Wednesday Prayer Hour

Wednesday Prayer Hour

Join us every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. for one hour of prayer as we prepare our hearts and minds as we rejoice in the goodness of God.  


Wednesday Night Youth

Wednesday Night Youth

The Covenant Center Youth will be meeting in the Youth Room and the Rec Room every Wednesday night!  Middle School, High School, and College age groups are invited and welcomed to hang out, eat pizza, jam on the instruments, play some ping pong, and possibly even study Torah!  This is going to be fun!

Doors open at 7:00 for Hang Out Time

Clean up starts promptly at 8:30 p.m.

Israel 360 Trip

Israel 360 Trip

Mah NIshmah? That's Hebrew for "what's up?" Here are a few quick reminders for those of you interested in attending The Covenant Center Israel 360 Trip in 2025.  

The tentative dates of the trip are Saturday, November 22-Sunday, November 30, 2025.  Please contact our front office to submit your $100 deposit reservation as space is limited.

We will be visiting Mount Carmel, Jezreel Valley, Megiddo, Sea of Galilee, Mount Beatitudes, Capernaum, Caesarea, Beit Shean, Jordan River, Tel Dan, The Dead Sea, Masada, Mount Moria, Temple Mount, Golgotha, The Garden Tomb, Shalom Center, Old City of Jerusalem, Wailing Wall, Holocaust Memorial, and without avoiding a cliche, truly lots and lots more! This trip is packed! Be prepared for a deep spiritual refreshing, college level academic training, and action packed adventure!

For further information, contact our office:

(863) 802-5171