Elizabeth Weber

Scripture tells us that the believer’s prayers are a sweet scent/fragrance to God. Rev. 5:8, 8:3-4, Psalm 141:2. Hopefully you see your prayers in this way, but if not, let’s go on a brief walk through the Tabernacle of Moses. Our destination is the Altar of Incense in the holy place where sweet perfumed prayers are offered to God as well as worship and intercession. Exodus 30:1-10, Leviticus 16:12-13, 1Tim 2:1 Luke 18:1

You may be asking, how will a walk through the tabernacle encourage me in my prayer life? Well, the infrastructure and furniture contained in the Tabernacle tell the Gospel story and speak to the covenant relationship we have with the one true God. That makes all the difference.

We know there is no longer a temple in Israel, post the Romans destroying it in 70 A.D. However, Scripture tells us the body of Christ, is now the temple (1Cor 3:16-17) and we are the priests ministering to God. (1 Peter 2:9)

As we approach the tabernacle we note that there is only one entrance. Jesus said “I am the door”; “I am the way, truth and life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Our sin kept us from relationship with our heavenly Father, however, Jesus is the way back into covenant relationship with Father. If you have made the decision to come in by the only door, Christ, then be at peace and know you are restored to Father, accepted and blessed. John 10:7-9,14:6, Romans 5:17, Deut. 28:6, Psalm 121:8.

Now we enter the tabernacle, and immediately encounter the Brazen or Bronze Altar where innocent animals were sacrificed to atone for our sins. We pause and reflect on the truth that now, we have been justified by Christ blood and are saved from the wrath of God. You and I have been declared- Not Guilty! Romans 5:9 – “We have been justified by Christ blood, how much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:14-22).

From the Brazen Altar we stop at the Bronze Basin, Exodus 30:17- 21. The Bronze Basin and its stand was made from the mirrors of the ministering women, Exodus 38:8. As we wash our hands and feet (daily cleansing) we see our reflection in these mirrors. Pausing for self-examination, here we ask ourselves the hard questions regarding where our feet have taken us and how our hands minister; what are my motives, thoughts, mindsets and my expected outcomes of ministry? Anything that does not come from the Law of Liberty mentioned in James 1:22-25 is cleansed away at this time. The Law of Liberty is the law of Christ or the Law of Love, Hebrews 10:22-25, Titus 3:5.

We are now ready to enter the middle section of the tabernacle, the Holy Place. This area is separated by very thick curtains and would be completely dark except for the light from the Golden Lampstand, Exodus 25:31-40.  Amazingly, this candle stick is made from one piece of gold, (reference to the Trinity). The candlestick has a main stem from which six other branches are supported. At the top of each branch were “cups” of oil that kept the lights from going out. In John 8:12 Jesus said, “I am the light of the world”. In John 10:30, Jesus declared, “I and the Father are One.” Twice daily the priest trimmed the wicks and added oil so the candle lights always burned brightest. The Golden Candlestick represents the Triune God. We can rejoice and be in peace knowing that we are in covenant with the One True God and He will never break this covenant with us. Isaiah 42:5-9 Psalm 36:9 Isaiah 11:2.

We then move across the room to the Table of Showbread; some refer to it as the Table of Presence, Exodus 25:23. In covenant relationships, the table always represents provision, acceptance, fellowship and peace. If there is any issue between covenant partners, they came together to resolve any issue. The two partners would then share a meal, break bread, together symbolizing that all is well between one-another, and the issue is not to be brought up again as it is resolved. On the table are 12 loaves of bread placed in two stacks of 6 and a vessel of wine representing the covenant meal/communion. In John 6:35 Jesus said “I am the bread of life.” This table is our last pause before going to the Altar of Incense. Here we can exchange anything that is interfering in our covenant relationship with God. For example, I exchange my personal preservation for God‘s servant Spirit, my bitterness for God‘s forgiveness, my worry for God‘s shalom. We are invited and have access to this precious privileged table at anytime, John 6:32, Matthew 11:28, Psalm 23:5.

We finally arrive at the Altar of Incense. We reflect back at what has been confirmed to us as we have walked through the Tabernacle. We entered through the Door, Jesus’ blood has declared us “Not Guilty,” we have washed and have been cleansed by the Word and now serve by the Law of Christ - the Law of Liberty. We are grateful that we no longer walk in darkness but have the light of Christ. We continue to trim our wicks and are filled with Holy Spirit again and again. Lastly, we have a covenant meal exchange with the Lord.

Here at this Altar of Incense we minister to God by praise, worship, and prayers. We minister on behalf of others through our intercession. This altar is placed facing the Ark of the Covenant, which is covered by the Mercy Seat, located in the Holy of Holies. At one time there was a curtain separating the Altar of Incense from the Mercy Seat, but no more as Jesus, our great High Priest has pulled down that curtain of separation by his sacrificial death. Since we are accepted and restored to God, we have assurance that our prayers are heard and accepted as sweet perfume to God, Hebrews 10:19-21.

This square shaped altar (Altar of Incense) receives its hot coals from the Bronze Altar. There are four horns on each corner representing Christ’s authority and power, the premise from which we pray. The altar is made of acacia wood (representing humanity) but is over laid in gold (royalty). Here the “royal priesthood “ministered twice daily by placing a special recipe of incense on the hot coals. Exodus 30:1-10, Leviticus 16:13.

This sacred incense is described as sweet, pure, holy, perfume and is prepared from five different products. Each product is combined together by a beating process. The original characteristics of these products are lost in the beating, but then a new product emerges. 2Cor 5:16-17, Mark8:34, Matthew 10:39.

My hope is that you see that prayer is not intended to be a work of the flesh but instead, a beautiful expression of the unbreakable covenant that we have with God because of the complete sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 31:31-33, Hebrews 7:22, 8:13.

Be encouraged precious believer! Elizabeth

Elizabeth Weber is passionate about studying the Word of God. She has a Bachelor Degree in Psychology from Southeastern University and a Masters Degree in Theology from North Carolina College of Theology. She is a trained chaplain and ordained minister. She recently retired as a hospice and palliative RN at a local hospital. Elizabeth resides in Winter Haven, Florida with her husband David. She loves spending time with her family, 3 children and 4 grandchildren. You can contact her at