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Shalom! Daniel is the founder of Jerusalem Eternal Tours, and is managing our Israel 360 tour in 2016. Daniel will be sharing a bit on the current state of Israel as well as some information about touring Israel.

About Jerusalem Eternal Tours

Jerusalem Eternal Tours, ("JET") is a full service travel company and over the years we have established our reputation by providing an unmatched service for Christian groups touring the Holy Land.

Our ultimate goal, is to maintain our focus on the Eternal Victory Jesus has obtained, Jesus, never promised it will be easy but He did want us to take courage and know that He obtained true victory that will last FOREVER!

Every Christian owes it themselves to visit Israel, The Land of The Bible, at least once in their lifetime. Jerusalem Eternal Tours, ("JET") will ensure that you will never read your Bible in the same way again.

No longer will you just read about Jesus teaching on the Sea of Galilee, you will visualize it. It will help put everything in perspective and your entire understanding will be enriched through visiting Israel with the tours offered by Jerusalem Eternal Tours ("JET").

About Daniel

My name is Daniel Decker, I am a spirit filled Christian who was born and raised in Israel. Today, I am the Director of Jerusalem Eternal Tours, ("JET").

Everything started with my grandfather, Rev. Robert Decker, a retired Baptist Minister, now 93 years old. He has personally brought Christian pilgrims to Israel on a regular basis for over 20 years. Growing up, I would always look forward to spend time with my grandfather as we explored the Land of the Living God together.

My father, Pastor David N. Decker, is an Evangelical Christian who has lived in Israel continuously since 1980. He obtained a bachelor degree in Meteorology at the Penn State University and soon after moved to Israel as a devout Christian Zionist, where he raised a family of 5 children. In 1983 my father was emplyed by Pat Robinson (METV) and became the first person who has ever broadcasted weather in the T.V in the whole Middle East.
Above all, we desire to be a blessing to all of the precious descendants of Abraham.