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Rebecca Maisenbacher


"Make Room For Me" by Becky Maisenbacher

Make Room For Me

Since November, I have been looking forward to this Christmas. Reflecting on Jesus’ birth and the reality of this coming special season, I recently asked our Father if He had anything to share. Days passed without an answer, however, as I awoke this Monday morning to the sweet whisper of Holy Spirit I heard His voice, “Make room for Me. Tell My people to make room for Me.”

Immediately I saw in my mind’s eye Mary and Joseph as they wandered, seeking an available room to rest from their journey, only to find all lodging filled. How lonely it must have been searching and hoping to find a room. I’m sure they trusted God would provide for them, but where? We find in Matthew 1:18-20 and Luke 2: 1-20 the story of their journey and Mary giving birth to Jesus in a manger.

As I read the Scripture again and pondered this event, I once again, heard the Spirit’s whisper – “Becky, tell them to make room for Me.” I then laughed aloud, “Isn’t that like you Father, to share a simple, straightforward, uncomplicated, message so we all can relate and understand. However, it’s also true as Scripture states in Psalm 25:2, It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” Sometimes He allows us to grow in understanding as we explore with Him and hunt for truth. I have experienced heavenly dreams that took time to understand, but basically God has always spoken directly, succinctly, and truthfully. “Be careful. Don’t go in there now. Go this other way. Give a call to them. Text this message. Pray for them. Spend some time with me today. Isn’t this beautiful! Read this chapter and verse. I love you. I am with you. I delight in you. You’re going to be ok. I will help you. Follow My peace.”

You get the idea, because I’m sure you’ve heard His gentle guiding whispers in your life too. God is all about relationship and simplicity. I personally believe people have made knowing God a bit complicated, where we look to those instructing us more than we look to Him. It is wonderful to have clergy, teachers, and pastors to guide and comfort us, but the One who is closer than a friend, always available, who cares for us, comforts and loves us, desires to guide us in this life and help us is God our Father, Jesus the Son, and Holy Spirit. I turn 75 this Spring and choices I made early in life without consulting Him were not very fruitful, in fact some were devastating. However, the choices made while spending time with Him, developing a relationship with Him, and asking Him for guidance and truth have led to some of the best choices of my life.

The Gospel is naturally supernatural! When we search for Him we will find Him. He delights in you and desires to be known by you. He is asking you to consider making room for Him now and in this New Year 2025.

You may ask. “Where do I start?” Ask Him to come into your life and make Himself known to you. Keep a journal and write down impressions or thoughts. Talk to Him and transparently share your heart with Him. Read His word. Studying His word will help you become familiar with His voice. Enjoy the peace you will find in His presence.

May I also submit to you a few foundational Scriptures that have guided me in life. I hope they bring truth to you too.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.

“The second is this. Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measured you use, it will be measured to you.” Matt. 7:1-2

“Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Deut. 5:16

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6:7-8

Therefore, you are without excuse, every man of you who passes judgment, for in that you judge another, you condemn yourself; if you who judge practice the same things.” Romans 2:1

It is not that we acquire the sins of others when we judge, but judging others does condemn us to blindly continue in the same sin or poor choices, missing the mark and causing us to be unavailable to God’s grace and healing.

The wonderful simplicity of His kingdom is when we realize our lack, we can come to Him and ask for His forgiveness, once again being placed in right standing with Him.

As we’ve entered not only a new season but also a new era, let Him find room and lodging in your heart so this coming year will not only be the most peaceful, but also the most joyful as e maHeHe makes Himself known to you. His Spirit is speaking: “Please make room for Me.”

Merry Christmas to you and family and blessings for the New Year!

In His Love,

Becky Maisenbacher

Becky and her husband Richard have been in ministry for over 45 years. Pastors and founders of The Covenant Center, they have also served as elders and board members of various churches, as well as facilitated numerous home groups and classes.

They are dedicated to bringing freedom and wholeness to the wounded and captive through covenant understanding, healing, transformation, restoration, and reconciliation.  They desire to see each person trained, equipped, and activated to serve in the Kingdom as they walk in their identity in Christ, being strengthened in their gifts, fulfilling their destiny.  Richard and Becky encourage and support individuals to grow in relationship with the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, maturing in wisdom, holiness, character, and the prophetic.












God Is Preparing His People For Victory by Becky Maisenbacher

God Is Preparing His People for Victory

Recently on October 24, 2024, I awoke late in the morning (10:15am) after a deep, restful sleep. I was an observer in the following dream, which was so joyfully intense and filled with symbolism that I knew even in the dream God was speaking, and I did not want to wake up.

The dream began as I was stood a high school hallway. Cheerleaders lined the hallway as they clapped and hopped up and down with open arms and anticipation. I could sense the excitement and expectancy of the young people and their preparation for what appeared to be their championship football game. As I watched the many people, young and old, meandering back and forth in the long hallway, I began to sense ground vibrations and a thunderous sound like the pounding hooves of a thousand horses running in a pack. As I waited and watched - the Team, a massive number of students, appeared.

The high school football team was dressed in black and gold uniforms, marching together in a mountainous huddle – heads down, helmets touching, and arms interwoven; they appeared like a massive mountain of young men slowly moving through the hallway. They were strong and powerful, advancing as a single-minded unit, totally linked together, hearts prepared, ready for battle, and expecting victory. You could not see their faces, only the outline of strong and powerful athletic bodies leaning into one another. I was taken aback by the strength, power, and deliberate strategic movement and unity as they advanced.

As they finally exited the building heading for the field, a long procession of supporters formed. The cheerleaders followed, cheering excitedly in anticipation of the victory. The dance team quickly gathered in formation, followed by the band, coming into alignment and marched in step. The cheerleaders and band members were also in a colorful array — beautiful, deep, bold red.

After all the participants had passed through the hallway, I looked to my right. There was my now-deceased mother, also in a red cheerleading uniform, calmly walking through the hallway behind the youth. Her gaze expressed determination like a set assignment she was there to fulfill. She did not look to the right or left. She looked forward to the young people as they exited the building. She was set on the path laid before her.

As I prayed and asked the Lord what He desired to share regarding the meaning of this bright, joy filled, technicolor dream, I knew it was important to study and define the following which I submit to you for reflection.


High School: Spiritual training to go into the high places with God. Promotion from the elementary things and junior levels, into a higher realm of understanding.

Hallways: halls represent the passage of time, transition or journey into the unknown; self-exploration the beginning of a new life path; spiritual enlightenment, emotional healing, physical or mental passage into new opportunities.

Football: exclusive team sport for manly men, expect a great deal of opposition, forceful contact, protective gear or equipment is worn, competitive, recreational entertainment. America’s favorite pastime.

Team: fellow workers, a group that is organized so they can produce, work together; fellow workers.

Cheerleader: competition and victory, offer more praise and encouragement to people “cheer them on.” Self-confidence in leadership, a person of high self-esteem. It is time to take more positive actions. John 16:33.

Mother: church; Jerusalem; charity and love; comfort; Holy Spirit; kind; gentle; giving; nurturer; natural or spiritual mother; teacher. Eve is the mother of all living. Ge 3:20.

Black: dusk, moved with passion; midnight hour; formality; elegance; wealth; mystery...

Gold: represents the glory of God and divinity, the angelic realm, golden splendor, spiritual guidance, to taste heavenly; vessel of honor; glorious riches; high standard; golden touch of success; enlightenment.

Red: the Spirit of the Lord, Isaiah 11:2; anointing; power; prophetic anointing; 1 John 5:6; prayer; evangelist; thanksgiving; the blood of Jesus; Jesus healing blood atonement; suffering, a sacrifice for sin; passion; emotion; strength…

Ten - Yad: pastor; law and order, Ex 20; government; restoration; nature; trial; testings and responsibility, Mt 25: 1-13, 28.

Fifteen: energy of the divine Godhead’s grace; deity; rest; mercy; resurrection in glory; freedom or delivered from death; bride of Christ; reprieve; pardon; restoration. Is 38:5, Ga 1:18, Lk 3:1-6.

Young (youth): youth are in the early or undeveloped period of life or growth where they lack experience but have a fresh juvenile vigor to begin anew in many areas. They have a fresh outlook on life believing they are invincible and that nothing is impossible. You may need to adopt a more youthful view of life, as you have stopped taking chances and do everything in safe mode.

What is God saying:

I realize this dream speaks to me, but I believe it also has a message for you and God’s body.

God is taking His church into a new era, transitioning each person into what may appear to be the unknown. He is taking them into a season of spiritual self-exploration, which may result in a new life path or spiritual elevation. Experiencing His revelation and enlightenment, emotional and spiritual healing will appear, bringing physical, mental and spiritual passage into new opportunities and understanding.

In this reformation He desires to clothe His Church in His glory, with the spirit of understanding, power, prophetic anointing, prayer and thanksgiving. He is refreshing, invigorating, unifying, strengthening, and renewing a healthy, youthful, energetic body that moves forward in power by His grace. As they have learned to walk in Godly authority, understanding He is their life source, they move with one mind, vision, and focus, gaining victory over oppressive and forceful opposition.

He is organizing His body to recognize the importance of their positions. Some are wearing protective head and body gear for offensive and defensive contact (His armor), while others are being positioned to support and cheer on His people, offering praise to Him and encouragement, building up each other in the faith as they daily walk out their calling. They are His hand extended, through positive, divinely appointed actions and assignments, touching a world in His name.

They are well trained, moving forward in strength and power, working together for one cause – the case for Christ and victory over the enemy. Those who have gone before and now walk in heavenly places are prayerfully focused, with their eye on the youth or young in the Lord, continuing to pray and intercede as Jesus oversees the continued growth and development of His Church.

The Ecclesia – the Church, is being refreshed and trained anew to walk into their finest days of victory by His grace, as they learn to move together as one force, One Team, rather than competing against each other. Their unity, as they grow in their respect for one another and their gifts and callings, will bring not only a greater release of His presence and anointing; but also greater strength and power, as He forges them into a mighty team, thrusting them forward to victory over the impeding darkness.

We are living in extraordinary times and God is not caught unaware. He has a plan and continues to love, expose, release truth, train, equip, and build His Body.

“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” Matt. 16:18

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

 These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace, in the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

Let’s pray: Father, may your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us heightened discernment to understand and know what is of you and what is not - what is holy to you and was is profane. Help us remember that all that glitters is not gold. Guide us in the alignments and covenants we make in the coming days, that we may stand together and support one another in your love. May you continue to build your church and body in your strength and power. Thank you that your love never fails and you reign over all the earth.


**Definitions are taken from Dr. Barbie Breathitt, A-Z Dream Symbology Dictionary,©2015, Barbie Breathitt Enterprises, Breath of the Spirit Ministries, Inc. Lake Dallas, Texas,  



There is Destiny in Reformation by Richard Maisenbacher

October 20, 2024
Dear Covenant Family,                           

Our hearts and prayers are with you as we recently experienced Hurricane Milton in Central Florida. The storm brought challenges for many, and we are thankful that those in our community are safe. 

We want to keep you updated on what has transpired since the building closing and a vision for the future.

After sorting through the TCC property and making several donations, this week, as of October 20, we finished moving equipment, supplies, and materials to storage. After twenty-six years of life as a community, this has been no small feat. We are grateful to all who assisted. We also thank our Covenant Family for your patience and prayers and for hanging in there with us during this challenging transition. We know it has been difficult for many of you, too.

Even with limited prayer time due to the busyness of the building closing, we have continually sensed His presence and experienced miraculous provision. We received generous offerings that covered our moving expenses and monthly storage facility payments. God’s hands have been actively overseeing this move. He is faithful!

