Hello Precious Family,
We are in a time of reset, rest, realignment with him, and so much more. I have found when God sets his people aside and quiets them, it is often for developing a fresh level of hearing his voice more clearly, gaining greater understanding of his ways, growing in intimacy and forbearance as we mature in patience and self-control, learning to wait and trust to win the battle of the mind by standing in peace and faith. When we emerge from these moments of solitude we will begin to see that we are changed and that he has been at work exposing, freeing and healing parts of our heart to prepare for the new.
I have also sensed to repost a word that I received while in prayer at The Covenant Center on June 4, 2017. I remember so clearly hearing the spirit express that "things were 'fixin' to change. Little did I know the extent of the word "change." But as we've entered a new decade and new season, even a reformation of sorts; change is surely upon us. I hope this word will give you encouragement that God is not caught unaware and he always uses all things for good to those who love him.
But I heard the Spirit of the Lord as soon as I hit this room today say: “Things are fixin’ to change!” I said, What Lord? And He said, “I said, Things are fixing to change!!” And then He said the sweetest thing. He said, “I’m so proud of this family that I have birthed and brought together. Look around. They’ve stood with Me in darkness, they stood with Me in loss and pain. They stood with Me and trusted Me through it all. What good Father would not give good gifts to His children? And how sweet it is to watch the child, the babe when he first takes his steps and begins to walk. What a thrill it is, that first step, even when he falls. The joy of watching him, stand on their feet and to begin to walk and run. What joy that is to Me. And I say to you, how can one understand the mountain if there is no valley? How can one understand the glory of light until they have stood in darkness? How can one understand My miracle working power when they have not experienced pain and loss? How can they not understand My gift of prosperity and life if they have not walked through the valley of the shadow of death?
These things are not meant to harm you. These things are meant to teach you and train you. These things are meant for you to become the light of the world. And in these coming days, as the earth grows darker, you will be My temples and houses of light. Fear not. Fear not. I come to protect you. You walk in My covenant of peace. I bring to you health and life and prosperity and healing and joy when we recognize My hand is upon you. Oh, but I hear you say, God, it’s taken so long. What is the reason for Him taking so long? Do you think there was not celebration at that pool that day, the years, of the 38 years the paralytic sat by that pool waiting for My touch? Time is of no essence to Me. I know it feels that way to you, but has it not been written that those that wait upon Me shall be renewed, shall be healed, shall be restored, shall be given life abundantly?
So understand, even though there was a ten-year law suit, even though it has taken twenty years to put in place the proper applications and positioning of those who I have positioned in this house, things are fixin’ to change! And I ask you one thing as the blessings come, yes, as the blessings come, please My beloved, remember where I’ve brought you from and what I have done for you. Remember. Remember. And let your testimony fill the airwaves of the earth with My Glory and My faithfulness.”
Love to you all and Richard and I continue to hold you in our hearts and prayers!