankfully we have an advocate in Jesus Christ who “makes intercession for us”. Our sin is covered if we are repentant. It cannot cancel our covenant with Christ.

Faith: If you ask how to define faith you will get a lot of different answers. What is ‘enough’ faith? I always wondered about Abraham's faith mentioned in Hebrews until I realized that at 100 years old he had to put his faith in action for Issac to be conceived. It was not an immaculate conception if you get what I am saying. He had to be intimate with his 90 year old wife so they both had to both believe and act. Abram’s belief in God’s promise was ‘reckoned” to him as righteousness! Faith needs to be acted upon. Believing is a choice after all isn’t it? Choosing is an act of our will. Yes there is a gift of faith but oftentimes faith is referred to as some nebulous thing in the ether that perhaps we can somehow get a hold of, but how? Certainly knowing the truths of the word of God help our faith. His word holds His promises. We can determine to choose to believe trusting that it is in the hands of our loving Father. Our trust in His love is what He desires. The outcome is in His hands if we trust Him. The outcome may not be what we had hoped for, however we should consider Job 13:15 after all he endured (from Satan’s hand with God’s permission) Job declared, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him; I will surely defend my ways to His face.” This speaks of intimate trust and intimate relationship that he could contend with God to argue his case.

Where do we dwell (mentally)? We live where ever our thought life is attending. It is our dwelling place. If you think about it your mind is your dwelling place, your inner reality. Isaiah 26:3 “He will keep him in perfect peace all those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord.” TLB. In today’s world everything is after our attention.

Compare our daily social environment to that of 100 years ago and the difference is astonishing. We are bombarded with information all day in one form or another. Emails, solicitations, bill boards, TV ads, not to mention our texts, news outlets , social media, etc. It is an avalanche of distraction all of it designed to lure your attention towards some idea or product.

Our attention is where we dwell. God wants our attention because our attention focused on Him produces true life. We live our lives – our realities in our thought life. What we dwell on influences everything that we feel and do. But do we have to agree with our thoughts? Philippians 4:8 states: “ Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, Whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there’s any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things...and the peace of God shall be with you.”

In the verses above Paul declares that “by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” God wants our attention. Satan wants to distract us from our reality, our dwelling in God.

I was sitting in church on a Sunday morning a while back and the Lord gave me a daydream. You could call it a vision if you like. I was under water looking about and I saw hundreds of fish lures of every kind each one designed to be attractive to a specific individual being dragged along in different directions. As I came to the surface I saw multiple boats each with a fisherman tending to his line. I knew immediately what the Lord was telling me. Our world is teeming with things competing for our attention. Every one will ‘hook’ the one who takes the bait into believing whatever the fisherman is selling, be it a product, an idea, a conspiracy or false belief.

Each lure is specifically designed to attract a specific individual and tether them and take away their spiritual freedom through distraction. I see many in the body of Christ as victims of this. We want to believe something is true because we are following something that looks good to us but it wants to hook us – to distract us from our true calling. We need discernment and to be vigilant.

If an idea can get your emotions involved in any way in agreeing about anything, once your emotions are involved, it is very difficult for the average person to change their mind even when confronted with facts to the contrary. It is a common attribute to all humans. We are all susceptible to this but knowing this fact should help us be more aware when someone is trying to persuade us by using emotionally charged language such as outrage, sympathy, even excitement or any other emotion in order to provoke our emotions in sympathy. The red flags should come out! Let’s not be distracted from determining to root out what is truth and be willing to consider an opposite opinion. Sometimes skepticism in this world is really wisdom. Christians can be so gullible and end up being taken or sidelined from their true calling by things that sound good but are distractions or worse.

MEA: To help me be more honest and disciplined in my thinking, where I had been ‘dwelling’ in my thought life, the Lord brought me to a revelation in how to evaluate my thoughts by examining my Motives, Expectations and Attitudes. Sometimes I have to give myself an exam and a grade.

The process has helped me be more honest with myself and with God in my requests. He said that if I examine my thinking in relation to these three things that I would have a more correct perception of how I was relating to Him and what I was asking for and why. This is in effect a reality check. God knows our hearts however sometimes we don’t know them and how they affect how we relate to Him.  Often I believe that He can’t answer our prayers because of our hidden motives. He sees them but we are often blind to them.

I have found that thankfulness refocuses my attitude. An attitude of thankfulness doesn’t change God but it changes us. Thankfulness is the gateway to God’s presence and in God’s presence is fullness of joy!

Here are a few of my experiences with the Lord:

In 2001 I took a sabbatical and spent two years at Morningstar because I was hungry and curious to see and experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Early on I was tasked to speak at a Friday night SOS meeting as a 10 minute speaker. I was going to speak on faith. I was nervous. I sat at the leaders table with Robin McMillan and suddenly I had the sensation of having a very full bladder. Not so good if your about to speak! I had been taught that the Holy Spirit would often give a sensation or pain in an area of your body that someone there needs to receive healing and the Lord wants to heal them. So I mentioned to Robin what I was experiencing and he gave permission to move on it. Very awkwardly I got up before a full house. Leonard Jones was behind me working on some equipment. I started by saying “I believe that the Lord is speaking to me that someone is having issues with their bladder. If you will stand up I believe that the Lord will heal you.” No one stood up. Leonard wisely piped up “ Say urinary problems and I wouldn’t embarrass anyone by making them stand up” Thank you Leonard!

