God is visiting His people and His word is being released and declared throughout the nations. I want to share with you the wonderful encouragement during our recent Sunday celebration to encourage you and inspire you to trust and believe that God cares about you. We also thank our gifted musicians, psalmists and scribe for sharing their gifts with us all, releasing these precious words of encouragement. In His love, Becky
Praise and Worship:
The theme this morning seemed to be speaking about the greatness of God and His empowering believers to overcome regardless of their circumstances; allowing Him to have His way as we participate with Him.
The worship time started with honoring the Lord about Him being worthy of worship. There were many declarations and prophetic statements. I transcribed the majority of it because it was all so encouraging. I didn’t want to leave anything out. Debbie Hester
Cynthia Cox: Declaring and singing to the Lord:
“What a mighty God we serve! We serve a mighty God, hallelujah. Awesome in power, awesome in power, hallelujah! How great is our God? How great is our God in power, hallelujah. Is He great today? He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. He’s the same, He never changes, hallelujah! Yes, what a mighty God! Hey, - what a mighty God! Yes, He’s our mighty God! Yes, what a mighty God, yes, hallelujah!
Oh, bless your name O’ God! We thank you Lord, you’re awesome in this place. You’re awesome in this place. Oh we love you Lord, we love your presence. Your presence is awesome! Your presence O’ God, your presence is awesome! We thank you Lord… Oh glory, glory, glory, how awesome are you Lord! Whoa… Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory to your name O’ God! Oh we bless you Lord, we bless you; we bless you. We lift you up O’ God! We honor you, we sing unto you a new song. We thank you Lord! Oh how awesome are you, how excellent is your name in all the earth. Oh God, You’re a God of excellence. Oh bless your name. We thank you, we thank you, we thank you God! Can’t nobody look like you, can’t nobody do us like you Lord. Oh how excellent is your name! Oh, I bless your name O’ God, Oh your majesty and honor. We bless you. We lift you up Lord. We thank you, O Father, we could search the globe all over and never find a love like yours. Thank you Lord, Oh bless you, thank you Lord!
Do what you want to do, say want you want to say. Do what you want to do, do what you want to do, have your way Lord, have your way. When we leave Lord, we don’t want to leave the same way we came in Lord, hallelujah! We thank you Lord, we believe you Father that you can to anything but fail! Hallelujah, great is thy faithfulness O’ God! Hallelujah! Do what you want to do.
Heal if you want to, tear down walls if you want to, set the captives free if you want to, do what you want to do, do what you want to do Lord. Fill this house with your glory Lord, fill it with your glory Lord; fill it with your glory! Set the captive free! Set the captive free! Manifest your power, manifest your power. Come upon us, manifest to destroy the works of the devil. Yes Lord, destroy the works of the devil. Yes Lord, come and manifest to destroy the works of the devil. Destroy the works of the enemy. Destroy the works of the enemy. Destroy! Pull down strongholds, pull down strongholds. Pull down strongholds! Set the captive free and move by your Spirit, move by your Spirit.”
Shane Butler:
“We sing your praises…. You alone are worthy. We sing your praises…. We put our trust in you alone!”
Nicole Welch: Read Romans 12:1-2 from the message translation as follows.
“12 1-2 So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”
Shane: Sang out…
“Laying our lives down”…..Then Shane spoke out the following word of encouragement:
“I just hear the Lord that this is a body that has laid their lives down. That’s how the Lord sees us. The Lord is pleased. There’s always more He’s asking of us, but there is no condemnation. Thank you for this process of exchanging ourselves for you. We receive in the process. Thank you Jesus.”
Nicole: Sang…
“May you prosper as your soul prospers; may you prosper as your soul prospers; may your receive all He has for you.
Just receive the word His word, what He thinks of you, how much He loves you. He said, May you prosper even as your soul prospers. We receive it, we receive all you have. Oh your power falls on weakness, your power falls on weakness.
We receive today. Let the poor say I am rich, let the weak say I am strong. We receive all you have for us. May we prosper; may we prosper; may we prosper.
Let the poor say I am rich, let the weak say I am strong, let the hungry say we are full. Oh may we prosper.
Power falls on weakness. You resurrect what’s dead, you resurrect what’s dead! Your power falls on weakness. Let the poor say I am rich. Let the weak say I am strong. Let the hungry say we are full… Full of love. We receive your fullness. May we prosper; may we prosper.
May we prosper by your Spirit! The spirit can only reap the spirit, you can’t do it in the flesh. The spirit can only bear fruit in the Spirit. May we prosper! Your spirit man is growing up!
Your spirit man is growing up! Mature sons and daughters, even the little ones will prosper. Even the infants prosper, prosper. Your men and women prosper. The Father’s and Mother’s prosper. I release prosperity over you, I release prosperity over you. We receive, we receive, we receive the love; we receive the Spirit of generosity. We receive, we receive; we receive the spirit of generosity.”