We are grateful to each of you who have continued to provide financial support to help preserve the ministry's ongoing aspects, such as our online School of Ministry, CovenantU, website, License and Ordination certification, Missions, Prayer and Intercession.

It was brought to our attention that our website's “Giving” button stopped working for a few days. We apologize for any inconvenience, and it should be functioning correctly now. In addition to giving online, you can continue sending donations to The Covenant Center, PO Box 524, Lakeland, Florida 33802-0524. Thank you for helping us continue to train, equip, and release His people into the world. God bless and keep you and your family always!

It is great to hear of the many activities, home groups, and outreach taking place as you release your gifts to those around you. You are the ecclesia/church releasing His kingdom.  

 Reformation of the Church
The church at large is in a Reformation. God is purifying His body, pruning, and reorganizing it. As a prophetic community, we have anticipated this season, but it is still a bit shocking when it happens and looks different from what we could perceive or understand. 

When you give your heart to the Lord, it is for eternity. We do not choose our life and destiny; it all lies within Him. Every day, we wake up pursuing His heart - to know Him, His ways, and what He desires for us in service. This will never change, and He has taught us there is no retirement in His kingdom. 

He is not done with The Covenant Center family; He is “reforming” what we look like. In our midst, He has been building an apostolic center that houses the five-fold ministry working together, training, teaching, developing giftings, establishing the Tabernacle of David, honoring and serving one another, hearing His voice, and understanding His ways. We have been growing together to build and activate His plan.

We have been a salvation center, training center, halal center, creative arts center, prophetic center, worship and prayer center, counseling center, healing center, spiritual hospital center, evangelism center, outreach center, benevolence center, missions center, market-place ministry center, fellowship center, while teaching adults and our children in their gifts to know and hear God.

The Second Phase: Apostolic Center
As our prophetic words convey, we have moved into the second phase of The Covenant Center. God is developing a Kingdom House as He continues to create and build an Apostolic Sender Center. He placed the five-fold ministry gifts within our TCC family, functioning in our community without competition. Every person is called to develop their gifts with training, moving to a place of release for Kingdom service. When you take CovenantU classes, the last course is designed for you to develop and build the vision God gives you. Everyone in His Kingdom is valuable, and everyone has gifts to release.

TCC as a prophetic center has been a prophetic sender, and now a prophetic revelation will usher in new apostolic understanding. God is bringing new apostolic revelation. Apostle is defined in the Jewish Dictionary, “Apostle and Apostleship, by Kaufmann Kohler, “to send,” (Apostle, Greek ἀπόστολοσ, from ἀποστήλλειν, "to send, a person delegated for a certain purpose.” ( In Acts 13 Paul is a prophet at the church in Antioch and certain prophets teach. Then Holy Ghost spoke and said, “Send Paul and Barnabas,” Acts 13; and by Acts 14 they were sent. In Acts 13 they are prophets. By Acts 14 they become apostles. The only difference is they were sent. The apostolic often downplays the prophetic; however, it is the prophetic that reveals the apostolic. It is not the apostolic that reveals the prophetic. God will continue to bring greater clarity regarding the apostolic revelation in the coming days.

What’s Next - The Timing of The Lord
As you share your spiritual gifts by exhorting one another, laying down your life for each other, and helping one another as needs and challenges arise, you become the hand of Jesus. This is what God has said that He wants. As we enter this new season and era, we want to continue to help you develop the vision and plan God is giving you. You may assist a neighbor or travel to a distant land. Whatever your vision and calling, It is time for many of you to attend to the focus or desire within your heart. His timing is always perfect.

One challenging aspect of Kingdom transition is waiting for His plans. Jesus is the Master Builder, and He builds his church in steps: He gathers people to Himself, forms, appoints, commissions, trains, and sends them into the world (John 17:18).

We wait for Him to bring the plans for this new second phase, just as He built the first phase. In the coming days, we will see Him giving assignments, vision, and plans to various faithful individuals and groups. He will establish numerous outposts and apostolic centers. When He builds, it is established. So, as much as we would like to bring comfort and say we know the way, we want His way and will wait for Him to establish the plan.

I hope you will be enlightened by His vision as He continues to build, not only for us now, but for future generations to come. We are so thankful for you! Your continued love and support, standing beside us in His grace; your faithful prayers, and patience have undergirded us for twenty-six years. How grateful we are for our Father who brought us all together. Only He could build this beautiful multi-age, multi-talented, multi-gifted, multi-cultural family. And as we stated in our first letter to you – “Stay tuned! There is more to come!” 

In His Covenant Love,

Richard and Becky Maisenbacher






Preparation for the Ten Days of Awe - Becky Maisenbacher

Preparation for the Ten Days of Awe

Hello Covenant Center Family!

You may be experiencing visitations particularly during these few weeks as we approach the Ten Days of Awe, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur which begins October 2nd. For me personally, this year seems to be more weighted and sobering. There are many situations hanging in the balance both nationally as well as locally. There is an increase of angelic activity. God is surely visiting His people.

On 9-14-24 I was awakened exactly at 4am. 4 = Dalet; the gospel: four corners of the earth, global implications, the whole world, God’s creative works.

Then, this morning 9-21-2024, I was awakened at exactly 5am. 5 – Hay: life of grace, Lk 7:41-42, anointing, joining heaven and earth, favor, freedom, action, redemption, bold, spontaneous, daring, confident, nature, humanity, atonement, the hand, five-fold ministry of offices. Ephesians 4:11; five natural and spiritual senses, a need to develop more spiritual sensitivity; take a higher path to alter your destiny; complete, divine names of God; new song; miracle of multiplication.

I believe God is speaking to us. We are in a transition as He is preparing some of you for promotion. However as we know there is always a "death" before resurrection.

Our TCC family is processing their grief and what appears to be loss at the moment, as we presently had to relinquish our building; but God is taking each one of us into this new season and era, cleansed and prepared for what is coming this year.

Here is what I heard this morning, 9-21-24, so I submit it to you all. We are all in a time of preparation:

“With Rosh Hashanah approaching and the ten days of awe leading to Yom Kippur you are all in a time of testing and transition, as I will release assignments and “marching orders” for this new year to those who submit and surrender to My purging and cleansing. This is a holy time. A sobering time - so be vigilant and sensitive to My Spirit. This is a time to spend with Me as I release revelation, as I prepare and guide you into My plans for the New Year.”

You are greatly loved and cherished. Covenant is forever…


*Dalet, Hay definitions, Dr. Barbie Breathitt, A To Z Dream Symbology Dictionary, Breath of the Spirit Ministries,Inc.,©2015.



Stay Tuned! The Shift is Here!

Stay Tuned! The Shift is Here!

Dear Covenant Center Family,
This past Sunday was a very special gathering as we as a family and tribe worshipped, sang, danced, prayed and played our last moments together celebrating our King and His goodness in our Covenant Center building. For twenty-six years God has preserved and led The Center community and He will continue to do so. Every month was met with a miracle as we paid the monthly bills and sent out the checks to workers, missions as well as benevolence to the needy. It has been a glorious time serving with you and standing together to touch a world in His name. And it is not over! This month we are simply relinquishing the use of a building due to the inability to sustain the payments any longer.
I’m sure you have questions, so we trust this letter (sorry it’s a bit long, but lots of news and so much of His love and wonder to share) will give you insight as we transition from our current building location. Stay tuned!

First and foremost, the building to us has never represented the church. YOU ARE THE CHURCH! Please always remember your importance and dominion as a representative of His Kingdom.

Secondly, our intercessors, especially Kathy Johnson, whom I have constantly been in contact over the years as we sought the Lord with the Revelation Checklist of our Church – God has continually assured us that we stand in His will and design. The Lord has declared The Covenant Center lampstand is secured! There is not sin in the camp or any person(s) or other negative reasons why finances could no longer sustain us. You have been faithful as you have committed yourself to service to Him and our community. He is simply taking us all into the 2nd phase.

Third – We have been called many “labels,” but now we can tell you we as a family have been A School of the Prophets. If you have been assigned at some time in the last 26 years, God has sent you to The Center for prophetic training. He has never asked us to describe us as a training center for the prophetic, because as we know, declaring it only opens the door to those around the world to come when they are not called, and God our Father has always demanded that He will bring the people; He will assign them, and to always remember those who come belong to  Him not to us. He has never allowed us to once try to “collect” people or count numbers. This is His work, His community, His tribe, His organism – You will always belong to Him! He has simply joined us all together as Family to co-labor with Him and He has caused us all to be successful in training and equipping a generation to intimately have relationship with our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, to hear His voice and to learn to use the gifts of the Spirit with integrity.

John Paul Jackson once taught in his dreams and visions class that the prophet training is the most strenuous and taxing training of the entire five-fold including intercessors, and he concluded with John Sanford of Elijah House - the training takes a life-time. I hope this helps explain the purpose of those called and arriving at The Center who were often met with challenges after joining our family, because they stepped into their training calling and met the King and His stringent deep to deep work to first develop the character, heal the wounds and purify the servant to be prepared to carry His presence into the land.

We have literally had thousands come through our doors, as they have been confronted with the choice to train, serve and work on their character and prophetic training. To some they said, this is “nice” but it’s not for me. Others would say, “Well, I like this, but can I take some of this with me,” and others have come and recognized “What is in you is in me. I have to be in this all the time. Can I join you?”

We have talked about entering this new ERA and we have discussed seasons and the new season we have entered. We are a family of Seers and Nabi prophetic people, so we know that many of you by the Spirit have known something was up or changing. Good for you and well done.

Our antennas should always be leaning into Him and alerted to His activities as He wants us to be aware and prepared for the future, so we can always ask, “Lord, What do I do with this important information? Pray, or share? Take action? Some of you have been trained like stealth fighter pilots, others as uncover agents or you may be sent out as reconaissance - all in His army to serve. We commend you for staying your course in training with Him and holding the line. Well done!

Now to Answer More Specific Questions and Answers:

- We are not going “away,” we are in transformation to a new body structure.
We are not retiring. Richard and I in our time seeking the Lord regarding “retirement,” received His replay years ago as He declared, “There is no retirement in My Kingdom!” That was funny Lord! We signed up for eternity as you have also, so we will continue to serve as He changes us from glory to glory. 

- We are all stepping into the NEW structure of the church (body of Christ) and He will begin to unfold what it will look like for each of you. As a forerunner family it is not a surprise that He is revealing His future plans for the Body of Christ, for all to see, as a prophetic image of what God is working not only in us and the shift in our community, but the entire church body at large. Remember, He always speaks to His prophets and tells them ahead of the action. And often uses their experience as a visual message to the world. Whew - I sure am glad we are not called like Isaiah the son of Amoz to walk around naked for three years as spoken in Isaiah 20: 2-3. Thank you Lord!

 Here are a few points to remember–

 - Your certification licensed or ordained certificates through TCC remain active. All class records, training records, Covenant U records will continue to be maintained, just not in our present building.

- Our online presence will continue; however our title or branding may look a bit different. Our 501(c)3 corporation is actually listed as “Covenant Outreach Ministries.” This has always been our heart to train, equip and send out. Isn’t it amazing that we were directed to declare our corporation as “Outreach Ministries.” We believe we are entering the second stage of our TCC Family taking Him to the streets, developing future plantings with you who have trained and are well prepared for your heavenly assignments.

