Dream Seer
Dream Seer
You Have Access to More Than You Can Imagine…
God acts from infinity to prepare us to succeed for eternity. Your destiny is designed in the language of your dreams, visions and imagination, so anything is possible when God is present. The power of imagination is one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind. God instills the ability to create a beautiful life through imagining the lives we desire. God created the soul with the power to attract the things it loves and hates, dispelling fears and aspirations according to the secret desires and thoughts it hits.
However, our religious traditions and inadequate understanding of the creative power of God’s work forms a narrow, restrictive corridor for the Holy Spirit to dwell. Hindered by a lack of knowledge, many are unaware they were created to carry the glory of God, manifesting a flow of God’s powerful presence everywhere.
Dream Seer: Seeking for the Face of the Invisible unleashes the creative realms of God in the Sons of God, by seeing His mighty acts manifested through the power of imagination. Learn how to release your faith to relate to God in His grandueur, apprehend a fresh revelation of the imagination, and discover hidden areas in the sprint realm. Embrace a new level of Spiritual manifestations as never before. Dream Seer offers a panoramic view of Jesus’ beautiful yet invisible, face to loose your imagination to dream and achieve the impossible. Find your place in His Story and become the bridge that brings the possibilities of future promises and solutions in the reality of now. And fall in love with Him over and over again…
Dr. Barbie Breathitt is a certified prophetic dream life coach, author, ordained minister, dedicated educator, and respected teacher of the supernatural manifestations of God. She is a recognized leader in dream interpretation, with healing, deliverance, signs, wonders, and miracles following her ministry. Barbie has equipped people in more than forty nations worldwide. Her prophetic gifting and deep spiritual insights have helped thousands of people understand God’s supernatural ways. Her ministry, Breath of the Spirit, is based out of Texas.