We are entering a new decade where we will see greatness released. New and innovative products as well as structures and systems will be birthed. Brilliance with innovation is often birthed out of adversity. God has plans to give you a future and hope, (Jeremiah 29:11).
I believe it is important to understand what is happening in the natural as well as the spiritual. In a recent article by Peter Zeihan a geopolitical strategist “The Geopolitics of American Fear, 3/17/2020, he suggests:
“American history of all eras is rich with examples of how challenges turned into increase.
1) The Pearl Harbor panic fostered the deepwater dominance strategy, culminating in a Navy more powerful than all other players combined.
2) The Sputnik panic brought us a root-to-branch overhaul of the educational system and industrial plant.
3) The Vietnam depression married tech to military strategy and brought us JDAMs, cruise missiles, the Internet and cell phones.
4) The 1979 and 1983 oil shocks led directly to deepwater oil production and the shale revolution.
The American system has exited every decade in a stronger position than it was in when it entered, including the decade periods of the Great Depression and Great Recession. It came thru the 1920s Spanish flu epidemic which spawned the development of penicillin (a far more deadly pathogen than coronavirus).”
For those of us who have weathered various storms of life, we can say in faith, “God is with you!” He encourages you to have no fear as you keep your eyes on Him. Though the world around may change He is ever present. He is the same yesterday, today and forever and He loves and cares about you!
Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours.
All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name.
For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God. Ps. 86:8-10
God continues to calm the storms of life. He will calm this one too.
Love and prayers to you and family,