Be watchful for title changes possibly regarding our FB feed, private TCC community for connection, prayer needs and directives and possible website title changes, etc. We want to remain in contact with you and be of continued service and support to you. Activities and messages will continue as we walk together through this shift. We will advise you as it all unfolds lead by His Spirit. Again, please stay tuned..

I shared on Sunday, remember Kim Clement who traveled the world, shifted to an online streaming content in his entitled “Den” and reached a world with his teachings and prophetic training. Richard will be in prayer and await our Lord’s leading for these future steps.

- Covenant U online school will remain active for continued training,  Our courses are transferable to a regionally accredited university -SEU.

- Your offerings and/or tithes are still important for management of our online presence, records storage, continued training and communication. We are thankful for all our technicians who keep communication lines working as well as managing Covenant U. You can still send your gift to our PO Box and our website “Giving” button will still be functioning. Address: The Covenant Center, PO Box 524, Lakeland, Florida 33802-0524. We thank you so much for your continued support and prayers.

Time for the Butterflies to Fly - God’s Amazing Confirmations –

As we find ourselves in the preparational time before Rosh Hashanah, we have learned that this is always a time of reflection and repentance, as we prepare our hearts to be found faithful, purified and prepared to receive His fresh assignments as we walk into the New Year. What an amazing time for God to come and let us know the second phase and shift is here for us. This is not loss – this is victory!

In the last 6 months it has been evident that God was beginning a shift in our TCC Family. He is the God that opens doors that no man can shut as well as close doors that no man can open. The angels have been very active and His beautiful presence has been very weighted. As we sought Him for direction, I was impressed to contact several of our intercessors to please seek Him and let us know of anything they receive. Months passed without special insight or direction other than, “Keep going forward. Keep doing what you know to do.” Finally, this past week, Richard came out of his prayer room and shared that it was time to close the doors of our building we no longer could financially sustain.

Now, I must add that the sweetness and love of God for His servants can leave you breathless as He confirms His plans and orchestrates the movement of His people. Remember He is the Great Maestro and King of the Universe. As of this past Sunday morning, September 8th, we literally stepped out our frontdoor preparing to head to The Center knowing this was our last physical gathering in this building – Twenty Six years together sustained by you all and His mighty hand.

As I opened my phone and looked at the text, one of our intercessors Judy Ehlenbach, sent the following message she received in prayer on September 3rd. I share this with you to encourage you that you are secure in His plan for you. We are all secure in our future service to Him.

September 3, 2024 received by Judy Ehlenbach –
The blessings of the Lord are and have been over you.

There is a new transition upon you, some might say, “Oh no.”

Trust Me for I know what I am doing.

There are seasons and changes. Many changes are uncomfortable, BUT
his is ME, the Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Each of them had many seasons and steps in their walk with Me that
through their faith in ME, not their circumstances, they thrived.

Fear Not. This is the closing of 1 door to open 100 more. What might seem sad
simply is a new beginning.

Like a child being born the baby leaves their precious mama for a new life,
with many open doors and opportunities.

 The Lord is greatly pleased with your obedience for decades. Covenant Outreach
was a healing, teaching and safe haven for all who walked into the doors.

 Now it is time for a completely new beginning.

 It will be a beginning of rest and stepping back. It is time for the beautiful butterflies
to fly away.

 The cocoon is no longer to be their safe harbor.

 It is time for their beauty to touch the nations. They ALL are stunningly beautiful!
And it is their time to fly.

The blessings of the Lord are upon each one. They are My beloved sons and daughter,

as are you and Richard.

Fear not, this is ME. Some might say, “You didn’t’ do this,” or “You didn’t do that.”

Do NOT listen for I the Lord am doing this.

Doors close. Seasons change. It is ME. Fear not when the door closes.

I will lead MY people! My love will go before each of My children
for I the Lord love you with an everlasting love.

Blessed is the Name of the Lord.  Judy E.

 I’d like to pray with you as we prepare for Rosh Hashanah and launch into the New

We thank you Father for Your faithfulness and perfect timing of Your word. You are never late or early. You are always on time. We give you praise for these twenty-six years together and we as a family now receive the new assignments to accept your call to the Nations. Whether in a word to family or friend, a letter or email, a blog post, a podcast, a social media post, a video, a book or training manual; during a neighborhood walk, downtown, at the beach, in a store, buying groceries, in their travels, in their dreams, in a home group or home church, It is time for your prophetic people to hear your voice, activate their gifts, surrender to Your will, obey, take action and touch a world in Your name.

We thank you for every person who has walked through the doors of the building you provided. We thank you for the psalmists, musicians, artists, writers, and all creatives you have sent to share their gifts and skill training with us. We praise you for the connections you have built as You formed us into a Covenant Family. We thank you for teaching us the importance of covenant, and the connection of being not only one of Your many families but being a part of Your amazing worldwide Body. How good it is for your people to dwell together. And most of all Father, we thank you for Your amazing Love and Your presence that breaks every yoke and heals every heart. Your love is truly amazing and a gift to all who choose to receive You. Now we look forward to Rosh Hashana and the New Year as we enter this New Era and New Season. May your perfect will be done and may You always be glorified in Jesus’ name.

Again, we love you and thank God for you. Stay tuned!

Our trust is in our God not in buildings or materials things.

Shields up and Onward! Let the New Year begin and His Kingdom reign.

 In His love,

Becky and Richard Maisenbacher








You Are My People and I Am Your God - Becky Maisenbacher

Rebecca Maisenbacher

The following word was released during praise and worship Sunday April 4, 2024 to The Covenant Center family. The Lord’s presence was manifest with His sweet, tangible, weighted glory.

Can you sense the Spirit today? Wow. Please just continue, such a sweetness. The weighted presence of the Lord. His glory cloud is here. When He comes like this, we want to take a moment to ask Lord, what would like to say. Oh Lord we’re so in love with You. We just thank You. Thank You for your presence. We are like the deer that pant for Your presence here. Could we just pray? If you have your spirit language, your regular prayer language. Let’s pray? He’s here to meet with us today. Beautiful, so glorious. Your majesty, unfathomable. You are beyond compare. We adore You.

This is wonderful practice with Him too. Because today you were singing Your Kingdom come Your will be done. He is so precious because He says: “My Kingdom is here. My Kingdom is here. Will you not sense it? Will you not see it?”  Ah, and He comes with this weighted presence to help us know He is near. He loves relationship. He loves intimacy with His people. So, this is presence practice. We are practicing with Him to become more sensitized to Him. Lord, help us to be more desirous of Your ways. We desire Your ways, just what was sung today. We desire Your Kingdom to come to know Your ways. We know Your ways are not like our ways. We just thank You.

Such weighted beauty. Some of you may be feeling a weightiness on the top of your head as He’s imparting to you. And He’s saying, “Think it not strange, think it not strange what I’m doing in your midst. For this is a way I pour out My love to My people, that they may know Me.” Some of you may feel burning, heat, or vibrations in your hand. Some of you may be feeling a stirring of your spirit man. He’s imparting and speaking to you right now. Lord, we take time for You to have Your way. Some of you may be seeing pictures right now. You may feel a wind on your face or on your hands. The angels are very active right now as they have been instructed by the King to move. They are touching people. Thank you for bringing your healing angels, Lord. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for Your revelation and truth that You come in Your power and might. We wait on you Lord….

For the Spirit of the Lord would say today to you. I am He. I am the King of this Universe. And I love how you love Me. I love how you celebrate Me. For Covenant Center, yes, I have made you small, but I have made you mighty. For you have stood the testings and trials. You have stood the pruning’s. You have allowed me to send the husbandman in. You have allowed Me to build this house with My hands and not yours. And to some it may seem peculiar, I have desired as I said to you at the beginning, don’t touch it. I will bring them. For I have desired to make you a picture of My Kingdom here on earth. Young and old, multicultural, revelation, angelic visitations. And I know to some you may look strange, but you are a beautiful picture of the heavenlies. You’re a beautiful picture of My Kingdom. And I thank you for standing and desiring Me to build who you are.

For yes there are the fivefold. There are apostles, there are prophets, there are teachers, evangelists, pastors, and there are intercessors. I have made you great in the earth. And you say, I don’t know that I’m great. And I say exactly, for I have taken you through the fire to bring a humility to you, so you would never touch My glory. And when men look to you as you leave this place and as you go touch a world in My name, they will see My glory on you. They will see My presence on you. And you will direct them like a conduit to Me.

And in the coming days as I have told you the world will continue to darken, but we know as I have spoken to you in My word and to you specifically, you will become greater in My Light. But don’t look to what is greater. Don’t look to what is more. Don’t look to what expansion might mean. For I ask you, keep your eyes on Me and look to Me. For that is your place of safety in the coming days. Keep your eyes on Me and look to Me and I will bring increase to you.

Everyone here this morning I see increase, increase, increase. I don’t know what that means. I don’t know what that’s going to look like. I heard Him say it and I trust You in that. There will be increase for My people. There will be increase in this house. For as darkness tries to take over, My Light will shine brightly. And, it has been seen for many years, because even today, as I’ve come to you with my weighted glory, I am preparing you for what is to come. My Kingdom with My glory. For if I would bring it today in the weightedness I would like to share with you, you could not stand in it. You would fall to your face. You would be unable to move. But I am building within you the ability to maintain yourself in My glory. For I have made you to carry My presence into the earth. For the nations are calling. The nations are calling. And some will go, and some will stay. And some will go out and some will come back. And some of you will always be here to maintain. To maintain what I have placed here.

For you see in the coming days there will be those that will come for a revelation and a truth. There will be those who come for counsel. There will be those that come for healing. And yes, you have seen that in the past. And you see that even now. But I tell you Covenant Center I am preparing you. You have allowed Me to mature you. You have allowed Me to teach you My ways, and at times it has been very difficult. But in the coming days I have been looking for, and I am building in various parts of the earth, places for My people to come. Places for the weary travelers, for the sojourners, those that are confused, those who are hurt, who are broken, wounded, destitute that cry out to Me, “Lord, is there a place? Is there a place in the land, Lord? Someone, is there someone to help me? Is there someone who can teach me? I need to hear from you Lord.”  And I will smile upon you. And you will sense My glory and presence manifest. And you will speak My word to those in need, knowing that it is not you but Me.

 So, it will be easy My beloved. It will be much easier. But I ask you to prepare and understand what I’ve called you to. I have called you to Me. And you have answered to Me and said “Yes Lord, yes Lord.”  And you have allowed Me to become your God. And so, I say, “I am your God.” And in that covenant we have made, I declare to you today, “You are my people!” I speak over you today: “You are My people! You are my people! Receive from Me, all that I desire to give to you, to pour out to you, to manifest within you and through you.

There are songs to be sung. There are words to be spoken. There are books and songs, poems to be written. There are messages to be declared. There is streaming to be streamed. And I say, “Stir it up. Stir up the gift that is within you My people. It is time.” You have allowed Me to cloister and contain you. You have allowed Me that privilege to build you. Not only individually, but as a corporate body, as a Family, a Covenant Family. I have made you Mine. And I am so proud of you. I am so proud of you, who have stood and allowed My hand to chisel you and shape you and mold you to who I have needed you to be in these days that are coming soon. So, receive from Me today. The glory cloud is here. You don’t have to, but if you feel led to lift your hands and receive from Me today. My glory cloud is here. If you feel led to lift your hands and let Me impart and strengthen you today. This is a precious holy moment. Thank you, Lord. He is visiting you because you have said, “Come in and inhabit me Lord.” So again, He has strengthened you as a habitation for Him alone.

