Rebecca Maisenbacher
I am always in awe and wonder how God desires to speak to us, especially through dreams and visions. June has been a very active month as God is releasing dreams and understanding. The two following dreams may give you insight as He continues to reveal His guidance and direction.
Recently, as I awakened, still in that peaceful twilight, I found myself on a large ship, standing on the upper deck enjoying the breeze and beauty of the deep blue sea, when I heard a loud voice blaring over the speakers from the captain’s pilothouse of the ship yelling: “Throw them a lifeline. Throw them a lifeline!” I immediately ran to the life preservers, like the older models of red and white, and I threw a line out as hard and far as I could throw. As I looked down over the railing of the deck to see where it landed, I was stunned, seeing a multitude of people struggling in the water, crying out for help. The cry and needs were overwhelming as I thought, “There are more here than I can manage – Lord, send help!” As the cries continued, I began to see more passengers arrive on deck as they also began to throw out lifelines to those overboard.
Let’s look at the symbolism of this dream:
Ocean – large groups, humanity or nations of people ~
Ocean Liner – very large, mission-minded church impacting large groups of people ~
Lifeline – a lifeline indicates someone is in need of immediate help; someone needs to be
rescued. Look to God for wisdom to help deliver the person from life threatening
situations. (Dream Symbology Dictionary, Dr. Barbie Breathitt, Breath of the Spirit Ministries)
A line used to keep contact with a person in a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation:
something regarded as indispensable for the maintaining or protection of life.
Next, I saw a vision where Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness.
“Seeing the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.’” Matthew 9:35-36.
I believe this is a clarion call for His people to arise to even a higher level of service and revelation, to see with spirit eyes as we scan the horizon the multitudes who are in need. There are those who are drowning and lost in the sea of humanity, lonely, fearful, anxious, hungry, suicidal, confused and distressed. The “Captain” is calling on all passengers of His ship to see those in need and take action . He is reminding those aboard to “Throw a lifeline to those around you who may be drowning.” Please consider throwing a lifeline to those He may reveal who cross your path. No action is too small. Jesus taught that even the smallest gift as giving a cup of water would be rewarded.
You carry the ability to release the gift of love and life to a wounded and hurting world. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. A simple cup of water, a kind note or word of encouragement, a listening ear, guidance, assistance with food, gas or even shelter, and of course Jesus. Listen to your Captain’s voice and He will show you where to throw the line and to whom, and you will touch a world, one person at a time, in His name. The life preservers are positioned and ready!
In the second dream, Richard and I were preparing to go scuba diving with a personal friend named Marcus. I tried on Richard’s suit and to my surprise it fit. So Richard and I purchased a suit for me and we were ready to descend into the deep waters with Marcus. I remember being a bit nervous thinking of going underwater with the sea creatures, praying that I would stay calm as we dove into the deep, not knowing what we would experience.
Again, let’s view the referenced symbolism here:
Scuba Diving - The deep of God is calling to the deep within you; things in your subconscious are trying to come to the surface, exploration and new personal depth.
Marcus: Is the name for Mark meaning - “Servant of God.” John 4:24 - God is spirit and those who worship him will worship him in spirit and in truth.
Psalm 42:7 - Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your breakers and Your waves have passed over me. The Lord will send His goodness in the daytime; And His song will be with me in the night,
a prayer to the God of my life.
The Spirit of God desires to reach deep into the spirit of His children, bypassing all that which would attempt to impede that precious communion, intimacy and fellowship He so passionately desires to have with each of us. He desires to take you deeper into His revelatory realm giving you greater wisdom, guidance and understanding as He reveals more of Himself and His ways. God desires relationship with you! Let’s prepare to launch out into the deep.
In His Love,