Join us Wednesday Nights at 7:00 as we learn, study, and practice, "Walking In His Ways".  Three elements of Walking In HIs Ways include learning to function in healthy Covenant relationships, studying His word and His principles as Torah, increasing intimacy with the Lord to better hear and understand His Spirit.

Cafe - Fellowship

We are called to encourage, exhort, edify, and celebrate life together!  God is pleased when He sees His children assembling and having FUN!

Room One - Inner Connections

Learning to recognize that connecting with our own hearts brings greater intimacy with God as well as makes way for deeper heart connections with others.  Discover yourself and what you truly love and desire, our true passions.

Room Two - Prophetic Activation

The ability to Walk In His Ways is also dependent on our ability to hear his voice and to recognize and distinguish His voice from our own.  Practical application and activation in the gifts of the spirit will help ourselves and others to know Him on a more intimate level.

Room Three - Hebraic Studies

God reveals Himself through His living word!  Torah and its practical application produces life in our lives and guides us to a better understand what it looks like in our own lives to Walk in His Ways.