What are you doing Lord? What are you doing? "I am building a people, training a people, speaking to a people, loving a people, providing for a people. Has it not been so?" But oh God, for me, it has been so hard! What have I done to make it so hard? "What have you done My beloved? You let Me take you into My breast and hold you in My arms. You gave your life to Me and allowed Me to come into your heart and change who you were. You allowed Me to take away the dross and fill you with My glory. Great feats take deep training. How deep are you willing to go? For what feats are you willing to do with Me? For I continue to look throughout the earth for those who will surrender and say, 'Not my will but Yours be done Lord.' And what joy that brings to Me when a vessel surrenders themselves and opens their heart to the things of My kingdom and not of this earth. For yes, you look around and say, 'Oh they are blessed and they are blessed - what's wrong with me?' "Who is the one who is blessed? Who is the one who is blessed? The one who carries My presence! The one who carries My glory! The one who has gone through the fire of transformation and who has allowed Me to change their heart! The one who I have shared My glory with, where they can reach out and touch and heal and change a heart and bring life. Those are the blessed. And so it has been in this house."
"Those of you who have been willing to walk through the fire and say, 'Yes, Lord I surrender myself to You.' "Even when it was hard, and even when you were close to giving up, you would dig down deep to the river of faith that I had placed within you, and you chose to stand. Morning by morning, My grace was sufficient for you. So for those who have surrendered and have allowed My process for development and transformation, I say to you, what you have heard on the waves, what you've heard on the radio and what you've heard on the TV - This is a new day! This is a new day! Though there are days when it's hard to believe and though you may not see it in the natural yet, look with your spirit eyes. Now, I say look with your spirit eyes. Listen to the sounds of heaven. Record your dreams and see as I visit you what I am going to do for you. For now is the time of great reaping. For has it not been said, and is it not a statute and principle in My kingdom that what you sow you reap? And you will go out with joy and so you shall see a time of reaping. A time of reaping!"
What shall I reap Lord? What will I reap? I've lost everything. I have lost everything Lord. "Ah, beloved, remember My promises. Remember My words to you. Remember My life to you. Remember when we dreamed. Remember when we dreamed? But the interruption came when I stopped to give you the process of transformation and to say, oh by My mercy, I cannot take you any further yet for what I have for your destiny, until I change you. For it is My mercy that comes. How many times have you thought it was the enemy coming to halt those things? It was not the enemy. It was Me. For in My mercy I train and I train and I teach and I mature and I prepare those who I am about to send forth. Would a father send a child into the fire? I have equipped you. I have trained you. I have tested you. I have challenged you. I have waited even to see what you would do. I have refined you. I continue to mature you."
"This is a new day! And to those of you who have had the promises, you've had the promises, it is time to reap. It is time to reap! So take this today My beloved for I release the finances to you. I release My glory to you. I release My healing to you. I release My life to you. I'm bringing My hope to you. I say to you, 'Arise.' To my beloved, it is time to dream again! It is time My beloved to carry you away and take you to the places that we've talked about. It is now time. It is now time. Remember My release today. Look for it. Look for it. For it shall surely come. I celebrate it! I'm so pleased with you. I'm so pleased you have allowed Me - that you have made a habitation for Me to come and visit with you. That I may come and live with you. That I may come and reside with you. I am so pleased. I love you. I rejoice in you. And by My grace and by My breath we will go forward with the plans and destiny. I will now give this to you. Believe! Believe! My beloved, it is time again to believe!"
May this word encourage and strengthen you,