Why today? I don’t know. But He chose today. We receive from you Father. We thank You. We thank You and praise You. You are glorious. Lord, we have said “Use us.” We’ve said “Help prepare us, teach us.” Here’s what I see. He has the biggest smile. He is smiling on each one of you. You know how Richard at the close of our meetings says, “…the Lord make His face to shine upon you.” You know we have a habit that when we have prayer, we put our head down. And some of you may remember Randi taught, to lift your head and receive from Him (as He smiles upon you) and you smile back to your Father (your head lifted and face toward heaven) because He has visited each of you individually today with something that He is personally imparting to you. He loves each of you.

I am just up here to try to share and submit to you what I sense. But this is about you, His people. It’s about you and you and you. And He is doing something great. I hear great grace be unto you. Great grace to you. Preparation, revelation, wisdom, understanding. Increase, increase, increase. Safety, safety, safety, safety. And He says: I’ve been teaching you when to speak and when to hold your tongue. It will be important in the coming days. Know when to speak, and when to be silent, My silence is golden.  

In His Love,

God's Gifts in the Resurrection - Becky Maisenbacher

There has been a very sweet presence this month, even with the chaos surrounding us right now. Happy Resurrection Day!

 I’ve been reflecting on this approaching Resurrection day, of the millions and millions of book, journals, classes, meetings, Easter Sunday messages throughout time that have been released throughout the world. It’s a bit overwhelming considering the magnitude of this event. “Father, what can I say that hasn’t already been spoken?" What do You want me to share?” This holy event is too stunning to ever be adequately taught. I believe the revelation of what Christ achieved for mankind must ultimately come from the witness and understanding of our Father through His Spirit. I can only give my expression to my impression of the events that have changed me. As I share I hope you will take a moment to reflect on what Christ’s resurrection means to you.

For me, it is a day of remembrance, thanksgiving and celebration of Jesus’ act of love in His crucifixion and resurrection. The magnitude of this event is so astounding and so truly supernatural. In His death and resurrection He released a bounty of gifts to humanity - to all who choose to believe. Let’s look at some of these gifts as we give thanks for all we have received through Christ’s act of love.

First He removed our sin and guilt. John the Baptist declared in John 29 that Jesus was “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” We could stop right there and celebrate but there is so much more. Jesus removed the wrath of God that we so justly deserve. He volunteered to be the sacrifice and not only removed God’s wrath but this action also shifted God’s wrath and turned it into favor. We receive His favor!

Jesus reconciled us back to the Father by removing any separation or alienation between God and man. Romans 5:10-11 reminds us:”…if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more, having been reconciled , shall we be saved by his life.” He paid the price for us - Jesus became the ransom . Our sin sent us into captivity from which we need to be delivered. The ransom or price paid was His life.

As the Lamb of God, He chose to die in our place. He became the sacrifice, substituting Himself for us. That is what Paul meant in Romans 5:8 that Jesus died for you and me. Isaiah 53:5-6 foretold of this: ..He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being fell upon Him,” The Lord allowed our iniquity to fall on Him.

When you combine all that Christ accomplished, to me, one of the greatest gifts is His defeat is over the powers of darkness - satan. Colossians 2:13-15 speaks to this. “And when you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us and which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross.. When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.” He delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is the incomparable Christ.

In addition, in substituting Himself for us in death, He became the atonement for our sins and accomplished all the previous actions so we could have life more abundantly. He revealed to us His servant heart. “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Galatians 3:13: “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, becoming a curse for us.” And in the all the pain and scourging He received, Isaiah spoke of Christ’s destiny: “But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed.” Look at the plethora of gifts our beloved Jesus released to us. Thank you for Your unfathomable love and mercy Lord.

I was reminded there is one more precious gift that was released that day. I envisioned God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, before time began, in a meeting, planning the strategy to redeem mankind; as they would soon see the results of giving man free choice. After conferencing for a time, I saw Jesus raise His hand and say,” I’ll go Father.” Some of His earthly events quickly passed before me ending as He received the soured wine, then bowing His head as He declared: “It is finished!

I immediately heard a sound coming from the Temple where I could now to the veil or thick, heavy, temple curtain being rent (torn) supernaturally by God’s hands. I realized as Jesus prepared to ascend to the right hand of the Father, Holy Spirit was preparing to be released , becoming available to mankind - to those who chose to invite him into their lives with Jesus. What a stunning and glorious redemption plan by the triune Godhead. All planned before time to redeem us from our sin (missing the mark) and restoring us to Him.

Matthew 27:51: “Behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, and the earth shook; and the rocks were split.” The veil between the Holy Place (first room) and the (second room) the Holy of Holies (where the Ark of the Covenant and God’s presence resided) was now removed. God’s presence radiated a bright, fiery Glory - His “Shekinah” which shot up through the roof of the Tabernacle. This was the same pillar of light that led Israel through their wilderness. God’s children were now given free access to His presence and we no longer need to hope and beg for forgiveness. Anyone is now able to enter God’s presence by way of Christ’s blood, shed to pay the wages of our sins. Romans 6:2: “ For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord!”

We have been given these supernatural gifts by the Godhead, which we celebrate today. Not only Jesus and our Father God, which is spectacular, but we now also have Holy Spirit - the one who points the way to Jesus and the Father. He is the Spirit of God - Holy Spirit - the one who raised Jesus from the dead. Romans 8:11: “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who indwells you..” Holy Spirit gives you life!

We now can enter into relationship, individually, and intimately with the triune Godhead - God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. And as we are led by the Spirit of God, we are now called His sons and daughters. Romans 8:14-15: For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons and daughters of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons and daughters by which we cry out, “‘Abba! ‘“ Oh Lord, how wondrous and marvelous are You!

I know this is long, but just one more thing. I was given a vision of a prophetic act - to take a simple tissue and hold it in front of your face. We are unable to see anything. Next, take your two hands at the top and gently tear the tissue in half, just as God’s hands rent the temple curtain. What do you see now? Yes, everything! It must have been so dark for those before Christ, who only knew God from what they were told by the High Priests, and prophets. The Old testament as well as the New Testament hadn’t been written. But in their plan Jesus became our Savior, God our Father is known as Master of the Universe and Holy Spirit is the conduit from heaven to earth, giving us relationship and intimacy with Him which includes: intimacy, heavenly revelation, understanding, guidance, forgiveness, His love, peace, hope, mercy, goodness, loving kindness patience, faithfulness, and self control.

Today, we remember - “It is finished!” New life in Christ’s resurrection is here for you! Simply receive Him into your heart.

In His Love,

My Plans Will Always Prevail - Palm Sunday Word - Becky Maisenbacher

The following word was released during our Palm Sunday Celebration, March, 24, 2024, at The Covenant Center. As the worship team, psalmists and dancers expressed their impressions by His Spirit, there was an intensity and somberness, even a battle ready cadence that permeated the atmosphere as we praised Him. Holy Spirit began to release visions of our Father’s displeasure with certain events upon the earth. I could sense His patience wearing thin as He has been long-suffering with certain individuals, hoping for their repentance in choosing righteousness as He has given humanity free choice. His presence and the angelic activity was palpable:

The Spirit of the Lord says: Do you sense what I’m sensing? Do you sense what is happening in heaven? Look with your spirit eyes. For I am brooding. {music expressed a somberness with strength} over the earth. For I am {focused} and very serious and attentive in this time. Yes, My joy comes in the morning. It can be joyful with My salvation within the earth. But at this time, I have allowed darkness to encroach. It {darkness} has become arrogant. It has become vile. But it is necessary for My people and the people of the lands to see the exposed darkness and what it really looks like. In My realm, as you look with your spirit eyes do you see My angel armies and My heavenly host assembling? Do you see My great cloud of witnesses praying, watching, waiting. And so, it is in heaven with Me and so it is with My people here on earth.

Because some would say, Lord where are you? Lord, where are you? And I am reminded of the festival of Purim today. And we are in Purim. Esther was sent at a very dark time into the king’s chambers. And I have been preparing My people to enter into My chambers. Will you remember your vows? For I am coming to ask you to pay them. For as darkness, I have allowed to encroach, it thinks it will have a victory. Hah! Victory only comes through Me. For I have allowed it for a time, that will soon be coming to an end.

For have I not parted the waters for My people? Have I not delivered them before? Have I not delivered My people, My creation, time and time again - and so it shall be, as always. I am the King of this Universe. I am the King of Great Plans. You will watch the wind blow in the coming days, and you will celebrate. As they celebrated when Haman was marched up to the gallows and it was finished. So it shall be in the coming days.

So, rejoice in Me! Whether you celebrate Purim, whether you celebrate Hebraically, or whether you celebrate Lent as a time of preparation as my precious Esther, say yes Lord I will. When I come to you will you say, yes Lord I will. What will you say? I am waiting for many of your answers.

For in the coming days unity in My Body is forming. Do you not see it? You are a cell in My Body. And My Body must have every cell to function. You have, as a cell, been given my DNA. Every cell is to function in My Body with My DNA. So, what are the schisms that I hear within my people? What are these things that I hear, says the Spirit of the Lord? These things must come to an end. You are not to look at man. You are not to look at what is going on in the world. For you are to look at who? Yes! You are to look at Me! Yes, they {some} say I am vain. Ha, ha, ha. But I Am the Great Creator. I am the Master of this Universe. And My plans will always prevail!

Let’s pray: Father, we thank You that You never fail. That your arm is not too short to save and Your plans are sometimes beyond our understanding. We surrender and repent of anything not of Your design that may hinder Your work, and we say “Come Lord, Be King now in the earth., and may Your perfect will be done.” Please help us to be ready for the work of Your hands at this time in the earth and in our hearts.

In His Love,

Becky Maisenbacher


His Power Is Perfected In Weakness: Becky Maisenbacher

Rebecca Maisenbacher

Recently I've been reflecting on the many challenges that have manifested in this past season. Through it all I have often heard the sweet quiet whisper of His Spirit encouraging me "My grace is sufficient for you Becky."

As I was reminded of this scripture in 2 Corinthians 12:9 sent to me by a dear friend today, it spoke to me more than ever in my life, as it reads: "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness, Most gladly therefore, I will rather boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me."

There is a path of surrender that can appear as weakness that we all walk at times, where we find ourself "out of control." It may manifest in our health, finances, job, relationships, ministry, emotions - just about anywhere and at anytime. Weakness is not a positive word in the natural, but as scripture suggests, weakness in the spirit can be one of Power. This journey of transformation and training is not always pleasant for we struggle in our humanity to fight, to survive or to "win," believing that surrender is not an option. Isn't that what we learn in life? To the victor goes the spoils. And yet as we grow weary of the fight, we begin to find "comfort" in the release of our own desires, laying at the cross all that is too much for us to handle or understand. We lean into the exchange of covenant with God, where He as the Greater party watches over us, the weaker party. In our lack God becomes our strength. He as the Greater party in the covenant. He takes over in our surrender and lack to become the Victor and Redeemer in our battle. His right arm goes before and fights on our behalf.

Which brings me to another scripture that has swirled in my mind for years: "Godliness with contentment is great gain." (1 Tim. 6:6+). “Contentment” - what a difficult word to achieve, at least for me. This life taught me to succeed, have accomplishments and therefore be successful. Achievement in itself can be very important and I’m certainly not dismissing it. I learned many things from the experiences I was afforded, However, when trials appeared, my success no longer sustained me - I needed a Savior. So I sought His help in these challenges, and He graciously brought situations that revealed my weaknesses and lack of ability to overcome on my own. Nothing like a wilderness to heighten our senses and hearing ability. I became acutely aware of my lack and His supply. I struggled for many years trying to hold on to my own life, when He was patiently waiting for me to lay it down. “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it,” (Matt. 16:25).

