During the recent Ten Days of Awe, it was a special time of reflection with the Lord. Matthew 26 was particularly highlighted to me as I read again about the woman with the alabaster box or vial. “Now when Jesus was in Bethany, at the home of Simon the leper, a woman came to Him with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume, and she poured it upon His head as He reclined at the table. But the disciples were indignant when they saw this, and said, “Why this waste? For the perfume might have been sold for a high price and the money given to the poor.” Verse 10 particularly stood our to me and I slowly reread the words of Jesus: “But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you bother the woman? For she has done a good deed to Me. For the poor you have with you always; but you do not always have Me. For when she poured this perfume upon My body, she did it to prepare Me for burial. Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done shall also be spoken of in memory of her.”
Immediately, this woman appeared before me in a vision. It was time to research further to see what others had to say about her. Surprisingly what was written revealed some conflicting information. I found there were various commentaries that gave different insight regarding this woman and her life. Some believe she was Lazarus’ sister, others suggest Mary Magdalene or another unknown woman. Her ability to possess a translucent alabaster vial containing rare perfume suggests she may have been wealthy; while some believe this precious vial of perfume or ointment, which was about 300 denarii, amounted to a year’s labor which she may have saved up.
There is also conjecture about whether she anointed Jesus’ head, just His feet or both. So references are given to Mark 14:3 and Luke 7:37 for further research. I personally wonder if Judas was one of the disciples who may have questioned her extravagance. Since shortly after, he went to the chief priests and asked how much he could make turning Jesus over to them. Hidden motivations of the heart are usually exposed at some point through our behavior.
As I meditated on these verses, more questions appeared. I wanted to know more about her and her life, and how she decided to give this costly ointment to Jesus. Did she impulsively grab the beautiful glass bottle one day, running breathlessly to where He was eating in an impulsive moment when she realized what Jesus meant to her and what He had done for her? Or were her actions well thought out and pre-meditated? If she was Lazarus’ sister, she would have been extremely grateful that He raised her brother from the dead. If it was Mary Magdalene she would have been overtaken with His kindness and gentleness as He acknowledged her, giving her a new identity as person that was loved by God.
Of course we may never know the truth of her motivation. We don’t really know her process of preparation in her personal life that brought her to the moment to share her expensive product with Jesus. What we do remember and what is historically recorded are her actions. Her act of love and humility, gratitude and thankfulness as she approached Jesus and shared her precious ointment, giving all she was worth to Him is what we remember. And Jesus being honored by her endeavor declared in verse 13: “Wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done shall also be spoken of in memory of her.” We know little of her time of work and sacrifice to earn and purchase this rare vial of perfume, or how long she possessed it. However, her behavior and deed, as well as her love for Him lives on.
To me, she has become a representation of the years of preparation that take place for those called of God; and you all are called! I’ve become more keenly aware of the hidden and sometimes arduous process of transformation in His kingdom. Often years of training, maturing, developing, gleaning wisdom and understanding are hidden - out of sight, where people only see the results or the sudden breakthrough. We often forget to consider the incubation period, or the required time and sacrifice; sometimes years of labor in preparing a person for His release.
And like the disciples taunting her, today some still go through the same persecution practice: “What are you doing throwing your life away studying to become a pastor or missionary? What are you doing paying to go to Bible School and giving tithes when you don’t even own your home or go on vacation? What are doing when all your money could be given to the poor or needy? Why are you helping that person? Why did you give up your job for ministry when you have multiple degrees to live well in comfort, and you choose to serve others? How could you open your home to the poor and homeless? These questions caused me to pause and think again about the hidden motivations of the one asking them, just like some of the disciples. Why did they care how this woman chose to express her gratitude and affection? Why did they care where she spent her money or her time?
Today as I reflect on our Covenant Center family as well as the family of God at large, no one really knows for sure what you have walked through or experienced to bring you to the place of devotion to Him. No one really knows the years of preparation and sacrifice in your journey before you reach your destination. You see there is always preparation for the destination. And everyone is in some stage of preparation for their destination. We usually just don’t realize it as we daily walk through the often mundane process of life in this world.
In 15 years we moved 12 times before arriving here in Florida. In those uncertain and sometimes tumultuous years of searching to find “Who am I? Who is God?” life was filled with what seemed to be the mundane: job chasing, bill paying, children raising, house and laundry cleaning, meal preparation, finance budgeting and more. I now realize there was much growth, maturing and preparation that ultimately paved the way to where we are today. Wisdom and understanding often came through failure and loss. Please know that whatever you may be experiencing today; you are also being prepared for your destination!
If you have given your heart to Jesus, you’ve experienced the first step. That moment when He came to you and said: “Would you love Me and be My disciple?” Later in life He comes to you again and says: “Will you visit the sick, feed the poor and widowed? Or maybe He asks: “Will you pick up trash and clean the toilets as you open your home for others to come. Will you sell your home and follow Me? Will you teach the 2 year olds? The 4 year olds? Will you sing and praise Me? Will you study and receive training? Will you pray? Will you give offerings and tithes? Will you love the unlovely? Will you forfeit your own comfort? Will you give yourself to Me?” Then one day He comes and asks if you want to climb even higher. “Will you give all that you are to Me so I may mold you into My image and desire for your destiny?” The gift of age will help you to one day look back and realize your life choices have all been preparation for your destination. You begin to realize in each of His requests you have reflected on your life, wrestled a bit with Him, examined your motivations; and finally made a choice.
To me this is what the woman with the precious vial walked through. She fell so deeply in love with Jesus; the one who saved her and honored her. He taught her and showed her what love looked like. He forgave her, encouraged her and she knew she was changed with a new identity. She realized she was no longer the person of her past. She responded to the heavenly character and nature in Jesus and the love and acceptance she received. She was now free. Without hesitation she willingly gave all to Him.
You are in your preparation for your destination. God will lovingly and continually check in on you and help you reflect on your motivations as you make choices that will propel you forward in His plan for your life. Each one of you will have multiple choices before your life is over to break your own alabaster vials, pouring yourself out to Him in gratefulness and thanksgiving. Where are you in your journey? What is precious to you? What is He asking of you? Are you willing to break open your vial?
In His Love,