Hello Covenant Center Family!
It’s great to be able to announce that we will once again be able to gather together this Sunday, May 3rd, 2020 – 10am for worship and 11am for facilitated sharing and teaching.
We look forward to seeing everyone as we begin the ascent of recovery; however, our gathering at least for the moment will come with a few new boundaries as we respect the suggested medical and governmental guidelines provided by our Governor and President.
1. We will open only for the TCC community at this time. With limited seating due to the social distancing requirement we are presently at our limit with 50 seats. However we look forward to visitors in the future as soon as our seating capacity is back to normal.
2. Each person entering will be required to wear a facemask. Our supply is very limited so please bring your own mask. Hand sanitizer will be placed around the building. Please stay home if you have encountered any symptoms or have come into contact with an infected person in the last 14 days.
3. We are a loving, hugging community, but we again ask that you please be respectful of others and social distancing – Please no hugging, handshakes, laying on of hands, etc.
4. Children will be required at present to remain with a parent in the main meeting room during meetings. Our youth ministers look forward to seeing your children, but as in the school settings, social distancing makes it difficult at this time.
5. We will continue to stream our worship and teachings for those who choose to remain home. Please visit https://www.facebook.com/thecovenantcenter/
Becky and I thank you in advance for respectfully adhering to the above guidelines and for your continued support. We will take this measured opening one week at a time together as we adjust to the “new normal.” We haven’t been this way before so thank you also for your patience and understanding. We are blessed to have you with us!
Richard and Becky