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Think On These Things Part 2

Think On These Things Part 2 - Richard Maisenbacher

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Think on These Things Part 2

 In the previous blog we discussed Paul’s thoughts in the verse Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute; if there be any excellence, and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell (think) on these things,” (NASB).

 Instead of focusing on the word think or dwell Paul brought the Hebraic idea of not just using your thought process, but to reckon (calculating or estimating) with your soul, which includes your mind, will, and emotions. Paul was not just exhorting us to think better, but is telling us to convert proper thought and emotion into action.

 The word excellence in the Greek is arête, which can also mean virtue. Excellence in the Hebraic emphasizes utilizing God’s given gifts to the limit of your potential. For instance, a 7-foot basketball center will always be able to dunk a basketball on a 10-foot goal easier and better that me. I might have reached excellence for me by dunking an 8-foot goal. Each of us reached our potential. Not everyone is the eye or foot or hand. We all have God given potential for how He made us.

 If we do not appreciate our own gifts that are given from God, we begin to compete and compare ourselves with everyone else. This is a Western/Greek way of thinking. If there be any virtue or excellence God wants us to be the best that He has in mind for us, not what others think we should be. The Eastern/Hebraic way of thinking requires cooperation and collaboration rather than competing with each other’s gifts that God has given.

 If there be anything worthy of praise (epainos in the Greek) suggests that it connects to excellence and receiving lots of praise. However, it is not about seeking man’s approval but receiving praise or approval worthy from God. There are many things you may do that will make God happy, but the world will not applaud you. The opposite is also true. There will be things that the world will love to see you do, but God will obviously not approve. We only need His kingdom approval.

 To summarize I would encourage you to dwell and put into action your full-excellent- potential as you seek God’s approval and His “well done;” rather than striving for approval from others! Then you will rest in the latter part of Philippians 4:8 by your  action that aligns with His desire, resulting in contentedness at the same time!

 I would also like to thank and recognize Dr. Skip Moen for his research and teachings, which are represented in the above message.

 In His Covenant Love,

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