In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus encourages us to make disciples of all nations teaching them to observe all that he commanded them. This was his great commission. At least that is what is in bold letters in my Bible as an introduction to the last 5 verses of the book of Matthew. I guess the first stage of disciplining someone is to make sure they have made a commitment to the Lord and have entered his covenant and desire to be part of his kingdom. Once that takes place, the ongoing process of discipleship or mentoring is very important. This includes teaching and understanding the Bible or Torah.
At there is a dropdown tab labeled CovenantU which is our online school of theology which currently, because of Covid, we are offering all classes at no charge. These classes can be taken without prerequisites so that if one looks interesting it can be taken immediately.
Some students want the information within the classes just for knowledge. Others are interested in obtaining licensing or ordination. There are 4 basic tracks. If licensing is desired then the Hebraic Thought and Spiritual Roots tracks are recommended first. Hebraic Thought emphasizes a more Eastern approach to the biblical foundations. While Spiritual Roots addresses inner healing and self deliverance so that each student becomes whole: spirit, soul and body.
Knowing God and Spiritual Leadership are the other two tracks. Knowing God focuses on the prophetic, spiritual gifts, the five fold ministries, and developing an intimate relationship with God by learning to hear him and understand his ways. Spiritual Leadership is a practical internship program learning to implement ministry inside and outside the church.
As a mentor, counselor or teacher who disciples others I find you can save time using the CovenantU school. For instance if you are working with someone who is struggling with codependency or false responsibility you can send them to a related course and have them read the texts that cover that particular topic. Then either meet with them or make a call and notice how much more aware they are regarding the subject. As a mentor it saves you time having to teach the entire topic first. This can also be done with small groups with similar topics that are relevant.
I suggest going to and clicking on CovenantU, then going to the Quick Start Guides and reading and becoming familiar with some of the content. If you are interested in discipling others or taking the classes yourself this is a great time to get involved. Even though CovenantU is not currently accredited, courses completed at CovenantU may be eligible to transfer to Southeastern University as a general elective credit. More information check out our school at:
In His Covenant Love,