The Fellowship of Intercessors - A Call to Prayer - A Prophetic Journal

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The Fellowship of Intercessors - Cover.png

The Fellowship of Intercessors - A Call to Prayer - A Prophetic Journal

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Prophetic Journal - a dialogue between the prophetic intercessor and the Lord. The Fellowship of Intercessors challenges prophets and intercessors to seek God’s heart on behalf of America lifting this nation and Christians around the world in prayer that God’s kingdom may be manifest throughout the earth.

Topics: Call to Enlist in the Intercessory Army of God; Valiant Prayer Warriors; The Intercessory Prayer Movement; Ministry of Intercession; Churches opening for 24hr Prayer; Wrath and Vengeance of Almighty God against the rise of Socialism in America; Warring alongside the Angels of the Lord; A Return to the days of the Acts of the Apostles; Mantles falling for miraculous healing with signs and wonders; The End-time Church will reflect the Love of God.

About the Author:

Don Franklin has ministered as a prophetic intercessor with his wife, Bonnie, at Carpenters Home and Ignited church for thirty years. He has spoken at theological universities in Europe and at the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus of Jerusalem. His messages share timely words from the Lord focusing on historical biblical occurrences related to current events.