So I had every one stand and prayed and then gave my message feeling quite embarrassed over the whole thing. After the meeting the guest speaker came to me and told me that he was having urinary problems but didn’t wish to harm his message by responding. He asked me to pray for him so I did. I never heard the outcome of that.

However months later, I was head usher to a large Morningstar conference at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in Charlotte and I was standing in the center isle when a woman rushed up to me grabbing my jacket and saying “I am so sorry please forgive me.” I had to ask what she was apologizing for. She said “Remember when you were the SOS speaker a few months ago and you asked if anyone had UTI issues, I have had urinary issues for years and have been prayed for over and over with no results so when you asked I said to myself I am not going to respond! But the next day when I woke up it was completely gone and has been ever since.” I believe that the Lord delayed the news for my sake but still wanted me to eventually know that to encourage me.

At another time our class was asked to get a prophetic word for a unidentified group. As I waited on the Lord I saw in my mind’s eye a huge ball point pen suspended before me. I described what I saw but had no interpretation. Turns out that it was for a writer’s/publishers conference. Just an encouragement from the Lord to me that I hear Him.

In Haiti one time we were traveling to Cap Haitian in the north through the mountains on these horrible roads. I was driving a little diesel pickup loaded to the gills with equipment. But before we even got to the foothills of the journey I felt the truck start to wobble on the road. We stopped and discovered that one of the Haitians had failed to tighten the lug nuts and the wheel was about to come off. Only two lugs were still good and the others were broken off. We tightened what we could and continued but just as we came down the last mountain at the edge of town many miles later the tire blew. I pulled over and saw that there was only one good lug left but the other was loose (the weld holding it internally was broken and so stripped that we couldn’t get the tire off. My friend Jay the missionary immediately prayed for the Lord’s help. Just a moment later a Haitian man jumped onto the road with a hammer and chisel and knocked off the nut so we could change the tire. I think he was an angel masquerading as a Haitian!

We were in class another time and Matt Peterson said that that day we were going to ask the Lord for a directive word for our neighbor. We paired up and I was paired with a 17 year old named Chase. We were to think of a specific thing that we needed direction for but to not relate it to our partner. This was at the end of our second year and I was planning to return to Florida determined that I should expand my farm and look for about 100 acres to develop. While I’m thinking that, Chase turns to me and asks “Is the number 100 significant to you?” When I returned to Florida my somewhat crotchety neighbor stopped by to inform me that there was a 100 acre parcel nearby and I should buy it because if I didn’t buy it then he would. I paid less than $200,000 for 100 acres because it had been sold to a realtor for unpaid taxes. That parcel is where my current farm resides and has been a great blessing to many. It is all God’s incredible grace!

In my second year at Morningstar Johnny Enlow and his co-pastors planned a trip to the Dominican Republic. They invited students from Morningstar to come along and help with prophetic ministry so I signed up. His co-pastor Dave’s wife whose name escapes me had been a missionary there for years and was fluent in Spanish. We held nightly meetings in Santiago where several large churches participated. During the day we spent the day giving prophetic ministry to the congregation. On the last night after the conference was over she called her husband and I over to where she was ministering to a woman and her teenage daughter. She explained that the mother was a pastor whose husband had abandoned her, the daughter had gone astray and she wanted us to give a prophetic word to the woman’s daughter. Dave says, “Oh come on we’re all tired after all this” but she persisted, “Oh please just one more time. This girl really needs a word”. “OK!” Dave pauses a moment and says, “I see you in a beautiful wedding gown” His wife interprets then looks to me. I recall feeling somewhat anxious but a thought came to me that this girls father didn’t know the Lord and that was the reason they wanted a word. The phrase “He will come in” came to my mind and I am thinking that means that the father will come into the kingdom that he’ll get saved. I got nothing more except that. I only heard that phrase so I told them “I just keep hearing the Lord say ‘he will come in, he will come in’, over and over.” Once I said that I saw in my mind’s eye the girl sitting at a vanity staring at a beautiful ornate jewelry box. She was just staring at it. I said, “ I see you sitting staring at a beautiful ornate jewelry box that is filled with beautiful things that the Lord wants to give you. He wants you to open the box so that He can adorn you with what is inside.

