Transition, coupled with God's divine work of transformation and renewal, can sometimes leave one wondering where they are in their life journey. We may try to figure out what God is saying or try to understand the focus of His work in us. When we ask, He is so faithful to reveal His plans and His focal point to guide and encourage us. A dream is one way He speaks to give us guidance and understanding.
In a recent dream Richard and I were in our home, when the doorbell rang. As we opened the door a young couple greeted us with their children, bringing some sweets they had baked to share. We then went outside and joined others who were standing beside a large tree and John Deere Gator utility vehicle. We could immediately observe that the large base roots of the tree had grown around and entwined themselves into and through the bed of the utility vehicle. It was immobile. The only thing holding it back from functioning, as it was designed, were the large roots. Without saying a word, we all knew it was important to pull the roots out that had disabled the vehicle so it could once again function at capacity. As we together began to pull out the roots, we were pleasantly surprised to see how quickly our efforts resulted in the each root relinquishing its hold. As we continued, the roots flew through the air and landed at the base roots of other trees. We knew once the roots were removed they would no longer detain the vehicle or hold it powerless.
Though the Body of Christ has been in a long season of surgery and transition, with God pruning branches to bring new growth and fruit, it is now time to look for the larger deep roots that God is exposing. As we acknowledge them, take time to work on them by pulling them out and removing them, we will be freed from those things that have been holding us down and hindering our forward movement. For some these roots have completely disabled them, where they have become immobile and unusable, causing discouragement and for some despair. For those who will allow God to expose the deep roots hindering them and actively work to remove them, they will begin to experience life and the ability to once again become active and fully alive. They will move forward with great mobility and rock solid stability, smoothly steering with great maneuverability and ground clearance, to ride over bumpy terrain with strength and power. They will have the ability to carry heavy loads while being equipped with the tools and supplies needed to be productive and accomplish all they have been called to, arriving safely at their destination. What may look overwhelming will become very sweet.
Father, thank you that you love us so much that you reveal yourself and your truth to us. You desire to guide and direct us so we may live well and prosper. Now, please show us the roots that may hinder us from moving forward in you. Thank you for strengthening us and giving us the ability to remove all that hinders us from walking in your fullness of life. Thank you Lord!
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1)
In His love -