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Time To Give Up The Candy?

Is It Time To Give Up The Candy? - Becky Maisenbacher

Rebecca Maisenbacher

This week as I spent time with the Lord, I asked him if he had anything for me to share. Nothing particularly was illuminated to me until Tuesday morning, Nov. 28th. The following is the dream I received and share with you for your consideration.

I was a chaperone of a team for a choral competition which included many teams of children and young adults. Each team member wore their perspective t-shirts displaying their group affiliation. I next found myself sitting among a group in a large auditorium observing and listening to the various teams perform their musical numbers. The team I supervised did not perform. I assumed they ran out of time due to the large number of teams, although I sensed all the participants received a piece of candy for their participation at the conclusion.

In the next scene I was pushing an enclosed, moderate size blue cart on rollers, that was used to cart supplies and heavy items for our group. At the close of the competition, everyone exited the arena, silently and respectively walking single file. As we reached outside the auditorium to debrief, our group gathered together. I then lifted the lid of the blue cart wondering what was inside, only to find it filled to the brim with assorted candies and larger lollipops. I was amazed to see the amount of candy relinquished by members of our team. I sensed that members of some of the other teams had also privately and without acknowledgement, deposited their candy in the blue cart. The youth individually surrendered their treat rewards they had received into the blue cart, privately without acknowledgement or fanfare.

Cart – making certain plans, count the cost, preparing for an extended period of hard laborious work before you see the fruits of your labors come to fruition. Putting the cart before the horse.

Blue – the Spirit of Might, Is. 11:2; faith, spiritual communion with God; prophet; Word of God; grace; divine revelation; heaven; spiritual; visitation; Holy Spirit; blessings; healing; life; peace; unity; harmony; tranquility; loyalty; “true blue.”

Candy – profit from labors will bring joy, happiness and special treats or luxuries in life; affluence; admiration; indulgence, sensuality or forbidden pleasure, immaturity, childishness. I Cor. 13:11.

Lollipop – childish indulgences; naïve; refusing to grow up, shirking responsibility; physical experiences and escapades; pun: “sucker,” take caution with relationships and investments.

Team member/group – A group that is organized so they can produce work together, fellow workers.

God is Calling His Body to Maturity ~

We find Paul in 1st Corinthians instructing the Corinthians on the need for unity, reliance upon the Spirit, and the foundations for living as servants of Christ, including communion and the use of spiritual gifts. He continues in chapter 13 where we find his well-known message regarding the excellence of love, concluding with the importance of maturity in verse 11-13.

“When I was a child I used to speak as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then (it will be) face to face; now I know in part, then I will know fully, just as God has fully known me. But for now, three things last - abide trust, hope, love; and the greatest of these is love. Pursue love!” (CJB)

God is bringing a higher level of maturity to those who have chosen to no longer live as a child. They will give up old, learned behaviors and patterns, embracing higher levels of revelation and understanding. They will surrender their personal desires, ambitions and plans, relationships, or affiliations. They will choose to relinquish the need to perform or be rewarded for their service, performance, or notoriety, no longer needing man’s approval. They will refuse to submit to the spirit of competition, quietly and selflessly serving, relinquishing any reward or self-exultation, knowing all sustenance and skill comes from the Father. They quietly and confidently will choose to walk out their journey, confidently and without fanfare, embracing his process for maturity, relying on his Spirit, relinquishing the need for recognition, choosing to lay down their personal indulgences and childish paradigms. They will choose to forsake their personal pleasures as they embrace their calling with humility, practicing forgiveness, becoming repairers of the breach, and walking as vessels of his love. They will desire to be united by his Spirit, as they grow in an intimate, personal relationship with God, walking in his truth and revelation.

The Righteous Reign of the Branch ~ Isaiah 11:1,2

“Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit. And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” (NASB)

A blessed Christmas Season and Hanukkuh to you and family,

*Definitions taken from: Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt, A to Z Dream Symbology Dictionary, Breath of the Spirit Ministries, Inc. PO Box 1356, Lake Dallas, Texas, Barbie Breathitt Enterprises, Inc, Canada.

*Scripturesfrom David H. Stern, Complete Jewish Bible,©1998, Messianic Jewish Publishers, Clarksville, MD, Messianic Jewish Resources International,

 Spiros Zodiates, TH.D., The Hebrew - Greek Key Study Bible, New American Standard, Red Letter Edition, AMG Publishers, Chattanooga, TN. USA,©1990.