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The Wind is Blowing Again

The Wind Is Blowing Again - Becky Maisenbacher

Have you noticed the intense winds that feel like March appearing in May? No storms – not even rain, but strong winds that have continued to blow over our porch umbrellas and flip over our outdoor rugs. They’ve even persuaded trees to bend and bow in the sunlight.

I love the wind and maybe I look for it more than others. You know, the gentle refreshing breeze that brushes your face in the spring proclaiming new life. The warm breeze in June that brings a smile and glow as if kissed by God, and even the strong winds of storms that seem electric and take your breath away - disrupting your coifed hair as leaves dance their way to the earth. I love these God kisses – they make me smile.

So what can the wind mean, either naturally or in visions or dreams? The “Wind” often represents Holy Spirit, winds of change; circulating patterns as well as doubt or the four directional winds. But today I’m actually interested in what the “Wind Blowing” may mean: “The power of the Holy Spirit or angelic presence; a violent rushing wind as in Acts 2:2.”[1]

 As we approach Pentecost this year with these strong winds, I’ve heard myself responding - humming an old hymn we sang in the 80’s: The Wind Is Blowing Again.

 Remembering this song out of the hundreds I’ve heard or sung caught my attention; remembering how God will highlight something several times when he desires to guide us.

 Here are the lyrics you may enjoy:

The wind is blowin' again, the wind is blowin' again
Just like the day of Pentecost, the wind is blowin' again

1. There was a crowd gathered 'round from all over town
They came to see what it was all about
There was a sound that came down from the upper room
Where the Holy Ghost was being poured out
It sounded just like the roar of a mighty wind
As it fell on every one of them
And the wind that blew at Pentecost keeps blowin' and blowin' again

2. The wind of God is blowin' through the world today
Like the prophet Joel said it would do
For Peter said on the day of Pentecost
It's for you and your children too
You better open up your heart and let the wind blow in
You'll never, never, never be the same again
For the wind that blew at Pentecost keeps blowin' and blowin' again

The wind is blowin' again, the wind is blowin' again![2]

Pentecost is the Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension, held on the seventh Sunday after Easter and the Jewish festival of Shavu’ot, which we will celebrate this year 2021 on May 23rd.

This is a great time to read the Book of Acts, especially chapter 2 as we prepare for this special day of celebration:

The festival of Shavu’ot (Pentecost) arrived, and the believers all gathered together in one place. Suddenly there came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire, which separated and came to rest on each one of them. They were all filled with the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) and began to talk in different languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.” [3]Acts 2:1-4.

This life-changing event, experienced centuries ago, is still touching the world today. 
Welcome Holy Spirit as you continue to blow the winds of change.  Do you sense it?

The wind is blowing again…

In His Love,

Becky Signature 6-2016.png


[1] Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt, A to Z Dream Symbology Dictionary; ©2015, Barbie Breathitt Enterprises, Inc.,pg 468.

[2] Lanny Wolfe, Benson Sound Inc., ©1980

[3] David H. Stern, Complete Jewish Bible, Jewish New Testament Publicaations, Inc. ©1998, pg. 1361.