So if you have wondered or wandered in what seems like a wilderness or difficult season, please be encouraged and know it will spiritually be of great benefit to you, as you learn many life lessons growing in the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." You will also build relationship and intimacy with Him, becoming free of negative belief structures that cause havoc in your life, and as your gaze aligns more toward Him - you'll see darkness turning to light. You will rejoice as He walks you out of the trial and you look back realizing you are forever changed.

Paul taught the importance of maturing in life by whether we abase or abound -"I know how to get along with little, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need." (Phil. 4:12).. We will find our life experiences can give us the opportunity to mature in understanding and truth.

“Then your light will break out like the dawn, And your recovery will spring up quickly; And your righteousness will go before you; The glory of the LORD will be your rear guard," (Isaiah 58:8). And you will come forth from the wilderness, the trial, learning to lean even more on your Beloved (Sol. 8:5) as He stands waving a bright, glorious banner over you that will proclaim His heart for you - LOVE!

Strength and grace to you always as you keep walking, keep talking, keep praying, keep trusting, keep believing, keep learning and keep serving Him who will continue to watch over and keep you always!

In His Love,




From Preparation to Actuation: Becky Maisenbacher

Rebecca Maisenbacher

There is always something about the holidays that causes me to pause and reflect with a heart of thankfulness, for all who have touched my life in some way. From youth to maturity, we scurry through life envisioning what each day will bring. Hoping to find success, we try our hand at making life choices. We research and study to attain knowledge, enter the work force and hopefully build a life that is pleasing and productive. Through it all in our latter years we are given the gift to reflect and see God’s handiwork in friends and family.

Relationships, some lovely and some difficult, are often used to guide us in our life choices. We not only leave a “residue” of ourselves with one another as we meet, but for many, God weaves a heavenly tapestry with His spiritual DNA that causes each person to connect as if you’ve known each other forever. As these “tapestry threads” continue to attach thru relationship and fellowship, His Body forms and a family or “tribe” is birthed.

When we accept God as our Father, we enter a kingdom that has no end. We are linked to Him and each other eternally. We carry His Spirit and that spiritual DNA connects us one to another building the kingdom here on earth. I never tire of the feeling I get when I meet a new person or family who comes to our community - I feel like I have known them forever.. Every person or child who steps through our door is loved and cherished by our Creator and carries endless potential.

With over fifteen geographical moves, I have been fortunate to meet many wonderful friends and acquaintances. I can truly count on one hand the number of people who have been less than civil. Each of you has left and indelibly sweet “residue” or impression upon my heart. Whether a smile, a kind word, fellowship, breaking bread, united in prayer, praise or worship - you are a world changer, building the kingdom by touching one person at a time.

King David’s life demonstrates God’s divine appointments and assignments in life that continually weave a glorious tapestry depicting the threads or connections made in life. As a young boy David was often in the field alone tending to his sheep, but as he grew in favor with God and man, he connected with the hurting and broken - the troubled as well as unsavory ones, and found himself among them in the Cave of Adullam hiding from Saul.

God sometimes allows his precious ones to visit “Midian” or the “Cave” for a season. Moses lived in Midian for 40 years after he exiled himself for taking the life of an Egyptian, Exodus 2:15. In this place, God allows His called ones - and everyone is called- to mess up and make all their mistakes while they, often unknowingly, are being prepared for launching, as they grow in wisdom, understanding and relationship with Him.

After trials, challenges and testing, they are released back into the world as His anointed conduits for change. This was the plan for Moses. This was also the plan for David and his men who found themselves hiding out together in a cave, learning to live together, trusting and supporting one another, 1 Samuel 22. I wonder if they knew while in that cave secretly hiding, while being trained and equipped, that they would one day make David their leader and historically become one of the greatest armies ever to walk the earth?

Just like David and Moses, God also has a plan for you! He has a plan for your children and your children’s children. God views His people generationally, including generational mantles of destiny with futures filled with hope. You may sometimes become discouraged that the years are passing without attaining all you have believed for, but the dreams and assignments God has placed within you will find their way into the hearts of future generations if not completely realized in your lifetime.

I encourage you to lay your aspirations at His feet, work toward the desires placed within your heart, celebrate His provision and guidance, and find comfort in His love and care. As you continue to build relationship with God, learning His ways, He will continually guide you as your personal Navigator as your story expands and your journey unfolds. He has a plan and future for you! You actually enter and walk out your future one day at a time. When He comes to you with a request or assignment - choose to accept - rather than delay and have Him pass His desire onto someone else. He is patient, but He also teaches us to live by His time clock. He is never in a hurry and He is never late. What is in your heart? What assignment has He presented to consider? He is waiting for you…

I personally am so thankful for you! I pray for you and family a blessed Christmas and may you now and in this coming new year experience His presence and glory over your home, Isaiah 4:5, as you reflect on the following promises His word gives to you.

Isaiah 58:11 - And the Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched placed, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.

Psalm 32:8 - I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.

John 16:13 - But when He, the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.

Psalm 37:23 - The steps of a man are established by the Lord; and He delights in his way.

Proverbs 16:9 - The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

In His Love - Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you!

THESE DRY BONES WILL LIVE! - Becky Maisenbacher

I’ve learned when I am challenged with illness or a difficult situation, to ask God to come and reveal His truth. When understanding appears, the revelation is of course personal, but I have also found He may require us to live out an experience or become a prophetic picture/act for His people. Take Ezekiel, where historians remind us how he used pantomime, ate a scroll, and slapped parts of his body, to burn the message of God into the minds and hearts of the people.

In my book, “If I’m Healed By His Stripes, Then Why Do I Still Hurt?” I shared life experiences and revelation in certain situations I walked through - life lessons learned - including suggestions and insight for consideration. Maybe you have experienced this too. We are given opportunities, sometimes very challenging experiences to learn from and share, becoming a light of encouragement and guidance – lessons learned and shared for others to glean from giving them encouragement and hope.

Second Corinthians 1:3-5 declares: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.”

Apostle Paul continues in verse 6-7: But if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; or if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which is effective in the patient enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer; and our hope for you is firmly grounded, knowing that as you are partners in our sufferings, so also you are in our comfort.”

When you ask of Him, He share pieces of the puzzle that He highlights over time and will finally bring them together with a revelation for you as well as for others.

What is Your Truth Father?

I recently experienced one of these moments, certainly revealing personal insight, but also birthing a truth for the Body as well. During a brief vacation, I suddenly experienced excruciating pain in my back, resulting in a diagnosis of fractured vertebrae and osteoporosis. I’ve always taken care of my health so this came as a surprise and puzzlement. “Father, what do You want to reveal to me in this situation? What truth do you have for me?”

First Let’s Look in the Natural – What Does It Reveal?

Osteoporosis - a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue, typically as a result of hormonal changes, or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D. Blood work revealed no nutrient deficiencies. Hmm, let’s search on.

Next, I began to seek in the spiritual definition and understanding, using the “A to Z Symbology Dictionary” by Dr. Barbie Breathitt. Bone – structure, main issue or the underlying substance of something; long lasting support or strength, taking something down to its bare bones, stripping, lack, in need of alignments and proper attachments and covering, famine, death or destruction is trying to hinder; prophesy breath and life as commanded (Exz. 37:1-10), a mighty army; resurrection power; 2 Kings 13:21, an inheritance is coming).

Highlighted in this definition, Ezekiel 37 became highlight jumping from the page and I saw a vision of the valley of dry bones with many saints still alive but exhausted, emaciated, weary from their personal battles and discouraged that their hours of prayer and service have not brought the fruit they hoped for. I could hear their whispers and prayers to God saying, “Father, I’m so tired of waiting; Are you even there?; Did I miss you?; Father, Help my unbelief – I’ve lost my way; Father, I don’t really care to be with the Body anymore; Was this all a dream; Where are you?”

Their experiences of loss, painful events and toxic environments now left them dried out making their bones brittle, disappointed, even bitter from serving in His Body while toxic people and situations drained life from them. Others felt they had lived one wilderness after another, pouring themselves out as a drink offering, waiting in surrender and repentance, but with little hope. I sensed within myself the exhaustion and lack of hope – hope deferred - as they tried to stir themselves up but now had little energy or desire for further relationship or service.

Father, What Do You Want to Say – What Is Your Truth?

I sensed heaven’s decree saying: “You whom I call my servants, who have grown weary in well doing – Hold on – don’t give up!” I am in the resurrection business – I am restoring - nourishing dry bones and breathing life into you again.” He is now declaring over you: “These bones shall live again! You shall live again!”

Let’s Revisit Ezekiel 37

Ezekiel declared in 37: 1-3 (NIV) – “The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. And He said to me, Son of man, can these dry bones live?” I answered, “O Lord, God, you know.”

As I personally began to declare these scriptures over me, I sensed the Lord instructing me to prophesy to your situation – to your bones and body as well. His desire is for you to overcome in His abundant life. If you are battle weary, discouraged, reeling from loss, fatigued or dry, spiritually, mentally or physically – this word is for you as spoken in Ezekiel 37. You may also choose to read and declare the following over you daily.

You Will Come to Life!

Then He said to me, Prophesy to these bones and say to them, 'Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.”

You Will Come Out of Your Graves!

Then He said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the entire house of Israel; behold, they say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope has perished. We are completely cut off.’ Therefore prophesy and say to them, This is what the Lord God says: “Behold, I am going to open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, My people…. Then you will know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves and caused you to come up out of your graves, My people. And I will put My Spirit within you and you will come to life, and I will place you on your own land. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have spoken and done it,” declares the Lord,” (vs. 11-14).

His Covenant of Peace Is Everlasting!

And I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will place them and multiply them, and set My sanctuary in their midst forever. My dwelling place also will be among them; and I will be their God, and they will be My people. (vs.26-27).

Thank you Father for your truth and revelation. Your word does not return void. Your desire is for your people to prosper and be in health, even as their souls prosper., 3 John 1:2. Come now and breathe Your breath of life again into your people as we decree: “These bones will live! Come alive in the name of Jesus!

In His Love,




We Have Stepped Into The NEW - Becky Maisenbacher

During our Sunday, June 5, 2022 Covenant Center Pentecost worship and celebration God’s presence and power came - weighted and palpable, He spoke a word to alert and usher us into a new era. The following was spoken, giving not only encouragement, but prayerful consideration as He continues to guide us.

We thank you Lord for your presence, for your love and your goodness. We thank you Jesus that you walk among us. By your Spirit that you come, and you commune with us, and you love us. And you teach us, and you train us, and you guide us and you prosper us.

And even today that you would come with a word of encouragement and direction. And you would say to this house today, I call you a kingdom house. I have sent my prophets and I have sent my word to establish The Covenant Center as a family, as a tribe, as my glorious people. And I have tested you, and I have tried you. You have seen prosperity and you have seen what looked like defeat. But I tell you in those times that looked like weakness and defeat, I came to you, and I challenged you and I watched you like Gideon’s army.

When I sent Gideon to the stream, and I watched. And I said that I would separate those who lapped the water like dogs, and I would put my spirit and anointing on those who drank the water as they kneeled down to Me.

And so, I have preserved a remnant. And in the coming days I have said to you through many voices that we have entered a new era, not just a new season, but a new era. And so, it will be with you oh Covenant Center, because as a family I told you that I would build the house. Keep your hands off of it, I would build the house. And I would bring and make a kingdom family, a family that looks like my body from all various cultures, from all ages, from all backgrounds, that I would bring them in and heal them. And I would make you a picture of what the kingdom of God looks like.

