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Tony Taylor

Overcoming - Tony Taylor

Tony Taylor

Overcoming -

Revelation 12:11 KJV -

”And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony .“

I remember years ago in the morning on my way to Bright House, with passion I decreed the Word of God over my life, my wife’s, and children’s lives. As I walked into the building on my way to the break room, I noticed one of my coworkers looking at me strangely.

As I returned and sat down at my desk, just minutes from signing in, she came to my desk and said: “God just told me He heard you this morning.” She then walked away. Did I just hear her right? As that word sank in, tears started to flow. I was wrecked. What that word did for me not only built my confidence up to know God hears me, but I came to understand to Trust and know that He is in me and not far away. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV -

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths.”

How often are we tuned into The Frequency of God to receive clarity to hear God’s instructions as we are led by Holy Spirit through life’s highs and lows?

For example, we use a knob or button to tune in and receive clear sound on the radio station. We have an option and choice to tune into anything the radio provides. 

With God we have a choice daily to apply the tools given to us through Prayer, Fasting, Speaking in Tongues and Declarations; to tune in and receive clarity on what God is speaking to us in every area of our lives. 


Seven years ago, on my way to Tampa, I was in a car accident where a lady rear ended me. I hit my head on my head rest and received a serious concussion.

As time progressed the symptoms became worse, slurring of speech, headaches, trauma etc. I began to go through a season of life lows, which involved setbacks and financial difficulties.  Going through a process of healing, thoughts of not having enough to provide for my family would come against me. I chose to tune those thoughts out and cast them down.

I chose to give God back His word and Trust and believe what Jesus said that “By His Stripes I am Healed.” 

2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

It was a long process believing for healing as I was consistent with seeking The Lord daily. 

One day I woke up at 4am, all I could do was call out to Jesus. That morning all I had in me to say was His name. As I said Jesus over and over, I felt a hand touch the right side of my head. I could feel heat coming from the hand as I was on my knee’s weeping. (It felt like the temp of a heating pad set on high). I came to look at the clock, it was 6:30am. I was not aware I had passed out. As I got myself together, I noticed a small area of my rug drenched in my tears. I heard “Rest.” I went back to bed. When I woke up, I shared with my wife what happened. I had no more pain, headaches, or symptoms of brain fog. I was completely healed! Hallelujah!

Believe that God is doing a miracle for you today! Lord, increase our Faith and Expectations!


Tony Taylor and his wife Olivia are fire starters. They enjoy serving others and delight in adventures with their three children. Whether in his job, ministry or leisure you can find Tony and Olivia sharing God’s love, bringing souls into the kingdom and releasing healing to those in need. He has a heart for the nations. He and Olivia are licensed ministers and youth leaders through The Covenant Center.


If you would like to hear more about what else the Lord is speaking in this hour click here to watch the full video -


Advancing God's Kingdom - Tony Taylor

Tony Taylor

Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭15‬, ‭20‬-‭21‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Read 25:15 skip down to 20-21

He gave five bags of silver to one, two bags of silver to another, and one bag of silver to the last—dividing it in proportion to their abilities. He then left on his trip. The servant to whom he had entrusted the five bags of silver came forward with five more and said, ‘Master, you gave me five bags of silver to invest, and I have earned five more.’ “The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together! ’“

We have all been given talents and responsibilities. We all have different talents and gifts that we are able to  utilize to overcome every obstacle in our lives. In order to maximize what God has given, we are to yield every area of our lives to the Holy Spirit.

For example when I am challenged I ask God to show me His perspective. I need to see how you see this situation or this person. Help me Lord? Come back to your First Love by repentance, seeking the Lord, concentrating on him, praying with out ceasing, and having The Fear Of God

God is maturing us to carry and release His Glory. We should prepare ourselves to enter every door with boldness as Jesus open doors that no man can shut. As we advance Gods kingdom in our home, jobs, through technology, and everywhere we go we must still flow with Holy Spirit and follow his lead. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart Lean not onto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy path.

Jesus has the keys to death hell and the grave and he also has the keys to our assignment. Everything we are and are to become is all in him. I’ve learned firsthand that when we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness all things will be added to you.

A Testimony:
Four Months ago The Holy Spirit prompted me to call my friend mark. As he answered the phone he advised me he was a little down and feeling stuck at the moment. He advised me he was not getting along with his father at the moment They have a family business together Mark chose to step away. I prayed for Mark.
In a vision “I heard Mark’s son asking him to make tacos. Mark began to get excited and share with me different dishes and food he likes to cook.” Later, while speaking with Mark, he shared when he cooks he receive’s downloads on seasonings and recipes etc. I said mark that is it. That is one of your talents God has blessed you with!

The Holy Spirit then showed me two food trucks. As I leaned in to what I was seeing in the spirit The Holy Spirit gave me revelation and understanding. I prophesied to Mark. I said to him as he consecrates himself to the Lord I saw people around Mark cooking. I said to him, God will send people to you to disciple and mentor. You will feed many with natural food and spiritual food (The Word of God) In the food trucks.

Mark called me Dec 21 2023 to testify what all happened since the last time we spoke. He shared that he went to eat lunch at a barbecue restaurant and enjoyed the food. On his birthday he decided to go back with his wife and he met the owner. The owner stopped by his table they both started talking and in that conversation The Holy Spirit gave a word to Mark to share with the owner. They exchanged number’s and began talking. The owner asked Mark to come by to speak to him and his team. There at the meeting he asked Mark if he could start a Bible study with them. Mark said yes and also shared with the owner his passion for cooking.

The owner gave Mark an opportunity to come cook at an event that the owner was hosting. After that the owner was lead to share with Mark that he had two brand new food trucks on his property that he did not know what to do with them. The owner offered the food trucks to Mark for free In hope for Mark to start a food truck business in the Brandon area.

The Holy Spirit led Mark to the divine geographical location (Barbecue restaurant) and walked into a divine appointment meeting with the owner. God opened the door that no man can close and Mark walked through the opened door. Now Mark will be using his talents and gifts that God gave him to advance God’s Kingdom in Brandon Florida.

(Analogy) Who all has played Super Mario Brother’s?
The best part is picking different characters and although they all have different talents and tools to over come every obstacle they can each complete on the boards. We are the same as those characters. All of us are different, but we all have The same Holy Spirit that gives us dunamis power.

*google definition says: Dunamis power, deals with the power given to individuals to perform certain miracles, signs, and wonders, including healing and the ability to prophesy and speak in tongues.

In the Mario games they have an adversary assigned to each level which tries to stop and take you out . But like the game itself we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us.

Three weeks ago I was at work  on my way to my route. I was at a red light. The light turned green and just as I was about to go The Holy Spirit prompted me to wait. To my surprise a semi trailer truck ran the red light. If I did not listen, as I would have made a left turn, that truck would have hit the left side of my vehicle. The enemy tried a planned  attack. As I sat there stunned all I could say was “Thank you Jesus for Protecting me and guiding me into all truth.” Weapons will be formed but they shall not prosper!

While we are advancing God’s Kingdom in the earth, three things will last forever—”faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.“

God's Love never fails!

Tony Taylor


Tony Taylor and his wife Olivia are fire starters. They enjoy serving others and delight in adventures with their three children. Whether in his job, ministry or leisure you can find Tony sharing God’s love and bringing souls into the kingdom. He has a heart for the nations. He and Olivia are licensed ministers and youth leaders through The Covenant Center.
