There is no greater love than laying down one’s life for his brother. Benny Humphries is the quintessential picture of just that. Once an educator in Polk County Florida, with ministry training from Carpenter’s Home Church to Morningstar Ministries, he sensed twenty years ago the call of God to sell everything and go to the nations. He found himself in Peru where he met his beautiful wife Alexandria, a native of Peru. They not only started their family, but they birthed a spiritual family in Tarapoto, Peru, in the low jungle near the Amazon River.
Over the years Benny and his wife and family have developed a K-3 school, three congregations, outreach programs including food for the poor, and various conferences to train and equip Pastors. They have traveled the Amazon River taking their training and message to various Pastors and developing communities, also giving support and guidance. Benny also sits on several Boards lending support and counseling. He has written numerous books to help educate and train others. Benny and his family have truly lived by faith, being instructed to build a non-denominational community named Deeper In Love Ministries Peru. While other missionaries align with mainline groups often giving greater financial support, it has been God bringing provision for all He has requested of Benny. This apostolic ministry is touching the world and people of Peru in His name.
The Humphries have six children, five biological and one adopted, ranging from ages five to twenty-three. Their family has lived through three earthquakes, bringing damage to their home. However the recent earthquake in Peru at 8.0 hit hard, demolishing many homes around them and making their home now unlivable by Civil Defense Code. The home, over 60 years old, is made of compacted clay and the foundation has now shifted and is broken. They have patched up their home for a decade after each earthquake. The need for a secure home structure is urgent for the Humphries. The home must be rebuilt with concrete blocks to be livable and align with civil codes. For this reason we are trying to help raise the $80,000.00 needed to rebuild.
Deeper in Love MInistries Mission Statement is: To advance the Kingdom of God by completing the great commission including building schools, churches, writing relevant books and bringing people into the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
You can find up to date information and photos on their Facebook page: Deeper In Love Ministries Peru.
For donations please visit their GoFundMe page:
If you choose to send a check please make it out to “The Covenant Center” and mark it for “Benny.” Our address is: The Covenant Center, 26 Lake Wire, PO Box 524, Lakeland, Florida 33802-0524.
Thank you for your prayers as well as your support for this family and ministry and for your giving to this urgent need.
In His Covenant Love,