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Presence of the Holy Spirit

Prepare for His Presence - Becky Maisenbacher

With so much turmoil swirling around us today, do you ever find yourself crying out to God? What are you doing? Where are you God? Help us! Forgive us! Come and be King in this nation Father! This has certainly been a cry of my heart, to not only grow in greater intimacy with God, but to also sense the timing and season we are in and to know what He is saying.

If we ask He is faithful to come and answer. So recently during our Sunday worship I sensed Holy Spirit directing me to Psalm 24. Here we find God speaking through David, especially in verse 1 and 2, clearly reminding David of His glory, sovereignty and omnipotence over all creation. God is stating here that men may claim to have land and reign over their kingdoms, but He is the Lord and creator of all things - all creatures, all human beings, plants, trees, evergreens, gold, silver, cattle on a a thousand hills and the fish in the sea. He has created the earth and separated the waters from the land - He has built the hills and formed the mountains. He is King of the universe! 

Clark's Commentary regarding this Psalm gives some historical insight stating that this Psalm was probably composed as the Ark was being carried from the house of Obededom to Mount Zion. It is suggested the questions spoken throughout may be directed at those who were to carry and minister before the Ark (the priests) and their character, with the last verses referring to the preparation to open the city gate so the Ark could enter.

Let's take a moment to read and soak up the uplifting words in this beautiful Psalm:

he earth is the Lord's and all it contains, the world and those who dwell in it. For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers. Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood and has not sworn deceitfully. He shall receive a blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Thy face - even Jacob. Selah.

Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O gates, and lift them up O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is the King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah. (NASB)

So how do we prepare to ascend into the hill of the Lord and prepare for His presence and blessing as we open the gate? We see some conditions expressed in verse 4 - "He who has clean hands and a pure heart - who has not lifted up his soul to falsehoods nor sworn deceitfully." I'm so thankful that God has provided a way through His Son, Jesus, and has cleansed me and made me righteous aren't you? So through salvation (the process of being delivered from all forms of evil) we have been positioned to walk with Him and be carriers of His presence. What a blessing that we can daily come to Jesus, examine ourselves, repent if needed and continue in our relationship with Him. It is His mercy that extends salvation to all men. And it is His resplendent and glorious mercy by which He sovereignly conforms us into His image compelling us toward obedience, holiness and fidelity. Our part is to simply surrender to Him.

What a great and captivating love He bathes you and me in each day. And isn't Psalm 24 a striking picture of what God is up to right now? In the midst of the evil that may swirl about, He is preparing His people to carry the Ark (His presence) while we surrender to the examination of our heart and motives, with prayer and repentance; as we prepare to open the gate to His people, cities, states and nations, so the King of glory may enter - reside and preside. God has positioned us on His highway of holiness (Isaiah 35:* preparing a purified and consecrated people to carry His presence into the land. So lift up your heads, O gates! God is coming to His temple (that's you) and He is calling upon His priests (that's also you) to prepare and get ready to open the gate and lift up the ancient doors. Here comes the King of glory - God is with you!

Who Do You Say That I Am? - Becky Maisenbacher

Who do you say that I am? Who do you say that I am? What do you think of Me? Who do you put your hope in? Who do you say that I am? I am He! I am the One! I am the Holy One! I surround you with My love. My wings cover you. I protect you. I provide for you. I bring good gifts to you. I bring My wisdom and My light to you. I breathe upon you and My breath of life gives you hope. Who do you say that I am? Who do you say that I am? Am I omniscient? Am I omnipresent? Do you think that I don't see who you are? Do you think that I would leave you in those scary fearful places? Do you think that I am only a star? Who do you think that I am? Who do you think that I am? Who am I to you? What am I to you? What do you believe? What can we conceive together? How far can you see with Me? How far do you want to see with Me? What do you really want to see? Darkness and light, awesomeness and fright! Who do you think that I am? Who do you think that I am?

Who do you think that I am? Do you see that the plumb lines have been dropped? Which side do you decide to stand? Do you stand on the right? Do you stand on the left? Is there a divide? What do you think of Me? What do you believe of Me? What do you think I have been preparing within My people? Do you think I have been caught by surprise? Ha! My plans are way beyond what you can imagine or think. Was I not with Daniel? Was I not with Joseph? Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - did they stand alone? No! I was with them. Do you believe that I was with them? Do you believe that I am with you?

I have been building a people. I have been busy. I have been building an army and you have chosen to be a part of that. Is your heart prepared for the future? Is your heart really set on Me? Have you given all and surrendered to My plans and purposes? The plumb line has been dropped My precious ones. Now is the time to reflect and decide; "Who do you think that I am?" Am I your protector? Am I your provider? Am I all knowing and omniscient? Do you think that I do not hold the world in the palm of My hand; and with one little finger I can change the course of events? Is it not said that I am the One who places the people in position and power? Do you think that the world holds more power than I? I have been building My people, for those who would come and say: "I believe! I am Yours! I believe! I am Yours!" There is a time coming, and I tell you - your latter days will be greater than your former! And you will arise and you will shine. And I will cause your light to spring forth. And things that you have thought within your mind and within your heart, do you not believe that those could be of Me? The time is coming. The time is arriving for Zion to arise. It's time, for My army to begin to display themselves. Have you decided to be a part of it? What have you been able to lay down in front of Me and give up for My future and My plans? For I tell you for those who have, like the men of old  - "But oh my goodness Lord, that was Daniel, that was Joseph - they were great!" Oh My precious ones, they were no different than you. They had fears. They had doubts. Their hearts would race. They cried out to Me, "Lord, if You are real, show Yourself!" - And I did!

Who do you think that I am? What do you think that I am? I come to you today, to ask if I should pray - to choose within your heart - would you believe today? Who do you believe that I am? What do you believe that I can - do for you? Who do you believe? What do you believe? Who do you believe that I am?

This message was given in song during the 6-28-2015 Sunday morning celebration.