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Necessity Is Laid Upon Me

Necessity Is Laid Upon Me - Julie Koerner

I’d like to introduce Julie Ouzoonian Koerner. Julie and her husband Dan are ordained ministers and elders at The Covenant Center. I appreciate Julie’s heart and her clarion call for prayer. I know you will be encouraged in the important call and assignment divinely imparted to you. Becky

Necessity Is Laid Upon Me by Julie Koerner

Julie and Dan Koerner

“For if I may proclaim good news, it is no glorying for me, for necessity is laid upon me, and woe is to me if I may not proclaim good news;” 1 Corinthians 9:16

I was talking with a good friend yesterday. She had become discouraged. She is a “Prayer” (one who prays) and had an assignment to pray, which took many hours a day, for weeks.. I had to tell her that I really did not understand why someone would be called to pray so hard and so long. She shared with me the scripture where the apostle Paul says “necessity has been laid upon me“. I had never really considered that word before. “Necessity has been laid upon me.” What does that mean? We as Christians have been called out of this world’s system. We are those who have been ‘set apart unto God.’ We have been set apart not only as his children but also as those who have been called for a purpose. “But you are God’s chosen treasure—priests who are kings, a spiritual '“nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous light, and now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world,” (1 Peter 2:9).

When Jesus taught his disciples to pray, the heart of the prayer was “Your Kingdom Come.Your will be done.” Our Lord came to once again bring the Kingdom of God to the Kingdom of man. This was His purpose. Can we do any less? In this hard time in which we are living, it is so easy to get lost in these difficult circumstances But for us, for the people of God, there is a bigger picture. We have been called “according to His purpose.”It is this purpose that creates vision and mission. In his Word He says, “Awake, and Christ will give you light.“ It is time for God’s people to “wake up” and to see His purpose. We have been born into the earth for such a time as this. In the book of Proverbs he says “without a vision the people are unrestrained.“ Without a vision we do not have direction. Without a vision we are here there and everywhere. Without vision we are blind. We are blind and cannot see what God is doing and asking us to do with Him. I really had to ask the question: “Has a necessity been laid upon me?” If so, then all of my activities all of my thoughts, all of my actions need to be conformed to that purpose.

I have a purpose, and that is to see the Kingdom of God restored in the earth. We are in a great battle.
“When there is no clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander astray. But when you follow the revelation of the word, heaven’s bliss fills your soul,” (Proverbs 29:18 TPT).

I’m sure that you as well as myself desire the peace and joy of knowing that we have a part in the great plan and purpose of God, which will be fulfilled! Lord, “let necessity be laid upon us”.

Julie Koerner

Julia Ouzoonian Koerner is an ordained minister and elder through The Covenant Center. She was born in Bronx, New York, She has traveled many miles with many adventures in her lifetime.  She has been a Retail Salesperson, a Social Worker, a Missionary, and a Spanish language teacher.  In 2006, she retired from teaching and started a home investment company. One of her greatest joys is spending time in God's Word, and listening as He shares with her each morning.

