I noticed in Deuteronomy 6:5 it says, “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” Then in the New Testament in Matthew 22:37 it says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all you heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” I know Jesus was quoting the Deuteronomy scripture that they prayed twice a day in the Shema prayers, but I was not sure why mind and might came out with totally different words and meanings.

As I thought about it though I knew that the Eastern/Hebraic thought process includes the entire person with heart, body and might representing the whole person, not broken into pieces or categories. It is fine of course to break things apart for teaching purposes, but with God everything works together in the believer. I am also aware that in the Western/Greek mindset there is an emphasis on the mind and thinking with very little emotion.

I was occasionally having a little difficulty implementing and applying the biblical principles of the Bible. In Matthew 16:24 it says to deny myself and In Deuteronomy 6:5 it says to love with Him with all my might. By taking things out of context I made excuses like if I didn’t want to do anything I just would deny myself and not be self-centered.  On the other hand, if I wanted to go forward full blast, I could use the scripture I am loving with all my might!

I do understand why the Hebraic thought process stresses doing and not just thinking though. The Hebrew word might is meod, meaning force or strength… and with all the intensity you have!  Being one of His disciples is not just a comfortable spiritual condition or a warm fuzzy feeling. It is effort, labor, industriousness, and creativity. This goes way beyond obedience or compliance. This is loving and serving Him with our whole heart, soul, and might!

I guess my laboring into rest by doing nothing or just entertaining myself might be taking some scriptures out of context. Unless of course if gives me the opportunity to refuel so I can continue to love Him with all my might! Let’s go for it!

In His Covenant Love,