Pentecost is a Feast of the Lord celebrated by believers on Sunday June 4th, which is mentioned in Acts 2:1. However, the holy day is found all the way back in the book of Exodus. In the New Testament in Acts 20:16, In this scripture, Paul mentions he was in a hurry to reach Jerusalem, if possible, at least by the day of Pentecost.
The Jews celebrated Shavuot when they received the Torah from God in Exodus 20. The presence of God appeared on the top of the mountain in the form of fire. Torah or the Word of God was then given to them on tablets of stone.
In Acts 2, the presence of God fell upon the believers with tongues of fire as they began to speak in the native language of those who were listening. In the book of Jeremiah 31, he prophesied that the Spirit of God would come upon the believers and the Torah would be written on their hearts, rather than on tablets of stone.
We look forward to celebrating this Feast with joy and thanksgiving! He has given us His written Word and continues to write His Word upon our hearts. As our covenant relationship of intimacy increases, His Word on our hearts also increases by knowing Him and the power that relationship brings.
His blessings to you and family,