Richard Maisenbacher
Elul and Fall Feast Preparation
Elul is the Hebrew month before the Fall Feast which begins October 2nd, 2024 with Rosh Hashanah. It is the last month before the beginning of the New Year. Elul is an acronym for “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.” (A verse from The Song of Songs 6:3) It is a time of drawing close to God and increasing our intimacy with Him.
During this month you may feel an energy shift. This is a serious time of introspection, as we surrender to the work of Holy Spirit causing us to look more like Him. The shofar is blown each morning except on Shabbat, to awaken our soul and spirit as we prepare for this season of repentance.
Psalm 27 is read daily giving support as we continue our transformation process. Elul helps guide us to be honest with ourselves without guilt, shame, or harsh judgment. It helps us reflect and be truthful regarding our thoughts and behavior.
We look forward to the New Year as we flow in the gifts of the Spirit, enjoying the Tree of Life. In this time of contemplation and reflection, I suggest you take time to study, read scriptures, seek forgiveness of those times where you have missed the mark, and most of all enjoy His presence.
During this month God will make some decisions on what He will present to you in this upcoming New Year. If there was ever a time to be intimate with God in this covenant relationship that we have accepted, now seems to be the time, the month of Elul!
In His Covenant Love,