So, I speak to you in this new era to tell you that expansion is here. Expansion is here. But don’t look at expansion by numbers. Erase the lines around the block that would hinder Me. For I will show you in the coming days what my expansion looks like.

And there have been some that have said what will we do now that Becky and Richard are old? What will happen to The Covenant Center? (Laughter) But I tell you, I placed them in this place as facilitators as Aquila and Priscilla. I asked them to hope in their hearts and release my love to the multitudes of people who would come. I asked them to train and equip and prepare and encourage as my Spirit would lead them. And so, they have done.

But now with expansion I say to you (that’s what He said) we have come not only to a new era and expansion to the Center, but we now will begin, I say begin, because the era will not happen overnight. But we are moving into a new order, a new authority, a new government of the house. The new authority will not only expand in this building or just in this community, but to the county we call Polk.

 There will be new structure. We must begin to change, to accommodate those that I am preparing to send in. Because I am going to enlarge you. I am going to expand you. And as I prepare those, we call them in, this generation that does not know Me. The generation that has left Me. My dear prodigals, those that have been wounded and have received toxic mentorship. They will come and be healed in this house. And they will be given destiny.

So as the change comes, as the new authority comes, as the new government comes, as the new structure comes, do not fear. For have I not built this house to accommodate you, your family and your children and your loved ones, and my people? And I will continue to build this house as we step into the new things together. Allow my hand to build it. I have trained you. I have equipped you. I have built a prophetic family, a prophetic tribe, a prophetic people. And you will do great exploits in my name. I love you. I am so proud of you. And know that I am always, always with you, forever and ever. Amen.

Let’s pray: Thank you, Father. You never leave us. You never forsake us. You always come with your plan. You always bring those who you desire to abide together, to honor one another, to love one another, to serve one another. That you build your kingdom person by person. And you give each person the choice to lap the water or to kneel as they drink. And Lord, I thank you that you have made a holy house, a holy kingdom that we desire to kneel as we drink. We honor you, Father. We love you. We praise you. We exalt you. We thank you for your goodness, your mercy, and your faithfulness. We thank you for your lovingkindness that never fails. And even in these dark times, that as the world becomes even darker, you will shine on your people with your anointing to shine even brighter. So, we give you glory today Lord and thank you for your presence that you would come and speak to us and guide us into these new days. Thank you. Thank you, Jesus. You are holy. Father, You are so holy. 

As we step into this new era, may God continue to bless and keep you in His love,


There Is A Savior - Becky Maisenbacher

Sometimes what we observe is difficult to articulate. So we pray. We cry out to God. We try to support and serve others, doing all that is possible within ourselves to ease the pain and heartache that is experienced in this life. We wait and wait on our Creator to act, and even though we know in our heart He is actively engaged – we grow weary.

 Maybe you can relate? When will You come? When will You manifest Your majesty? When will You manifest Your justice. When will you appear to the lost and hurting world? How long will You allow the atrocities to continue? The constant swirling of negativity and disdain in humanity – how dark must the world become before You are once again exulted Father?

In these prayerful moments, deep in the night, when I am awakened to pray, I find myself, at times, almost pleading for God to act. Do something Father! And as I sit quietly anticipating His reply, I learn once more patience as I wait. My heart reminds me that God is not in a hurry. He always has a plan and is never caught unaware of our earthly situations. Then, as I thank Him for His great love for His people and creation, I begin to faintly hear a symphony, playing heavenly music that guides and comforts me and then He speaks – “Becky, There Is A Savior.”

As I close my eyes, I am immediately taken to a quiet place to savor the words and sounds, and my spirit begins to rest. My thoughts are no longer cluttered. The lyrics to this classic song, remind me of the hope we have in Him each day and the promise of His extraordinary mercy, forgiveness and great grace. The message expressed encourages me to keep my eyes and thoughts focused on Jesus, and to remember how marvelous and glorious His love truly is.

Through life I have hoped for many things, maybe you can relate – friends, jobs, cars, homes, wealth, healing, even a simple vacation - the list is long. But I have learned in studying Hebrew, “hope” (תקוה/מקוה) is not putting trust in our own strength or ability. This Hebraic term expresses confidence, not in a future outcome, but in a present divine strength.

The following lyrics ©1968, authored by Greg Nelson, Bob Farrell and Sandi Patty, often resonate in my mind. As they come to me I try to pause and savor each phrase, refocusing and once again setting my mind on the things above. His peace finds me and once again strengthens me as I choose to trust. I hope these words will give strength and confidence to you also my friend, as we motor on in this tumultuous world.

There is a Savior what joys express, His eyes are mercy, His word is rest

For each tomorrow, for yesterday, there is a Savior who lights our way

Are there burdens in your heart, is your past a memory that binds you?

Is there some pain that you’ve carried far too long?

Then strengthen your heart with His good news

There is a Savior and He’s forgiven you.

There is a Savior what joy express His eyes are mercy, His word is rest

For each tomorrow, for yesterday, there is a Savior who lights our way.

There is a Savior who loves you and desires relationship with you. He holds the answers to life. He desires to walk with you, strengthen you and be the Light to guide your path. I encourage you to talk to Him and look toward His face. The things of this world will begin to dim in the time spent with Him, as you are captured and enveloped in His love and amazing grace.

God bless and keep you always in His love,






You're Good Enough - You Qualify! - Becky Maisenbacher

I was reminded recently in a dream of one of the oldest tactics of the enemy of our soul. You know him as your adversary. He whispers untrustworthy thoughts, deceitfully mimicking the insightful, guiding whispers of Holy Spirit. When he is near he assaults you with whispers like: “You’re never going to make it. No one likes you. You’re ugly. You’re stupid. God doesn’t love you. You will never be happy. He will never forgive you.” The constant barrage of wearisome thoughts that pummel your mind always come to discourage, shame, condemn and ultimately destroy you.

If you have never heard or entertained any of these thoughts then you are a walking miracle. Because the accuser of the brethren is set on taking you out, but God has preserved you to finish the race.

When God speaks through dreams he often comes to encourage, expose the works of darkness, bring healing, peace and comfort, direction or pinpoint what He wants to work on with us. This dream came with a lack of color. It appeared in muted grays which can signal God is letting us in on the plans of darkness so we are not caught unaware.

I was in the second story of a very large furniture store as a salesperson. I noticed there were many associates and sales people working beside me. We took people throughout the story, guiding them through the array of beautiful pieces and assisting them with their purchase, which included antiques. While working on the second floor we hear the “manager” speaking loudly below us in the first floor warehouse. As we all lean over the balcony railing he says: “I want to hire a person for a higher level position, who will be on time each day and do what I ask.” His voice is harsh and demanding and I wonder why I am working for such an unkind manager. But I reason in my mind thinking, “Well, I am always on time and I think I could qualify for the position?” As we lifted our hands to qualify and be considered for the position, the manger emphatically states: “Don’t you get it! You don’t qualify! You’re not good enough!” Repelled by his harsh condemning declaration we all lunged back from the railing, reeling from his negativity.

Let’s look at the symbolism and what our Father may be revealing right now.
Furniture – to supply what is needed to equip and to give needed supplies to make life more comfortable. Presents, inheritance, material goods, promises, or internal affairs of how one structures their life.

Are you a furniture salesperson who has a desire to help others? Do you know you have an inheritance in God that He hopes to see you fulfill? Maybe you have laid down dreams or you’ve followed the deceiving whispers that “It could never happen for me – I’m not good enough.”

If you have encountered mean spirited people in authority at some point in life like a sibling, well-meaning friend or parent, coach, teacher, even a pastor who has spoken cruel words over you and may have accepted the lie as truth.

So here is the deal, Beloved. The God who knew you before the foundation of the earth and before you were formed in your mother’s womb – He knows you! He loves you! He has a future and hope for you – destiny and life as He waits for you to embrace yourself and declare: I have value. God loves me and I qualify for life and destiny.

We as furniture sales people, in His body, are assigned to give out, teach, equip and supply what is needed for others to understand life in this world, by sharing God’s love, His gifts and inheritance as well as material goods. As we reject the lies and stay focused on His truth and the promises of God we can bring life to weary souls and help build healthy structures for their lives.

God desires for His people to soar and live an abundant overcoming life. He wants you to know He has qualified you. Through the cross, you are qualified. You are good enough and therefore appointed to live in His covenant of peace where there is safety, security, strength, prosperity, health and increase. Let Him become the Manager of your life, and He will guide, teach, comfort, and direct you toward reaching the “position” and destiny in life He has designed for you. He loves you and declares - You are good enough!

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10.

 In His Love,

We Are Family - Becky Maisenbacher

Webster defines Family as “a group consisting of parents and children living together; a group of people related to one another by blood or marriage; all the descendants of a common ancestor.”

If He lives in you, the we are connected by Christ’s blood and He is also our common “Ancestor.” How joyous and wonderful it is to be in God’s family, where we can love, support, pray for, cheer on, dwell together and support one another through this life. Psalm 133:1 declares:Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!”

We are family! it seems fitting that God is reminding us who we really are today in this world, just like the Apostle Paul in ancient times. Whenever he spoke, especially to the Ephesians and often to Timothy, he encouraged each person to embrace and recognize their position in the Family of God. Ephesians 2:18-19: for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and are of God’s household.”

Over forty years ago as He called Richard and I to full-time ministry, He asked us to build a spiritual family, I was taken back at His request and just had to ask Him, “Why do You need another ‘church’ when it seems like you have almost a church, bank or gas station on every corner?” We were very content to serve and support our pastors and had no desire to leave.

Then, He began to teach me that these special families were all part of His Kingdom - His household. Their various assignments made them Kingdom Households for Him to enjoy and have relationship, as well as to fulfill His desires here on earth. He gave them various assignments and strengths. Some were more evangelistic, some excelled especially with training, healing, missions, the prophetic and more. Every “church” in His eyes was an extension of Him and He called them His family.

I was recently reminded of the many waves of revelation or dispensations through the years we have been privileged to experience. Healing of the 50’s, Evangelism, the Jesus movement, Charismata and Holy Spirit of the 60’s and 70’s, Prophetic movements with treasure hunts, dreams and visions, with evangelistic outreach of the 80’s, Home Group movements, House Churches and Mega Churches of the 90’s, to the present with the Apostolic movement, all with His “anointing” and “gifts.”

Over time, at least to me, I sensed some of His places of habitation became more like “institutions” in reaching people with their “specialties;” becoming more divisive as they celebrated numbers and competition with spiritual gifts, rather than inviting people into a relationship with our Father and one another. It seemed that growing as a family and learning about God’s ways was no longer “enough”

This dialogue and revelation changed my perception of His ways and purposes as well as His desire to build His Kingdom through “Families.” God’s plan is to build communities of and for His children; include brothers and sisters, elders with moms and dads, grandpas and grandmas - to encourage, teach, train, guide, mentor, watch over and pray for, while supporting each other - and most importantly – loving one another. God is able to reveal and model His family plan to all who know and abide in Him.

Honestly, it was a challenge, to think of stepping into a “pastor” role with Richard. But with this revelation, I could accept our full-time call to facilitate, like Aquila and Priscilla, and allow God to lay and build His foundation for a family. Even to this day, when I pass by a church building, I see a Family of God, who He has assigned and knitted together; understanding that the building is just a building, and His church, which is really the people and family inside, are my family too.

