Becky Maisenbacher
I recently have been seeing what I call “spirit highlights” about God bringing a return in understanding of the fear of the Lord. Scripture instructs us that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10.
During prayer I have sensed His sadness and even grieving at times of how His created people view Him today. I believe some have separated Jesus’ words or full gospel to parts of the gospel that are palatable or “seem good to them.” I was directed to read the Book of Matthew once again. The documented words of Jesus, especially in Matthew, are lovely and encouraging as well as sobering. I encourage you to read through Matthew, especially through chapters 5-7.
We as His body have been through many wonderful seasons of grace and revelation. We have grown in understanding of His amazing Love, His great Grace, His desire to Heal, the expansion of Prophetic understanding and Intimacy to hear His voice. With each season, to some He has become a sweet and merciful Papa, or Abba, which He is; but the fullness of God reveals He is also a God of War, a God of Power, Judgement, and Correction, which sometimes may look like vengeance, or retribution. How do we digest and comprehend more of the “Fullness of God?”
I personally believe He is coming to show and reveal even more of His character and ways in this season. It may in the future cause discomfort to some in how we see God. We know the earth is shaking, and It appears God is allowing, maybe even orchestrating the times we are in, as He is choosing to expose evil and corruption that is an affront to Him as Creator. He is here. He is Jehovah Shammah. He is ready to reveal Himself as Righteous Judge, which will continue unfolding in the coming days.
For the Lord is a righteous judge, and a God who has indignation ( irritation) every day. If a man does not repent, He will sharpen His sword. Prov. 7:11.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31.
(2) The second word or phrase highlighted to me recently is, “The Eye of the Needle Gate.
There are many gates one can pass through in Jerusalem: Zion Gate, Damascus Gate, Jaffa Gate, Dung Gate, New Gate, Herod Gate, Golden Gate or Eastern Gate to the Temple Mount, and Lion’s Gate. There are also various opinions among biblical scholars as to whether the eye of the needle gate existed or was used by Jesus as an analogy or hyperbole. As I searched for evidence of the Eye of the Needle gate, it was heralded by some scholars as true while others suggested Jesus used a hyperbolic illustration.
Eye of the Needle Gate
Some scholars suggest, the "Eye of the Needle" was very real and that it was an extremely narrow gateway into Jerusalem. Since camels were heavily loaded with goods and riders, they needed to be un-loaded in order to pass through this opening, I wonder if as a young boy Jesus may have witnessed the small narrow opening where camels were daily unloaded and carefully accompanied through some of the very narrow passageways that still exist today in the old city. History tells us that Jerusalem experienced many battles and occupations, with walls and buildings being destroyed and rebuilt. I personally am inclined to believe Jesus retrieved from His memory the analogy of what He visually experienced as a young boy to teach and illustrate his point. I encourage you to research and let me know what you find.
In Matthew 19:24, Jesus talks to the rich young ruler. This young man is asking what else he needs to do to enter the kingdom of God, when Jesus answers: “If you want to be perfect (fully complete or an adult), go sell your possessions and give to the poor,, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then, come follow Me.” Matt. 19:21.
As we know, the young man goes away sad because he is extremely wealthy. Scripture is unclear if he ever came back, but we can hope that after pondering Jesus’ words, he chose to follow Him. The broader context of Jesus' statement seems to suggest that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter heaven.
Is this true? The rich are often more self-assured, and well off. They usually don't have to worry about having their basic needs met like food, shelter, or money. Therefore, they may not often think of eternity because they have been fairly comfortable on earth.
Jesus isn’t saying here that money is the root of all evil, but the love of money can cause destruction to man’s soul and destiny. After all, Job was a very rich man who God favored, and after his trials, God restored Job’s wealth plus much more. Being rich isn't a sin, and they are not spared from the pains of life; however, I have observed it can be more difficult for them to see their need for Christ.
Those with less, know experientially what it's like to struggle. It is often through our suffering we come to know God. It is in difficult times and challenges we begin to recognize our lack of self sufficiency and our need for a Savior.
Jesus makes an important point regarding this to His audience and followers: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. Matt. 6: 19-21.
Tim Hegg, of, summarizes in His commentary: “So did Yeshua utilize the hyperbolic illustration of a camel going through the eye of a needle to teach that it was impossible for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven? Yes, if we understand that he means a rich person who is trusting in his or her riches to enter the kingdom. And this is the point: There is only one way to enter the kingdom, to trust God fully, and to demonstrate trust by the acceptance of his Messiah and following Him.
I know this is a bit long, but as an intercessor, God often gives puzzle pieces one at a time, causing me to search out and find what He wants to share. I hope you’re enjoying the “hunt” with me as we put the puzzle pieces together. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2. One more highlight to go!
3) Thirdly, He brought to mind a word released at The Covenant Center during our June 2, 2024 worship and celebration meeting where the Lord called His people “gates:” Here is the word transcribed for you:
“The Spirit of the Lord is here speaking, this morning. As the drum roll began we could sense His presence marching into this assembly. Almost simultaneously, Angela, began streaming the silver banner declaring redemption. I then heard the Spirit of the Lord speaking. I’m sure you did also.
He is saying this is not a time of discouragement. I have been training you and preparing you for your entire life for these moments. I want to remind you to be sensitive to My Spirit. I have made you sensitive to My Spirit. For in these times more than ever, it’s going to be important for you to know when I am in your midst and when I am working. For I have not left you. And as I reveal my plans to you, watch as the wind blows. Watch as the Mulberry trees blow. Watch as I come in My majesty. For I am not just coming, I am here! I am here in your midst, and I am doing a great thing in the earth. Will you not know it? Will you not see it? For I have given you eyes to see. I have given you ears to hear. I am increasing your sensitivity and even the anointing level upon you, to those who would seek Me and stand with Me.
And then I heard Him say, “Declare Psalm 24,” the Spirit of the Lord wants to remind us all:
“The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. The world and all who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas and has established it upon the waters. Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in this holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to falsehood (lying or vainness) or swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from the God of his salvation.”
That’s why He’s been working in our hearts to purify us, for this time, to be standing before Him pure, to be able to serve and be sensitive to His will and His plans and desires.
And then He continued: “This is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek your face oh God of Jacob.” And the declaration for the day, this morning , released by the psalmist and musicians was:
“Lift up your head oh gates.” Each of you are one of the kingdom gates Covenant Center family! “Be lifted up oh ancient doors so the King of glory may enter.” Do you sense His weighted presence? He’s here.
“Who is the King of glory? The Lord, our Lord, strong and mighty. The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads oh gates. And be lifted up oh ancient doors. That the King of glory, our King of glory may enter! Who is the King of glory? He is the Lord of Hosts. He is the King of glory. Selah.”
We praise you Lord. We thank you Almighty God, Elohim, Yeshua, Almighty God, Creator of earth and everything therein. We praise your name today and thank You for who You are. And that You are always working on our behalf and in our midst. Your plans go beyond any man’s plans. May Your will be done in our hearts and in the earth. We give you praise today and thank You for You are mighty. Thank You Lord!
Conclusion: So what am I saying this morning?
As the world continues to shake with His judgments and exposure, people around you may become more unsettled, searching, some for answers, maybe fearful, and you will have a word for them as Holy Spirit leads. The Lord whispered today to share with you - He has been preparing you, your entire life, to serve and be used in the earth at this time, in this season by Him. You are His people, trained to minister and be His hand extended to a confused and hurting world. The Spirit says: I have need of you ~ This is your time. Whosoever will….
“And He summoned the crowd together with His disciples, and said to them, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what does it benefit a person to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” Mark 8:34-36.
In His Love,
Becky Maisenbacher