At that point I walked away as she interpreted. Later as we gathered on the bus Dave’s wife came to me gushing about how the girl was delivered from demons and gave her heart to the Lord. She said the girl had just told her before we were asked to give her a word that she could never believe that if she asked Christ to come into her life that he would come in. She kept on saying that He would not come in. The Lord wanted to emphatically tell her that He would come in by having me repeat the phrase over and over. Of course the Lord had put in my mind an entirely different scenario to get me to say those words. It goes to show you that we see in part but the the Lord will get the job done if we just follow through in faith even when we are clueless as to the meaning of what we’re saying. If I had tried to interpret that I would have messed it up. Sometimes you should give what you got and nothing more. Don’t try to expand or interpret. Let the hearer do that. They will usually have a different context than you.

Hearing God is not for a special few. Every believer has a direct line of communication with our Loving Father in heaven if they chose to believe it. He acts and speaks to us in many ways if we are alert to hear Him and be obedient to what He says.


David Weber - is a mainstay in the Central Florida blueberry industry, with a Bachelor’s degree in botany from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Boca Raton and his Master’s from the University of Florida in Nematology. He worked exclusively in the Ag industry –managing the UF Extension Nematology Lab and later with Ciba Geigy Ag Chemicals– before starting his own company, The Doc Applications, Inc., in the 1980s. The acre he planted in the late ‘80s has grown to 31 acres, and he’s continued to strive for innovation. David is a long term member of Morningstar KBA - Kingdom Business Association. He believes strongly in Marketplace Ministry and is a two year participant of Morningstar’s prophetic ministry. He is an ordained minister with The Covenant Center.


If you would like to hear more about what else the Lord is speaking in this hour click here to watch the full video -

Face Down and Floating in the River of Life - Nicole Welch

Nicole Welch

Face Down and Floating in the River of Life

I went to the beach a few weeks ago and I realized how much I love the ocean. Even though the waters were rough the weekend I was there, I love the ocean because it always reminds me that God and His power are so much bigger than me. The feeling of being scared and exhilarated were both present as I plunged face into the large waves that were coming at me. When I was preparing to speak Sunday, the Lord started speaking to me about His river flowing from His throne. He told me the river that is coming is not like anything we will ever have experienced before (and I have been through two major outpourings and revivals). He also showed me that this river is NOT just a metaphor or a thing we sing, or talk about but it is an actual REAL living river! We can step into it with our God given imagination anytime we choose.

Ezekiel 47: 1-12 says, “The man brought me back to the entrance to the temple, and I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple toward the east (for the temple faced east). The water was coming down from under the south side of the temple, south of the altar. (2) He then brought me out through the north gate and led me around the outside to the outer gate facing east, and the water was trickling from the south side.

(3) As the man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand, he measured off a thousand cubits and then led me through water that was ankle-deep. (4) He measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that was knee-deep. He measured off another thousand and led me through water that was up to the waist. (5) He measured off another thousand, but now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in—a river that no one could cross. (6) He asked me, “Son of man, do you see this?”

Then he led me back to the bank of the river. (7) When I arrived there, I saw a great number of trees on each side of the river. (8) He said to me, “This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into the Arabah, where it enters the Dead Sea. When it empties into the sea, the salty water there becomes fresh. (9) Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live. (0) Fishermen will stand along the shore; from En Gedi to En Eglaim there will be places for spreading nets. The fish will be of many kinds—like the fish of the Mediterranean Sea. (11) But the swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they will be left for salt. (12) Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.”

If you have never snorkeled before I encourage you to try it sometime. The minute you put your face down in the water, everything changes. It is an entirely different world under the ocean. You can just float and see a new dimension of life under the surface of the water. I hear the Lord saying in this hour to put your face down and float in His river.

There’s a place of floating in His presence where we are lifted up by the Most High God and when we are face down in the Lord, we see in a different dimension. Instead of seeing the shaking that is happening all around us we are floating in His Shalom in the river.

In Ezekiel 47 the man measured the depth of the river by using a measuring line. God is asking us in this hour, “How deep will you go into my river?” Will we just go ankle deep? There you can still walk and still have control. Will you go waist deep and feel the current under your legs pulling you out where you may not want to go? Or will you decide to face down and just go all in so you can see differently? It is time for us to get our heads wet and face down. Little children are taught to get their head and face wet when they are learning to swim and most of them hate it and put up a fuss about it at first. After a little time, when they learn how to swim it is not such a big deal to get in over their head. They usually jump right in!

When you get your face down in the waters and get your head wet you will see different like Jesus does and everything changes! Where are you in the River of Life? I encourage you to go in all the way and put your face down to see a whole new world. The River of Life is real and is going to flood our nation and we need to be ready for it. I want to encourage you to meditate on Revelations 22:1-5 (and verse 17) and Ezekiel 47.

“Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb (2 )down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. (3) No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. (4) They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.

(17) The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

If you would like to hear more about what else the Lord is speaking in this hour click here to watch the full video -

Nic Welch

Nicole is a consultant, podcaster, author, public speaker, world traveler, therapist, wife, mom, and loyal friend (also very intense and fun). Her authority lies in living from your true God given identity, communication skills, and leadership. She has major superpowers in creating powerful people by connecting quickly, influencing deeply, and achieving more in every encounter.

Grab a copy of my latest book on Amazon!