Cynthia: - Prayed in the Spirit and then released this prophetic song:
“Is there anything too hard for me? Is there anything too hard for me? I Am your God. I am the true and living God in your lives. Is there anything too hard for me? Look unto me. Look unto me, the author and the finisher of your faith. Trust me, trust me in this hour, trust me in this hour, trust me like never before; and I promise you I’ll never fail you. But, just look unto me. When the circumstances rise in your presence look unto me for I am your God, I am your strength, I am your peace, I am your Lord, I am your God. Everything you need is inside of me. Look inside of me for the kingdom of God lives inside of you. Look to me; look to me; don’t look to the left; don’t look to the right, but look to me. Look up to me! Oh, in those times of adversity I’ll set you free. I’ll set you free. Pour out your hearts to me, pour out your hearts to me, pour out your hearts to me, and you will see I will do it for you!”
Don Franklin: Referred to a word He had gotten from the Lord in approximately 1994 called, “In a Baptism of Suffering” He was looking at it again and began to speak to us sharing the following about that word.
“God was warning, He was going to send the prophets ahead into a valley of suffering, and trial and tribulation to prepare the way for the Body. It came out in one of those fire breathing dragon anointing’s. (Laughing) But, He was warning me. “I’m gonna send you through great tribulation.” And I did! We went through hell on earth. But in it, my God… I learned so much in those trials and tribulations. And now, I can look at people and say, “You’re gonna be alright; here’s what’s happening.”
“As you go through this stuff and you melt and you burn, God’s gonna burn dross off. But you’re gonna come out so powerful, so full of character, so full of the Holy Ghost. It’s unbelievable! And then we tie it in with every single Biblical figure that we know of from Joseph to Daniel, to Job. All of them went through burning fiery trials. To be prepared for what? To be prepared for the calling that was upon them! So, the pattern in our lives is yes, can you drink of the cup that I drink of? I tell you the truth guys… I can’t just give you one half of the scriptures. I gotta give you the full counsel of God.
Can you drink of the cup I drank of the Lord said…? You will drink of it! So, each of us will drink a measure of the cup that He drank of. And you know we’ve never really been prepared for that. But, I think that’s part of my job, to explain to the body this. You’re gonna have some very difficult places. But, guess what…when everyone else falls away, He’s gonna be right through there with you. And there’s been times that everybody in my life fell away except for the presence of God.
Paul’s in a jail cell saying, I’m all alone, they’ve all forsaken me. Who else said that? Christ in the garden! He was all alone. They all forsook Him. Joseph’s in a prison cell all alone, no family, everyone forsook him.
There are times and seasons when we go through these kinds of places with God. How do you get through? It is my job to teach you how do your get through. There’s a way through it. There is a way through it! But, I think the greatest treasure I had is the changes that happened to me in these burning trials. When you come up out of one of those things you walk with a limp.
When Jacob wrestled with that angel, knocked his leg out of his hip, he came out of there walking with a limp. But he came out with power, and he came out with authority. And, he came out with blessings of God on him. So, these times and seasons are poured on our lives some times, and we just need to learn how do we get through. You will get through! But if you have someone there that can explain and teach you how to do it, it’s a lot easier.
I kinda had to go cold turkey. I had a few books that would help. “Release of the Spirit” by: Watchman Nee was one of them. The first time I read it I got so mad I threw it across the room as hard as I could. I thought this thing is crazy. You know, God loves me, I’m not gonna go through any more. (Laughing) But Watchman talked about how the Holy Ghost deals with us. And later, that became one of my treasure books.”
Julie Koerner: Encouraged us all to read the Book of Revelation over and over.
Julie shared it’s not easy to read. But if we’re going to understand our lives, if we’re going to understand what we’re going through, we have to understand it within the context of where God is taking us. “God’s intention is to glorify us with Himself…. Nothing less than that! So when you have a context for what you’re going through it makes so much more sense.
“Read it over and over and over again and allow yourself to be blown away by it. Because this is where God is going. It is a big picture, it is so far beyond the ways that we think.” She touched on the types of creatures in heaven, in the throne room which we can’t imagine. Yet, it is heaven’s reality. Our reality has to fit into that reality, it makes no sense. It is earth bound but we have to start with where He’s going. There are terrible, terrible, terrible parts. And there are wonderful, wonderful, wonderful parts. But in the end we know the end. He wants to glorify his people. He wants to glorify you, He wants to glorify me. And everything else fits into that context. So, as we are in the harvest time which I’m very excited about I just encourage you to do that.”
We are thankful for the musicians, psalmist and scribes who release and record these special moments. As we continue to share in the coming days, I want to introduce Debbie who has recently joined TCC and graciously accepted the task of writing out the words released. God bless and keep you! Becky
Debbie Hester grew up in Central Florida and works in the marketplace. She has served with Youth with a Mission, Mercy Ships International as a missionary, working with a team of musicians in many venues from open air evangelistic outreaches, children’s ministry, as well as training and equipping praise and worship bands/teams in their local churches both stateside and abroad throughout the Caribbean, Europe and Africa.
She founded “Matters of the Heart” with a primary focus on restoration of the soul through women’s ministry which she still oversees today. She has a Biblical Studies Degree from North Carolina College of Theology via Morningstar University and is currently working toward certification in therapeutic music. Debbie enjoys journaling, writing articles, and public speaking with the intentional hope of encouraging others in their walk with Christ.