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Victory and the End Game

Don Franklin - Victory Is With You and The End Game

There is nothing that takes God by surprise. He has been speaking into the earth since time began, and thankfully He continues to share truth, understanding and revelation to those who choose to hear. As the earth continues to shake, now more than ever we need to hear from heaven and be alerted to what is God’s desire. I believe this word will encourage you and comfort you that our Father knows the plans He has for you and our nation. Amos 3:7 instructs: “Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets. Scripture also directs us to pay attention and weigh what the prophet is saying: “Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said, “(1 Corinthians 14:29).

Here are two words given seven years apart by Don Franklin. The first word below was given in 2013 by Don during a prophetic conference in Washington, D.C. Recently he released a second word which appears to be “Part 2” in Lakeland, Florida, giving more insight and clarity. I encourage you to take time to read and reflect on these words. What do you “hear” God expressing to you? Are there conditions, directions or instructions to follow? Be encouraged - God is at work. Blessings ~ Becky

Victory is With You

Word given by Don Franklin in Washington, DC - 2013 

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I was here at the inception of this nation. This is my nation and I will be here at the conclusion of the matter. I am the Lord; I am God. I change not. I ruled over the nations from the beginning and I will rule until the end. I am the God of righteousness and holiness, (Rev.1:8).

The political parties that are established in this nation do not rule the nation. I do, saith the Lord. I am the Lord your God.  I am the King. I am He who holds the winds of the north and I hold your destiny and I hold your future, saith God. Political parties do not hold you in their hands; I hold you in mine, (Psalm 119.73a).

I am with you this day; I am for you. I am for the righteous element that is in this nation, (Genesis 28:15). Stand strong, saith the Lord; stand strong, saith the Lord, (Ephesians 6:10). I am not the God of gray; I am the God of black and white. Right is right and wrong is wrong and never the twain shall meet, (Hebrews 12:14). There is no compromise within the Almighty. I call for holiness. I call for purity. I call for a righteous standard to be lifted up, (John 12:32).

Do not be confused in the coming hour. There will be much deception broadcast; there will be much propaganda put forth. But know this, the scriptures are true. I will stand with those who stand with me. I will honor those who honor me, and I will give power; I will give glory; I will give anointing to those who walk in truth and purity and holiness before me, lifting up the standard so the people do not go astray, (Matthew 10:32-33).

The battle is on, saith God; the battle is on, saith God. A shot has been fired across the bow of this nation and the enemy has said, “I will take it; I will destroy it; I will bring it down.” God says, You wait and see what happens. I’m beginning to move. I’m beginning to pour my Spirit out from the East Coast to the West Coast. There’s going to be revival hit this nation.

People that have been so against God are going to turn and like Paul, be knocked off their horses and they will come to Christ and they will be on the airwaves confessing that He is Lord and that they were wrong. You watch and see what happens on both sides of the aisle – left and right. Conversions are coming; conversions are coming.

It won’t be just political Christianity. It’s going to be the real deal. I’m walking into the Capitol. I’m walking into the White House. I’m walking into the Senate. I’m going to begin to touch people. I’m going to begin to anoint them. The burning fire of God is going to fall upon the hearts of congressmen, senators and leaders in this nation. You’re going to see the fire of God begin to prevail.

There will be a battle. There will be a huge battle. But know this, I’ve been in battles since this nation was formed. I was there at the Revolutionary War. I helped George Washington win. I was there in the Civil War. I saw to it that right prevailed. I was there in WWI and WWII, and I will be there in the future, saith God.

So put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the seas. Put your hand in the hand of the man that no one can defeat. And know this, that the victory is with you. I am with you in this coming fight, ( 2 Corinthians 2:14).

(Part 2) The Endgame

Word given by Don Franklin in Lakeland, Florida - August 16, 2020    

The Lord says: “ I formed the nations and I formed the continents, and I formed the stars and the seas. It is I who controls the destiny of nations and the destiny of this world. I’ve already written the end game. I am in control of the end game, and what you are seeing right now is I have drawn the enemy out to battle and I have set a trap for the demonic powers. They have said, ‘I will take this man down. I will take this nation down and when I am done with them I will take Jerusalem.’ ” 

“Hah”! God says, “I’m in charge of the battle. I’m in charge of the illusion. With many ruses do you make war. They are even now congratulating themselves in how they have been defeating this nation. But I have news for them. My angels have not yet engaged. There are angels sent over every nation. Michael is set over Jerusalem. The angel of the Lord that is over this nation has not yet swung his sword. But know this, I have allowed the evil to manifest that all may see how evil, how evil, how evil the other side is, and their battle plans and their theology. They would cast God out of their party having nothing to do with Him, because they already have a god: the god of the underworld - Lucifer the god of the light is who they follow. It is he who they emulate. It is what they are promoting – the killing of children, the perversion of the genders.” 

“All of this evil has evolved from the angel of light who seeks to rule this nation. But there is a trap set for this group. They will cease to exist in the coming days. I will bring them down, saith God. I will judge that which is evil and corrupt in this nation and that is what this fight is all about. But know this, I have my armies on reserve and they are about to come forward on the battlefield, and when they do there will be panic in the eyes of the enemy. There will be a great confrontation in the coming days.” 

“But know this, the Lord God is in charge of this fight and I will see to it that right prevails and this nation stands all the way through. This nation will not submit to the enemy. It will not submit to the new world order. It will not submit to the Antichrist. Victory is on your side. Rejoice saith God. Rejoice. The victory of God is with you this day.”

Don Franklin

Franklin Ministries International

Don Franklin was born into the gifts of the Spirit in the Catholic Charismatic prayer meetings of the 1970s. As a pastor on staff with Teen Challenge Ministries, Don was offered the directorship but instead felt called to attend bible college. Upon graduation from Southeastern University with a Pastoral Theology degree, he settled in Lakeland, Florida with his wife and co-intercessor, Bonnie. They went on to lead prophetic intercessory prayer meetings in Carpenters Home, Ignited Church and The Covenant Center for two decades. 

Don has taken multiple ministry trips over the years within Germany, Belgium, Turkey, Italy and Israel imparting life and power in the Spirit through prophetic ministry, teaching and intercession. He has ministered in Pentecostal theological seminaries in Germany and Brussels, and was honored to address the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus on several occasions. His meetings bring timely words from the Lord for the body with teaching on historical and biblical events as they relate to modern day unfolding of events. In prophetic teaching, Don conveys what he’s learned in the Spirit with clarity and historical insight.

It is his prayer that America continues to be the land known for sharing the gospel of Christ around the world. His heart’s cry is for the mantle that rested upon our Founding Fathers be resurrected within patriotic hearts across the land of the red, white and blue; his prayer is for America to remain a safe haven for those who believe and trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for generations to come. 

Don is available for speaking engagements. You can contact him and also reserve a copy of his soon to be released prophetic book, “The Destiny of America & Her Sons,” through his email address.