We just celebrated Pentecost and recalled how the disciples gathered to celebrate the memorial when God gave the Law at Sinai. Now the Laws are written on our hearts, but a unique experience took place. Acts 2:2 says, “And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” This of course was the wind of the Spirit blowing as a sign that God was going to do a new thing. We sure have had the winds in Florida this season. I wonder what God is going to do next?!
In John 3:8 Jesus told Nicodemus that, “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” We also seem to be “blown” by the Spirit and most of the time we do not know the direction from where it comes and where it is going. However, we are growing in maturity and realize the God is doing many unexpected things that we may or not we ready for.
God’s wind is pushing us toward Him, regardless of the storms. It only blows us toward freedom though. He wants us free of any hindrances that may keep us from walking into our destiny, which is being completely consumed by the power of the Holy Spirt. He does not want anything to hold us back from our journey to Him.
The wind is always blowing toward God. Let’s receive the wind of the Spirit during this time and not only receive all that God has for us, but allow the fullness of his Spirit to bless others in the way that they need!
In His Covenant Love,