As we continue in Ephesians Chapter 2:20-22 Paul continues to instruct us of our positioning in God’s Kingdom: “having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone. In whom the whole building (body), being fitted together is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you are also being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.”

I love this so much! We are being fitted together, a part of His temple, being built together as His dwelling place.  We need each other! God has built His Kingdom where there are never to be “lone rangers.” Yes, we all at times have been wounded by issues and misunderstandings, but we need to be connected in relationship with Him, as well as in Spirit, and when possible in person with community. We gain our peace, strength and power when we gather and commune together. We gain understanding and revelation as well as strength and endurance when we align together. God loves relationship! He has built us to desire relationship with Him as well as each other.

I believe we will begin to see divine direction for some communities to return, or even new communities birthed, to the heart of God and his desire for a fresh family structure and supportive body, that will draw the prodigals and youth that long for connection, long for love and support; who need guidance, wisdom and counsel, and the dynamic of family they have possibly never known.

As we allow God to work deeply within us, let’s surrender to His plan of transformation to become the family that no longer expends their energy through, criticism, elitism or competition. Let’s be His body rightly fitted together as we pray for one another, celebrate and cheer on one another, support one another, giving hope to each other in His love, knowing we all form His Temple – a place for Him to dwell. And as the author of Hebrew extolled thousands of years ago - and still very relevant today:

“Therefore, since we also have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let’s rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking only at Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God,” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

You are invited to come and be apart, as He continues to build His Kingdom, through relationship and family, that has no end - “and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end,” Luke 1:33.

In His Love,

PS - Here are a few of my favorite Scriptures as we continue to study His ways.

Corinthians 12:12 NASB -“For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. For the body is not one part, but many. If the foot says, “Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reason any less a part of the body. And if the ear says, “Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reason any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But now God has arranged the parts, each one of them in the body, just as He desired. If they were all one part, where would the body be? But now there are many parts, but one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; or again, the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, it is much truer that the parts of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary; and those parts of the body which we consider less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor, and our less presentable parts become much more presentable, whereas our more presentable parts have no need of it. But God has so composed the body, giving more abundant honor to that part which lacked, so that there may be no division in the body, but that the parts may have the same care for one another. And if one part of the body suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if a part is honored, all the parts rejoice with it. Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it.”

Psalm 40:8 – “I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart.”  

Psalm 25:4-5 –“Show me Your Ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths; guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are My Savior, and my hope is in You all day long.”

Ephesians 4:15-16 – “But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.”

Scriptures taken from the New American Standard Bible, © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved (







I Am The Master Strategist - Becky Maisenbacher

During a recent Saturday prayer time at The Covenant Center (Dec. 4th), a vision appeared in my mind's eye of a chess board with chessmen positioned. His hand appeared and began to move and reposition some of the chessmen on the board.

Then I heard, "I have been repositioning people. You will see some ministries moving to different locations and buildings/structures, even geographical relocation, as well as businesses, schools, individuals and families.

I am the Master Strategist and I will strategically place those in preparation for what I am soon releasing. I will guide and position those that I desire to elevate as well as those I will demote.

I will bring fresh alignment of ministries together, even finances, to support and compliment one another in the visions, call and plans I have assigned them to fulfill.

Do not fear the changes coming, trust me and know I am working on your behalf and will guide you - for it is written: 'Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purposes that prevail.'

I am a Father of great mercy and grace and will give victory to those in my covenant. Prepare your heart and you will see my plans and strategies unfold and rejoice."

This vision was very comforting to me, reminding me He knows the beginning and the end, and his vision and plans often are far more expansive than we can understand. I love and appreciate when God gives a glimpse of the future that helps us navigate life.

Then on the night of December 20th, he once again came with an encouraging dream. I was in a meeting with our Covenant Center family, when Richard called out,”It’s beginning to snow!” Now even in the dream I knew we lived in Florida and it was very, very rare to hear of this. I looked over at the large picture windows of our building and immediately saw large, plump, beautiful, hand size fluffy white snow flakes swirling about with some touching our windows and leaving their individual imprints, then floating to the ground.

I was so excited to see this most unusual phenomenon that I quickly ran outside where the dainty flakes enveloped me and others. Looking down at the ground which was almost covered, I realized I could build a snowman. I had never seen snow in Florida. Trying to catch some of the flakes in my hand I gleefully exclaimed: “It’s been twenty years since I have seen snow anywhere!”

In the next scene, I was sitting by a well known woman with a national prophetic platform, who I knew had recently declared that our nation would see snow in unusual places. There was another young man beside her and I spoke to them: “is it possible this is one of the signs you spoke of that snow would appear in unusual places where it doesn’t usually snow?” She responded with a sweet smile and I awoke, encouraged and curious to know more.

Our Father is bringing encouragement to us in this challenging season. What may appear dark and brooding, even invasive to our lives and our nation, is the perfect backdrop for the Lord to break forth in his majesty and glory.

In researching these visitations, here are some of the dream definitions and insight: Snow: is a symbol of a clean fresh start and purity; translucent or transparent; angels, clean heart, refreshing; and can represent the change of seasons. Twenty: which I yelled out as years since seeing snow represents: redemption; crowning achievement; divine order; completion for spiritual perfection; holiness; waiting with expectancy; number of recorded dreams; Jacob waited 20 years for possession; Israel waited 20 years for deliverance; the age of warriors.

Our Father is speaking releasing bits and pieces of the plans of heaven for you and your family, as well as this nation. The season is changing and his plans for redemption, aligning things back to his divine order, with a clean fresh start, and his spiritual perfection and holiness have arrived. The patience we have learned in waiting like Jacob and Israel will give way to spiritual completion to some in their assignments - some will even experience crowning achievements orchestrated by our King.

We of course must be prepared for the shifting and changing of the season drawing near. It will be important to keep our eyes and heart fixed on him, trusting him even when life seems dark. He loves you! He has a plan for your life! He is your greatest advocate and cheerleader, smiling and cheering you on toward your victories. He sends Holy Spirit, as well as his angel forces and heavenly hosts to guide, protect, counsel, give understanding, encourage you and gird you up with wisdom, revelation and understanding. His grace and mercy will wash away any moments of missing the mark as he walks by your side.

Darkness has come to the world but he desires for you and your homes to be filled with his glory and light. Egypt was very dark, a darkness that could be felt, but all the children of Israel maintained light in their homes. God desires for your home to be full of light, as well as joy and love.(Proverbs 3:33)

“He will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go and he will counsel you with his eye upon you,” (Psalm 32:8).

“The steps of a man are established by the Lord; and He delights in his way,” (Psalm 37:23).

“The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord,” (Proverbs 16:1).

“The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps, “ ((Proverbs 16:;9).

“And your ears will hear a word behind you, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right or to the left,” (Isaiah 30;21).

It has been a trying 2 1/2 years for everyone. But our Father is never without plans. You are always in my prayers that he will manifest himself to you, guide, protect, provide, bring health, joy and peace to you always. Let’s continue to place our trust in God, who is The Master Strategist, knowing that he desires to place a canopy of glory over your home (Isaiah 4:5), keep you in his health (Psalm 91:10, guide you and watch over you (Jeremiah 29:11), and give you the desire of your heart (Proverbs 10:24b).

“And let us not lost heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary,” (Galatians 6:9).

“And finally let’s not forget each to clothe ourselves in the armor of God: “Finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist on the evil day, and having done everything to stand firm, stand firm therefore, having belted your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having strapped on your feet the preparation of the gospel of peace; in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,” (Ephesians 6:10-17).

Here we go dear friends! as we welcome 2022! God bless and keep you always - Onward!

In His Love,

God's Gift of Love - Becky Maisenbacher

Lately I have found myself humming and old gospel hymn reflecting on God’s great gift of love through Jesus. Here are some of the lyrics: “No one ever cared for me like Jesus, His faithful hand has held me all this way, and when I’m old and grey and all my days are numbered on this earth, let it be known in you alone my joy was found… treasure is in heaven and you are everything to me.”

 Charles Weigle, was an itinerant evangelist and hymn composer, writing this song in 1932. After an evangelistic crusade and many days away from his family, he returned home to an empty house. His wife had left him, and in his sorrow and loneliness, God met with him, encouraged and comforted him.

 As Rick Warren once share: “God’s love is like an ocean; you can see its’ beginning, but not its end.” I have found God’s love to be steadfast and eternal. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. When we feel alone in surrounding darkness, he comes to us, like he did to Charles Weigle, and reminds us of his great love and friendship. We are never alone.

 John, the Apostle, wrote from his experience: “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love,” (1 John 4:7-8).

 It is traditionally suggested that John was in advanced age as he composed and spoke these words possibly at Ephesus. I wonder, after living with Jesus and observing his many various expressions of love, if John wanted to once more, share his understanding and acquired wisdom to encourage and guide others?

 Is it possible that through everything he observed and learned he also came to the conclusion that God’s kingdom boils down to one word – “Love?” Did he also, through the highs and lows of his life, also find the One constant, that forever remains and faithful and never changes – Jesus? In my 66 years of knowing him, and 46 years of serving him, he still remains the same no matter my circumstances – He is Love.  

 Especially during this month, I hope you can find a moment to pause and reflect on the following scriptures, as we enjoy this festive season of Light; reminding us when love in the form of Jesus came to earth and became a tangible and ever present gift of love and life.

 Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah!

In His love,

 God loves you so much he sent his son and nothing can separate you from His love -

“In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor power, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord,” Romans 8:37-39.

God gave his only son to the world so you could have eternal life -

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life,” John 3:16.

I have learned that God is always with us – He is always with you too -

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior, He will exult over you with joy, He will quiet you in his love, he will rejoice over you with shouts of joy,” Zephaniah 3:17.

 If you accept him into your life – he calls you his child –

 “See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him,” 1John 3:1.

 He desires to be your loving Father that through his correction he demonstrates his love for you –

 “For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and disciplines every son whom He receives,” Hebrews 12:6.

 He is patient and attentive, and slow to anger. His faithfulness, mercy and great love is unfailing –

 “But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth,” Psalm 86:15.

 He keeps his covenant and steadfast love –

 “Know therefore that the Lord your God , He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and steadfast love (lovingkindness) to a thousandth generation with those who love him and keep his commandments,” Deuteronomy 7:9.

His love was made manifest on earth –

“By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins,” 1John 4:9-10.

A prayer for you -

Father thank you for Jesus and this beautiful season of love. Reveal your truth of Jesus in each heart and please teach us to love the way you love. Teach us your ways.










Let Seasons Have Their Perfect Work - Becky Maisenbacher

The last few years have been challenging to many. In fact, I’m not aware of anyone who has not been affected. It has been necessary to not only discipline myself to “think on good things,” (Philippians 4:8) but to also constantly remind myself of the timing and seasons, which are very important to God.

We are like the earth, experiencing various times where life is full of hope, joy and life, turning to loss or despair. Whatever season we find ourselves in, we learn that they do not last forever and that He faithfully walks beside us. We mature with each passing moment of time, as we learn to flow with the rhythm of life. God desires to use every season in life to mature us and bring glory to Him.

Ecclesiates 3:1 -8 declares to every thing there is a season: “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven - A time to give birth, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn, and a time to dance. A time to throw stones, and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, and a time to shun embracing. A time to search, and a time to give up as lost; A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear apart, and a time to sew together; A time to be silent, and a time to speak. A time to love, and a time to hate. A time for war, and a time for peace.  

