Lidy Cummings
In this journey of life with God I have been learning and growing in knowing him and who he created me to be. The following scriptures were highlighted for me to study.
1 John 4:18 NKJ. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love cast out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.”
To understand more clearly the words in this scripture I looked to my concordance for the definitions:
Perfect G 5046 Telios: mature, complete, completeness of full age, full grown adult of full age.
Love G 26 Agape: affection or benevolence, a love-feast, charity.
Fear G 5401 Phobos: alarm or fright, terror.
Torment G 2851 Kolasis: penal infliction-punishment, correction, penalty.
1 John 4:18 TPT “Love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment. But love’s perfection drives the fear of punishment far form our hearts. Whoever walks constantly afraid of punishment has not reached love’s perfection.”
Punishment: the immediate context shows that it is the fear of correction, “punishment” or rejection. The Aramaic can be translated “Fear is Suspicious.” Brian Simmons TPT
To me “Fear is Suspicious” which causes me to self-protect and have trust issues.
One of the areas that God continues to bring healing in my heart is in the area of self-protection. Many years ago God gave me a vision of me standing, and around my heart was a hedge and that hedge was keeping others and Jesus on the outside and things that broke my heart.
And through the years I have seen myself opening more to Jesus, but at times I would continue to try to self-protect, since I didn’t want to get hurt by others. So I have opened my heart to Jesus but it has been difficult to let people in. He once again has guided me to better understanding of His love, learning to love the way He loves. The following are the various stages he has taught me in learning to love:
Love God
I have always loved God but it used to be from my mind. Now, I have a closer relationship with him and I have learned to love him from my heart.
Love Myself
I have learned to love myself the way he loves me.
Love Others
And finally I have learned to love others the way God does. He always leaves the 99 for the 1 left behind, Matthew 18:12-14.
God has being teaching me to be present in the moment and to be attentive to what he says. When I’m present I’m at peace, I’m not worrying or thinking of something in the future because I don’t need to figure it out. God has it and he leads me.
Trust God
God has shown me that there were areas of my heart where I didn’t trust him. Again in my mind I trusted him, but not in my heart.
When God gave me the revelation that I didn't trust him in the deepest part of my heart I decided to move by faith. He helped me renew my mind and he used the Pause App and John Eldridge book “Get your life back” to give me the breakthrough that I needed.
Trust Myself
God also used the app and book to help me be able to trust my decisions. The decisions I make are good/okay and I should not doubt myself or look back on the decision once I have made them.
It is okay to trust myself even if I make a mistake, he loves me and will show me the way.
God in his mercy has shown me how many of my thoughts were coming out of fear, and I had no idea fear was within me. Once again in my mind I thought I didn’t have any fear.
Fear is the opposite of love. My thoughts and fears caused me not to be at peace. The torment and self-punishment gave fear a piece of real estate in my heart.
God in his mercy has always lead me to the Psalms and I have found refuge in them; especially David’s Psalms they always ministered to my heart. David was a man in touch with his humanity. David felt deeply and he went to God to share what he was feeling and what he was struggling with. David was always raw and honest with God. He didn’t edit himself, because he knew God.
God uses emotions to show us where we are and what pain or trauma we need healing for freedom.
When we are not in touch with our heart or emotions we are ignoring a part of ourselves. God has emotions which we see through out the Bible, and we are made in his imagine, so why would it be okay for us to ignore our emotions?
Our emotions are a way of connecting with God, it is also what God uses to bring healing to our hearts. We are to precious to God, he doesn’t ignore us or dismiss us, so why do we do that to ourselves?
We are the apple of his eye. We are his beloved. We are unique and special.
We need to learn to heal our heart, so fear with not overtake us. This process will create in us a deep strength in God, a trust in him that can’t be shaken. It will bring you closer to God and create an intimacy with him. Your heart will grow, and as result we will see the Fruit of the Spirit manifest in your everyday life. We will be known by our love.
We are entering a LOVE Revolution. I believe the next move of God will come out of love and that love will be what will touch the heart of the hurting and broken people that are around us.
God is after your heart and your soul - that is all he wants.
Lidy Cummings - Serves as Office Administrator and has been part of the Covenant family for several years. She is licensed and ordained through The Covenant Center, and has also received a pastoral counseling endorsement. In addition, Lidy has received intensive inner healing training under Pat Stark. Lidy is known for her outgoing personality and ability to edify and encourage others. Her greatest desire is to help people walk into the fullness of their destiny in the Kingdom. Lidy is bilingual, speaking fluent English and Spanish
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