As I was in prayer last week, I heard the word “defense.” Then I heard the adage, “the best offense is a good defense.” I immediately thought of the verse in Ephesians 6:11, “Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.” I immediately thought that the body of Christ has been so discouraged lately that we have been fighting offensively through the weapons of prayer, praise, teaching, and the words of our testimony and these are all great. However, I thought maybe we needed a review of the “so called” defensive armor.

In this wrestling match with the enemy, we must be armed with God’s armor: 1. The belt of truth 2. The breastplate of righteousness 3. The shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace 4. The shield of faith 5. The helmet of salvation 6. The sword of the Spirit.

As I began to focus on the Lord’s armor, I also started to see an offensive side. This is the Lord’s battle and because we are in covenant with Him, we represent Him on earth. We are familiar using language like being filled with Holy Spirit and sensing or seeing or hearing the Spirit speak on the inside of us. I am not sure we have fully embraced His armor being a new set of clothing on the outside and being “covered” in the Spirit. Paul even mentioned “putting on the new man.” We may tend to have a private experience with the Lord as a Greek/Western concept, however, the Hebraic is also acting out the Spirit so that others can see the change in our clothing.

We put on the whole armor of God and begin to walk out His truth (reality), righteousness (that which conforms to the revealed will of God), preparation of the gospel of peace (scripture that produces peace of heart and mind as it is acted out), faith (hearing, believing, and obeying), salvation (deliverance from all forms of evil), and the Spirit (the Word of God).

In Ephesians 6:13 it says, “…and having done everything, to stand firm.” Paul says to put on the whole armor and do everything necessary. In other words, hold the ground that God wins. Do not retreat. God will engage the enemy, but we must be ready to hold the line. Standing firm sounds like we are on the defense; however, when we put on the whole armor and actively engage on the outside, the armor becomes powerful and active.

 Yes, let’s continue to be active offensively when God directs us, however putting on His whole armor may also have some “offensive” direction as we stand firm and hold His ground!

In His Covenant Love,