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Your Healing Journey

Your Healing Journey - Becky Maisenbacher

Do you know God knew you before He formed the World? Jeremiah 5:1 tells us before the foundations of the earth were laid He knew you! Before you even entered your mother's womb He knew you and had a plan for your life. This is how important you are to Him and how much He cares about you. God chose you to be here and it is His desire to prosper you. Read and pray 3 John 1:2 over you today and let your heart receive His love and desire for you: "Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers." Well, you may say, "Yes, but you don't know what it's been like. You don't understand." Beloved, I may not, but He knows you, and He is with you and does understand.

When illness of any kind appears, God in His love has a plan and He has a prescription of healing made out just for you. God's plan for health and life culminated at the cross by Jesus. He bore the sickness and pain for all and released His healing power into the earth (1 Peter 2:24) flowing through two main streams. One is the natural stream, which is good and at times very necessary. God may direct you toward healing through, physicians, medication, surgery, vitamins, physical therapy, nutritional and diet changes and more; and all this has been provided for you through His hands of provision. He is the Creator of all things so it is good to receive from this important medical stream. We are so fortunate to live in a country with some of the best medical assistance available in the world. However, there is also a supernatural side to healing that we sometimes forget to seek out, and that is Jesus, who is our healer. His name, Jehovah Rapha, declares He is our health. He is your health! This second stream of healing includes prayer, laying on of hands by the elders, anointing with oil, taking communion, and angelic visitations. Jesus used many different methods of healing including, prayer, mud, spit, a touch, angels and more. Some received spontaneous healing or miracles, while others languished for years, like the cripple who waited 38 years and the woman with the curved spine who bore pain for 18 years before complete restoration arrived. It is never too late. No matter how long you have been waiting. Nothing is impossible for Him and for those who believe. There are no limits to how He may touch you and bring wholeness to you.

With all the wonderful modern medicine and technology, the first place we usually look for help is the medical field, and again that is good. I support God using the various streams of medicine to diagnose and heal, and have been healed many times through their knowledge and skill. However, in our need for relief, we may forget and leave Jesus out of the healing equation. He is still in the miracle healing business and personally I believe every healing no matter how it is attained is a miracle. How beautifully and wonderfully made we are that God has built into our bodies the ability to heal and be resilient. Even if your healing comes through a process that takes time and medical support you can still actively participate with Him in your healing journey. First, remember how important you are to God and know that it His desire to be there with you - to love you and heal you! Ask Him into your situation. Tell Him how much you need Him. What good and loving Father will not respond to the need of His child? Ask Him: "Jesus, please come into this situation. I need You. I need Your healing touch. I need You to help me. Please help me through this healing journey. Please come with Your health and life. I trust You. I believe in You and that You want to heal me. I receive Your life and healing touch. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for healing me and bringing wholeness to me." Make this one of your meditations and tell Him often how much you need Him. Whisper or declare His name - "Jesus!" His name is above all names and just mentioning it changes the dynamics and atmosphere around you when you are in covenant with Him. "Jesus! Jesus, I need You and love You. Please help me. Thank You Jesus."

Also, consider listening to streaming worship music or healing scriptures to feed your soul and spirit. Take a few moments each day to read His word, especially Matthew through John, which teach on the various ways Jesus brought healing to those in need. Ask someone who is in relationship with God to pray for you and if you are able to attend church, ask an elder to pray or anoint you with oil. If you're unable to connect with others, search for a radio or television program with sound biblical teaching that will encourage and feed you. Devotionals, internet, emails and phone calls are other ways to align with those who will pray and believe with you for your recovery. Keep knocking on various doors of healing and seeking Him. Though discouragement or despair may stalk you, keep your eyes on His beautiful face, thanking Him for His grace to heal. I pray that Jesus would bring you comfort and peace, and that He becomes more real to you than ever before as He walks with you through your healing journey where His light of love breaks forth with new life.

"Precious Jesus, please come with Your healing touch to Your people. Heal the broken hearted, those rejected or experiencing loneliness, those living with shame or guilt, those fighting disease or sickness, arthritis and pain, or financial distress. I speak Your wondrous name over them - 'Jesus,' and I thank You for bringing relief, health, and life to their situation. Guide them through their healing journey. I praise and thank You Father."