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Trusting God in This Season

Trusting God In This Season - Tyler Bivins

How To Increase Your Trust In God In This Season

Tyler Allison Photo 9-2020.jpg

Tyler and Allison Bivins

When there is a season of difficulty we are walking through as believers it can be challenging to see what God’s ultimate plans and purposes are for us in that season while walking it out. It is like being in a storm and it is hard to see and have clarity. Until we transition out of the tough times or “storms” and move into a new season is where we sometimes begin to have clarity and can see God’s purpose in it.

- This is like the season many of us and the world may find ourselves in. Except it is a storm that is
affecting the entire world.

-   Many have stated they did not expect 2020 to turn out like it has!

-   It’s interesting that we are in the year 2020.

-   20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision),
Measured at a distance of 20 feet.

-   I typed in google what 20/20 meant in vision and this website came up first:  (thought it
was prophetic).. Defined as “20/20 - Normal vision. Fighter pilot minimum.”

-   It may feel like quite the opposite for many of us. We thought this could be a year to focus. To gain much
ground in our lives. It may have seemed like a set back or we have been in a holding pattern.

How we can trust God more in this season and what can we do when we find ourselves in a storm? 


I had a dream one night back in 2010 when I had just moved back to my hometown in Virginia Beach right before Allison and I were to get married. I just prayed and was sent out by The Covenant Center as I took a new job in Virginia.

In the dream I was on an ATV / Four Wheeler. What I noticed in the distance was a huge storm and tornado type cloud approaching me. I was very concerned for this storm / tornado that was coming. As the storm was approaching, where I was sitting I was between two shelters and two places I could take refuge. One shelter was a little farther for me to go and I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it. So I ended up going back and picking one shelter. What I noticed was as this terrifying storm approached the other shelter I thought it was going to miss me, but right before it went over the other location it made a sharp right turn headed right towards me. It was like no matter what I did this storm was following me. As it approached over the shelter I was in everything was rattling and was loud. I wasn’t sure if the shelter was going to hold but it ended up passing over. Then the dream ended.

The very next day was a Sunday and during the church service, a guest speaker came who was a Pastor from Africa named Bishop Mosa Sona. Thinking nothing of it at the time the title of his message was about storms and “how to deal with the storms of life”. I actually still had the sermon on cd and went back and listened to it. It didn’t really hit me at first because I kept thinking he way saying “stones”. Then for whatever reason I was reminded of my dream the night before and it ended up being a prophetic confirmation!

I want to give you a brief summary of his message because I think it’s a now word and wisdom for us in this time we are living in.

This is what stands out about storms:

The first thing he mentioned: “Whenever you are in the midst of a revival or awakening, we are usually the last ones to find out. From when it’s over you now know looking back that you were in something special.” With the coronavirus issue going on, rioting, political climate, churches being shut down… we could actually be in a revival and not even know it! That’s good news.

He continued that storms are inevitable in life. The question isn’t if a storm will come but when. Just like my dream, it was confirmation that you can’t run from them!

In Mark 4, before the storm came Jesus said: “Let us pass over to the other side.” As they were going over the sea a big storm arose. As Jesus was sleeping on the bow the disciples said Jesus we are perishing! Jesus awoke and rebuked the wind and the waves.

The goal of God’s word in our life is for it to produce fruit. When the Lord tells us something he wants us to hold on to it. Satan comes though and tries to steal the word… through storms.

If God gives you a promise - gives you a word, he wants it to happen. Instead of the disciples remembering the word when the storm came, they became fearful. They forgot. They woke Jesus up. Jesus then rebuked them for their lack of faith.

Storms may come when God is telling you to transition in your life. When they come you have to cultivate certain qualities to overcome them.

Imagine Joseph when he heard the dream he had at night about people bowing to him. “What Joseph didn’t realize is that there was a storm connected to it.” But Joseph in the midst of all the storms held on. Like Joseph, you just keep going.

Most storms are sent by Satan. His intention is to take you out of your place of destiny. Storms will challenge your faith, or persistence. After Jesus rebuked the storm he immediately rebuked the disciples for their lack of faith. (we get confused who causes the storms and who’s doing what)

How we deal with storms:

Pilots in planes while flying have to deal with storms. There are 5 C’s to check when caught in turbulence:

1.  Calm down – Psalms 27:1 Lord is my light and my salvation. the strength of my life who should I be afraid. Pilots need to remain calm to make good decisions. Fear can cripple us from moving.

2.  Check your instruments – The reason they tell pilots to check their instruments during a storm is because you lose your direction. Vertigo can occur when pilots lose their equilibrium and can’t tell if they are going up or down. Know matter how you feel trust your instruments. In the midst of the storm trust God’s word. We walk by faith and not by sight. We are going according to our instrument which is the Word of God. It’s the instrument we live our lives by. Proverbs 3:5 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart… verse 7 – do not be wise in your own eyes.

3.  Communicate- Communicate with the control tower. They know your position. They can see you on the radar. They know where you are. When you get caught in a storm. Don’t get disconnected with God. Don’t stop reading the Bible. Don’t stop praying. Don’t stop going to church. Don’t stop meeting with other Christians. Psalms 81 – you called in trouble and I deliver you. Jeremiah 33 – call unto me and I will answer you. The last thing you want to do in a storm is to shut off your radio.

4.  Comply. After you have communicated, do what the control tower tells you to do. Do what God tells you to do. When we don’t know where we are, the control tower does. God has you on his radar screen. You may not know what’s going on with you. You may be having spiritual vertigo, but do what the control tower tells you.

5.  Climb. Sometimes pilots climb over the clouds to miss the storm completely. Make sure you are in the presence of God. Psalm 27:4 – I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Don’t let storms take you out of the presence of the Lord. When we are in the presence of God we are in our hands and we need to trust him with our lives.


Increase your faith – I found a USF polo shirt while in Virginia. I was not sure if God was calling me to fulfill a dream I had to go back to school. This was a kiss from heaven that caused me to trust in Him that I was making the right decision. God wants us to walk in faith

Ask him to show you the positives. There are usually positives, and they will surprise you. Sometimes you can’t experience growth without the challenges.

He won’t desert you. He usually is doing something and it forces us to trust Him. Learn to lean on him.

Get in His presence – The love of God and the Holy Spirit is the most powerful thing in our lives. In worship, when we praise Him and get in the glory of His presence things break off us and discouragement. We walk in joy.

Trusting is a life long journey of growth.


Tyler Bivins, his wife Allison, and their 3 children are members of The Covenant Center church in Lakeland, FL. Tyler has been ordained through The Covenant Center and completed training through John Paul Jackson’s Streams Ministries International. He has completed a degree in Business through Southeastern University and is currently earning his MBA at the University of South Florida. Tyler has served in ministry with a focus on biblical stewardship by coaching others and serving in church administration. Tyler is passionate about seeing others whole in Christ and walking in their God-given callings.
