The Destiny of America and Her Sons - A Call to Prayer - Prophetic Journal
The Destiny of America and Her Sons - A Call to Prayer - Prophetic Journal
Prophetic Journal - a dialogue between the intercessor and the Lord. Prayers for America and her leaders are given during times of intercession, as well as, prophetic words spoken from the Lord God regarding this nation.
Could President Donald Trump be a deliverer for America and a Churchill to this generation?
How can America not come under the rule of the Antichrist and World Order?
What’s America’s role to play in the destiny of Jerusalem?
How does heaven view the present unrest in America and the persecutions of Christians around the world?
What will the Golden Church be like under the Holy Ghost?
Is America headed towards destruction or a period of Grace?
About the Author:
Don Franklin has ministered as a prophetic intercessor with his wife, Bonnie, at Carpenters Home and Ignited church for thirty years. He has spoken at theological universities in Europe and at the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus of Jerusalem. His messages share timely words from the Lord focusing on historical biblical occurrences related to current events.