During our Sunday, June 5, 2022 Covenant Center Pentecost worship and celebration God’s presence and power came - weighted and palpable, He spoke a word to alert and usher us into a new era. The following was spoken, giving not only encouragement, but prayerful consideration as He continues to guide us.
We thank you Lord for your presence, for your love and your goodness. We thank you Jesus that you walk among us. By your Spirit that you come, and you commune with us, and you love us. And you teach us, and you train us, and you guide us and you prosper us.
And even today that you would come with a word of encouragement and direction. And you would say to this house today, I call you a kingdom house. I have sent my prophets and I have sent my word to establish The Covenant Center as a family, as a tribe, as my glorious people. And I have tested you, and I have tried you. You have seen prosperity and you have seen what looked like defeat. But I tell you in those times that looked like weakness and defeat, I came to you, and I challenged you and I watched you like Gideon’s army.
When I sent Gideon to the stream, and I watched. And I said that I would separate those who lapped the water like dogs, and I would put my spirit and anointing on those who drank the water as they kneeled down to Me.
And so, I have preserved a remnant. And in the coming days I have said to you through many voices that we have entered a new era, not just a new season, but a new era. And so, it will be with you oh Covenant Center, because as a family I told you that I would build the house. Keep your hands off of it, I would build the house. And I would bring and make a kingdom family, a family that looks like my body from all various cultures, from all ages, from all backgrounds, that I would bring them in and heal them. And I would make you a picture of what the kingdom of God looks like.
So, I speak to you in this new era to tell you that expansion is here. Expansion is here. But don’t look at expansion by numbers. Erase the lines around the block that would hinder Me. For I will show you in the coming days what my expansion looks like.
And there have been some that have said what will we do now that Becky and Richard are old? What will happen to The Covenant Center? (Laughter) But I tell you, I placed them in this place as facilitators as Aquila and Priscilla. I asked them to hope in their hearts and release my love to the multitudes of people who would come. I asked them to train and equip and prepare and encourage as my Spirit would lead them. And so, they have done.
But now with expansion I say to you (that’s what He said) we have come not only to a new era and expansion to the Center, but we now will begin, I say begin, because the era will not happen overnight. But we are moving into a new order, a new authority, a new government of the house. The new authority will not only expand in this building or just in this community, but to the county we call Polk.
There will be new structure. We must begin to change, to accommodate those that I am preparing to send in. Because I am going to enlarge you. I am going to expand you. And as I prepare those, we call them in, this generation that does not know Me. The generation that has left Me. My dear prodigals, those that have been wounded and have received toxic mentorship. They will come and be healed in this house. And they will be given destiny.
So as the change comes, as the new authority comes, as the new government comes, as the new structure comes, do not fear. For have I not built this house to accommodate you, your family and your children and your loved ones, and my people? And I will continue to build this house as we step into the new things together. Allow my hand to build it. I have trained you. I have equipped you. I have built a prophetic family, a prophetic tribe, a prophetic people. And you will do great exploits in my name. I love you. I am so proud of you. And know that I am always, always with you, forever and ever. Amen.
Let’s pray: Thank you, Father. You never leave us. You never forsake us. You always come with your plan. You always bring those who you desire to abide together, to honor one another, to love one another, to serve one another. That you build your kingdom person by person. And you give each person the choice to lap the water or to kneel as they drink. And Lord, I thank you that you have made a holy house, a holy kingdom that we desire to kneel as we drink. We honor you, Father. We love you. We praise you. We exalt you. We thank you for your goodness, your mercy, and your faithfulness. We thank you for your lovingkindness that never fails. And even in these dark times, that as the world becomes even darker, you will shine on your people with your anointing to shine even brighter. So, we give you glory today Lord and thank you for your presence that you would come and speak to us and guide us into these new days. Thank you. Thank you, Jesus. You are holy. Father, You are so holy.
As we step into this new era, may God continue to bless and keep you in His love,