I can remember the first time I heard the song of the Lord. I wasn’t acquainted with the gifts of the Spirit but as I heard the song, my soul was elevated to a place of joy as well as peace. I wanted to know more. When King David was restless or perplexed he would often call forth his musicians. Their anointed music brought peace and rest to him as well as heavenly insight. It is a joy to be able to share some of the words being released by our Covenant Center musicians and psalmists. We appreciate Debbie Hester volunteering her time to scribe their words. I hope you find peace, encouragement and insight from heaven that brings comfort and hope. Blessings, Becky
Prophetic Worship August 16, 2020:
“Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid for I am the God, your God, the true and living God. And I am the same God yesterday, today, today, and forevermore. I changeth not, for I am the true and the living God. I am the great I Am. Arise in My Spirit, arise for the light has come.
Rejoice in Me, rejoice in Me, For the name of the Lord is a strong tower, so run unto Me.
Rejoice in Me, run into Me. For I am your refuge and I am your fortress. Look not at what you see, even the things you hear. Know that My word proceeds these things that you hear. Trust in Me, look unto Me for I am the Alpha and the finisher of your faith. I am your God!” (Cynthia Cox)
“Stand firm. Stand firm, just fix your eyes on Me. The battle is the Lord’s.” (Ryan Silva)
“Why so downcast oh your soul? Have I not said, put your hope in Me? Have you not prayed…your kingdom come, your will be done? Do you think My kingdom is full of just peace? There’s strife. Even undoing the things of men that need to be undone. It’s messy! My Kingdom is here. My Kingdom has come! Look with your eyes, hear with your ears, believe in your heart the truth of My word and stand upon those principles and precepts, and what I do in the earth because, yes, change is here. Change is here. But, do you not think I am the change maker? I am not only the way maker; I am a change maker.
So be at peace and receive from Me knowing My kingdom is present where ever you go. You carry the kingdom within you. Know that all is well. I am doing a work in the earth that you will see one day, the fruit of My labor.” (Becky M.)
Cynthia Cox is an intercessor, psalmist, teacher and prophetic voice who loves to worship and brings forth God’s presence and revelation. She is ordained with The Covenant Center.