There is an appointed time for everything under heaven. No matter what season we experience we are always encouraged to hold on to Him – the God of Hope and look to our Father to bring beauty from the ashes.

We find as we mature the importance of connection with each other, especially in his Body. The immeasurable moments I have been encouraged by others is priceless – those who have given a word of hope or a prayer of strength. Be ready in every season to share His love. Each of you carry within you the power to give support and encouragement to those in distress as declared in Isaiah 61:1-3. Consider reading the following aloud as you declare the gift of God within you to serve and touch a confused and hurting world.

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, to grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting, so they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”

You are made for greatness! No matter what age or season of life – stir up the gifts within and release them to those in your sphere of influence. And let’s watch out for those negative belief structures that will appear to hinder your advancement.

Negative Beliefs:

I must do something good to get God to act on my behalf.

If I am not perfect for God, He will not be able to reward me.

I want to be in control because I can’t trust God to look out for me.

God will punish me if I make a mistake.


His good news and Scriptural Truths:

God is merciful. His mercies are new every morning.

God will allow me to experience trials, which help me develop my trust in Him.

Rebellion is like witchcraft in God’s eyes. I can bring devastation to those who wield  it or submit to it.

I am not controlled by my circumstances. I always have a choice in how I respond and what I choose to believe.

Facing my fears brings truth and allows me to choose freedom.

Learning to give thanks in everything brings comfort and encouragement, which gives life to my soul.


Scripture Mediations – It is written:

Romans 15:13: “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Psalm 9:9-10 “The Lord also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble, and those who know his name will put their trust in Him; For You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who see You.”


Father, forgive me for my lack of understanding and knowledge of your ways. Help me to trust you and to understand your nature and character, your desires and your plans. You are the Way, the Truth and the Light. Help me to know who you really are in my life.”

Blessings to you in this new season and new era,






Disappointment - How Do We Respond? - Becky Maisenbacher

“My soul, why are you so downcast?  Why are you groaning inside me? Hope in God, since I will praise him again for the salvation that comes from his presence.”[i]

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Adversity is the potting soil for developing the fruit of the Spirit: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, self control; Nothing in the Torah stands against such things,” Galatians 5:22-23.

It’s easy to have joy or peace when life is running smoothly, but when we get “hit” by a massive uncontrollable wave that pounds us to the ground, how do we get up again? How do we respond?

Years ago on vacation to Captiva, Florida, we had little understanding to the ways of the surf, especially on a stormy day; and in our spirited youth we ran into the huge powerful waves – the aftermath of a big storm.  The force of the waves was too strong for me to stand so I gathered shells, on the shoreline.

I looked up when this massive rogue wave headed relentlessly toward our friend. As I tried to yell for him to get out of the water, unable to hear with the groaning noise of the surf, like a giant hand, the wave picked him up, all 6 foot 2 inches of him, and in its’ immense power slammed him to the ground at the shoreline. We were stunned and he wasn’t moving…as we ran over to him, he slowly stood up, got his bearings and laughed loudly. We spent part of the afternoon washing sand and bits of shell out of his eyes and mouth.

Thankfully he was okay but we were stunned at the power of the ocean. It was a lesson learned through an experience to respect the water. We all grew that day in understanding of not only the power of the surf, but also our weakness to manage the force of nature.

So what do we do when an unexpected life-pounding wave picks us up and slams us to the ground?

First, we pick ourselves up and brush ourselves off and look at what “hit” us. Just like a red light on the dashboard reveals something needs attention under the hood; once we get the “diagnosis” from the service manager, we then know how to proceed. it is essential to examine ourselves as Paul suggests in 2 Corinthians 13:

Examine yourselves to see whether you are living the life of trust. Test yourselves. Don’t you realize that Yeshua the Messiah is in you? - unless you fail to pass the test. But I hope you will realize that we are not failures. And we pray to God that you will do nothing wrong. We are not concerned with our appearing successful, but with your doing what is right, even if we appear to be failures. For we cannot act against the truth, only for it.”[ii]

There are so many examples in scripture of those who not only walked through adversity but turned adversity into victory. Jesus is our greatest example, with Moses, David, Samson, Mary, Paul and the disciples. We can find strength to break off discouragement with God’s help just like those who walked before us.

Adversity can be a great teaching tool in his hand to stimulate and bring change. Even when hardship comes like a thief in the night, God will turn around what was meant to destroy and use it for his good. When we surrender to his dealings he can bring to light unhealthy belief structures or detrimental ways of “doing life.” We can then ask him to bring healing, restoration and resolution. During this process of covenant exchange, we give him our lack and receive his fullness andpatience trainingas he develops the Fruit of the Spirit.  His desire is to bring truth, resolution, healing and renewed life to us.

Paul, in 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, cheers us on to remember the mercies of God so we do not lose courage. He prompts us to never give up and to not faint: For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

This reminder by Paul is also important to remember: “We have this treasure in clay jars (earthen vessels) so that it will be evident that such overwhelming power comes from God, and from us. We have all kinds of troubles, but we are not crushed; we are perplexed, yet not in despair; persecuted, yet not abandoned; knocked down, yet not destroyed. We always carry in our bodies the dying of Yeshua, so that the life of Yeshua may be manifested in our bodies too. For we who are alive are always being handed over to death for Yeshua’s sake, so that Yeshua’s life also might be manifest in our mortal bodies.,” 2 Corinthians 4: 7-9.[iii]

 In the parable taught by Jesus, found in Luke 18:1-8, he talks about the “unjust judge,” and declares in vs. 7-8: “and shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them. I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find this trust (faith) on the earth at all?” Jesus is telling us to have faith - don’t give up - keep going - don’t’ quit - help is on the way!

Now, let me encourage you regarding the word “faith” in this previous scripture, especially translated by Dr. Skip Moen (Luke 18:8), which he discusses in his article entitled Spiritual Discouragement: Faith in the western world is cognitive or what we think, but faith is really perseverance. It is not giving up. “Faithfulness” is a more appropriate translation than “faith,” but Jesus in Luke 18 is talking about faith as an action.”[iv]

So if you are getting up and embracing each day, no matter how difficult, then you are putting action to your faith - you’re walking in faith! Choose to get up each morning and keep trusting and walking, keep praying and hoping, keep serving, keep reading the word, keep expecting and believing. Faith is persevering and enduring.

Let’s look at Webster’s definition of Perseverance: Continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty even with little or no prospect of success. Synonyms are: persistence, tenacity, determination, steadfastness, patience, dedication, commitment, endurance.

And also the definition for Endurance: the fact or power of enduring unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving up. Synonyms are: sufferance, forbearance, patience, fortitude, determination, resolution.

One more definition for Believers: the ability to persevere in a task or calling. The Believer is called to endure in the face of trial or opposition, and his endurance brings spiritual rewards.

Even in the definitions heaven is revealing the fruit of the Spirit being developed by his hands and decreeing - “Don’t give up - spiritual reward is at hand. Scripture also expresses to:“The one who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat with My Father on His throne,” Rev. 3:21. This is a promise to you as you lay down discouragement and choose to release and conquer all that has caused disappointment.

Discouragement is a step away from hopelessness. God encourages us to never lose hope. He will never lose hope in you!. Even though at times we all have restlessly lamented – “why is it taking so long – when is He going to move – when is it going to change – does God even care? Proverbs 13:12 reminds us that in our sorrow, a tree of life is being prepared to appear: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”

God cares about you and as Paul spoke to the Galatians, who were struggling with Grace compared to the Law, he taught in 6:9: “Let’s not become discouraged in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not become weary.” Our Father is a God of great grace. Remember, Grace is “God doing for us what we can’t do for ourselves.” Ask him for help, to strengthen you to stay strong.

God is a magnificent Father, who watches over his children and their well being. He is attentive to you and your cry and concerns! Even though his ways are often above our understanding and we see through a glass darkly, he comes as the Spirit of Truth and Comfort, Revelation and Counsel, Peace and Strength, to guide us on our journey. His desire is for you to walk in his ways and to know him intimately. He wants to have a relationship with you. Right now, you may be in a difficult place and it may feel that know one can relate or understand where you are; but Jesus knows – and he is always working on your behalf and fighting for you behind the scenes.

Look to the animals of the earth. God has given them a divine instinct to trust that they will have food. They do not fret that they will not have a nest for their eggs or food for their chicks. Like them, let’s shift our mindsets to trust the God of the Universe and continue in “faith through perseverance,” learning endurance while we actively watch for him to move in our circumstances and fight for us. Choose to trust and hold onto him – our God of Hope. Let’s pray -

“Father, by your grace, please help us to count the good happening in our lives. Help us to keep our eyes on you and to focus on what is true, honorable, pure, lovely and admirable. Strengthen us to give thanks even in the challenges of life and impart your hope as we release our disappointments. We thank you for your covenant exchange that we can give you our discouragement and receive your peace, love and comfort, hope and joy.”

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit,“
Romans 11:13.

“For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hurries toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it delays, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay long,” Habakkuk 2:3.

“But you God, are a shield for me; you are my glory, you lift my head high. With my voice I call out to you – Adonai, and he answers me from his holy hill,” Psalm 3:3-4.

 “Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord,” Ps. 32:24.

 “For you are my hope; O Lord God, You are my confidence from my youth. By you I have been sustained from my birth,” Psalm 71: 5-6.


[i] Stern, David; Complete Jewish Bible, Psalm 42:5, pg. 831, JEWISH NEW TESTAMENT PUBLICATIONS, Messianic Jewish Publishers, Clarksville, MD 21029, ©1998

[ii] Ibid, pg. 1451.

[iii] Ibid, pg. 1443

[iv] Moen, Skip, Ph.D., Spiritual Discouragement, Hebrew Word Study, ©March 8, 2017,

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He Watches Over You - Becky Maisenbacher

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Recently we walked out our front door in the early morning to be met by this large beautiful feather lying directly in our path. Gazing at this beautiful pristine and well formed feather of black and white I stood amazed at God’s goodness and faithfulness to remind us He is near. Turning to Richard I declared what a precious gift that morning to remind us of His presence. I love how our Father uses His creation to speak to us, because He always desires to speak to His people through His word, His still small voice within (Holy Spirit), and nature - actually the entire universe. Scripture reminds us: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands, Psalm 19:1b.

I knew this feather was representing His presence with us particularly that morning and I thanked Him for reminding me of His love and care. Having experienced the trauma of a high speed head on car crash years earlier, some residue still remains and God knows car travel is a always a step of faith for me. So this small expression of nature touched my heart as His peace enveloped me. Yes, you guessed it. Close to twenty minutes into our travels we were almost hit by a fast moving car. We were tossed about with adrenaline rushing through us, but by a near miss we were unharmed. In thankfulness we continued our errands, but my grateful heart began to ponder the works of His hands. How often He protects us without us knowing He is near. And even if we experience a challenge, His presence remains and He walks with us through the adversity. Feathers may represent protection; shield; comfort; covering; anointing; ability to fly. The black and white color: there are no gray areas with you; a straight shooter; very decisive; prophetic view point; you are either for or against, no middle line. ( A-Z Dream Symbology Dictionary-Dr. Barbie Breathitt).

Please know that He is always watching over you and walking with you each day! He is Immanual. He is with you! Matthew 1:23 declares: "Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which translated means "God with us". (NAS)

“Father, increase our understanding with fresh eyes to see and ears to hear what you are speaking. Help us to gain insight regarding the world around us, as you give wisdom and understanding. Help us to know you are near.”

The Lord watches over you—the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore.

Psalm 121:5-8 New International Version (NIV)

 In His Love -

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