As I was worshiping Sunday (8-13-23) at The Covenant Center, glorious praise turned to tranquil meditative worship as we sang of God’s mercy and love. His presence was palpable, when angels began whispering scriptures as His love and peace washed over me: “I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, so that you will know that it is I, The Lord, the God of Israel who calls you by name.” Then another gently appeared before me like a whisper - “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways…As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
I was then taken in a vision observing the court of Pharaoh where Moses was sent by God to command the release of His people from Egypt. I observed as Moses demanded Pharaoh to let go of His people. God mercifully sent Moses time after time hoping for Pharaoh to acquiesce and release them. However, Pharaoh who saw himself as a god denied their release. I was reminded the Israelites also lived through the ten plagues, praying and trusting God was with them and would deliver them. Like a movie I observed the water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and even heard the cries of people losing their first born. Pharoah stood with contempt at the God of Moses and refused while the people suffered.
As Paul once said, I’m not sure whether “I was in my body or out,” but as I awakened to our meeting, I heard our worship leader say: “Does anyone have a word?” I sat for a moment, reflecting on what I had just experienced, when Holy Spirit directed me to share the following:
“I am a God of mercy. My mercy never fails. I hear the cries of my people. I hear the cries of my people as in the days in Egypt when they were held in bondage. And they grew weary in well doing. I am a God of mercy. Therefore, I am patient and longsuffering. But it is not that I am not moving behind the scenes. For as in those days in Egypt I gave an assignment to my son, Moses, and he approached Pharaoh who had exalted himself above Me. And in my mercy, I came to him multiple times, ten times. What do you think was happening to my people, as I mercifully was hoping for change? They suffered also as My people are suffering now. But it is not that I am not with you. It is not that I have not heard your cries.
There is a somberness in My Spirit for what I am about to do. For again, I am a God who loves. I am a God that desires that no man, no man falls away from Me. But as is the nature of humans, it is not always so. So, you will see in the coming days with your spirit eyes that I am sending as in the days of Pharaoh, (various) plagues. I am sending the heat. I am sending the plagues, the bugs, the pestilence and disease. For I have a desire for people to be free. But also, as my children in Israel that were in bondage in Egypt, they walked through these things with Me. Is it not so that many times they applied the blood to the door posts? They prayed to be passed over when things became dark? And was I not faithful to them to draw them out. How long did it take for Me to do that? I am a merciful God.
But there was a day that my mercy turned to righteous anger. And My son Moses came to the (man called) Pharaoh, and he spoke these words that I now declare in the earth because my anger is aroused and righteous. And those that I have had mercy upon to listen and to change, have not heard My cries. And I say today, LET MY PEOPLE GO! And I say, LET MY NATION GO! LET MY PEOPLE GO! There are (unrighteous) decisions being made. For do you not know that I do visit in dreams. Do you think that I would visit you and not those that are in bondage or those that have unhealthy belief structures or those that would cause evil in my earth? That they would cause evil to My creation? Do you think that I am not aware of that?
But, as you cried out today for Me, I am a God of mercy. I am a God that has been long-suffering. But My long-suffering is coming to an end (for some). So yes, My people are weary. Some of My people are despondent. (I hear their cries) Where are you God? Where are you God? All the cries I also heard in Egypt. But I am there! I am in the midst! I am moving. I am visiting. I am declaring. I am delivering. Ha, ha, ha. I am breaking off the mindsets of those who have exalted idols above Me! I am breaking off the humanistic mindset of man who exalts himself above Me. So, I speak to My precious children today. I know this is hard and I know you’ve become weary. But I AM the breath that you breathe. I AM the refreshing you drink. I AM beside you always, even unto the end. I will be with you, and I will comfort you. I will protect you and I will fight for you.
My plumbline has dropped. But now we are in the process of decision making by many. Who will they choose? What will they choose? Who will they choose? What will they choose? And it is a somber time for Me also. Because it is never pleasant having to bring correction, but it is necessary! So, in your hearts continue to rejoice in Me. And as you see things around you that darken, do not look at the darkness as I have said - LOOK TO ME! Look to me! Look into My face, into My light. Look in the darkness because in the darkness (you will see) I AM shining bright!
Do not be dismayed! Do not be confused. I will be with you always. I hear the cries and your prayers. There are things coming to an end. There are things that will shift. There will be new things that will even begin. But in the midst know that I am with you. PEACE! Peace I speak to you. Know that I love you and watch and see what I am doing in your midst, for I am Jehovah! I am Master of this Universe. And you will see Me bring freedom in this day as I did to My people in Egypt.
So, arise and shine! Arise and shine! Declare to the north and the east and the west and the south – LET MY PEOPLE GO! Let My people go! Let My people go! (I command you) to Let My People Go!”
Let’s pray: Father we praise you for your lovingkindness, your mercy and love. You never leave us and You never forsake us. You are always working on our behalf. Your promises are true and Your actions are planned, methodical and perfect in their time and season. You are never caught by surprise. And now we stand in Your Covenant of Peace, knowing You will move on our behalf.
We remind You of Your words in Exodus 6: 5-7 and we say – “Do it again Lord! Do it again!”
“And I have also heard the groaning of the sons of Israel, because the Egyptians are holding them in bondage; and I have remembered My covenant. Say, therefore, to the sons of Israel: I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from their bondage. I will also redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments. Then I will take you for My people, and I will be your God; and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.”
In His Love,