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Foundations - Pat Stark


The foundation of a house is vitally important. If the foundation is not strong or built correctly eventually the house will have major problems. The same is true of our own lives. If we have unforgivenenss and bitterness in our foundation; unhealed hurts perhaps going all the way back to our beginnings, or maybe a lack of being able to trust because of past betrayals or insecurities from early rejections, the structure of our lives will not be strong, peaceful or secure. So when the winds of adversity come, fear can easily overwhelm us.

Ephesians 2:19-22 states: "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God's people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit."

I believe we are currently in a season where God is shaking and testing our foundations so we can be fitted into the house he is building. What have our lives been built on? His loving shaking is necessary to uproot whatever false foundations we might have built on the illusion of control or the false security of the world system. What might we have relied on for our particular picture of life or our version of the American dream? What does that look like for each of us? Have we looked to a particular relationship to give us life, or to our material possessions? Perhaps a career or ministry? Our family, spouse, children, friends? What about our health, strength, abilities? Those things cannot be our foundation for anyone of them can be lost in an instant!

In Hebrews 12: 26 (NIV) we find the following: "At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, Once More Will Shake Not Only The Earth But Also The Heavens." The words "Once More" indicate the removing of what can be shaken - that is, created things,  "so that what cannot be shaken may remain" (vs 27). What does he shake? The things, the systems we have created to make life work the way we think we need it to in order to feel secure.

Yes, the light is getting lighter, but right along with that, the darkness is getting darker and trying to invade our light. Unless we are grounded on the foundation of total surrender to Jesus Christ in all of our ways and circumstances, the danger lurks of becoming overwhelmed and overcome by them. This is a season of allowing God to rebuild our particular house so that the "gates of hell cannot prevail against us" and that as the winds blow in our lives, we remain standing anchored and grounded on the Rock who is Jesus. That building cannot be destroyed.


The Lord's Prayer Part 4 - Richard Maisenbacher

Continuing our discussion regarding The Lord's Prayer, let's look in Matthew 6:12, the next verse in this prayer - "And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors."

Forgiving others and ourselves has always been challenging for the Body of Christ. We usually have excellent reasons to hold on to our unforgiveness. However, complete forgiveness is the very relationship we enjoy and embrace from Christ. In addition, there also seems to be some significant physical healing that takes place for the one who forgives!

Forgiveness includes asking for and releasing forgiveness to God, others and ourselves. And when one apologizes forgiveness does not mean that everything goes back to normal as if nothing ever happened. God gives us the grace to forgive. I have found if I am having difficulty forgiving, I am in need of His wonderful grace to help me. However, sometimes because of the depth and variety of the abuse, restitution, safety and appropriate boundary setting need to take place before trust can be restored.

Here are a couple prayer examples that may help you get started when true/honest  forgiveness seems to be impossible.

"I release to You/Father my anger and disappointment resulting from knowing that my perception and understanding are limited by my own viewpoint of why You allowed a particular situation to occur. You have a greater purpose beyond my understanding, so please forgive me and help me to understand Your ways."

"I allow Holy Spirit to flow through the bitterness and disappointment in this situation and release Your 'river' of forgiveness to flow our and through me because the Spirit of Christ leads the way. I can release forgiveness because of the forgiveness You have released to me. Thank you for producing peace again within me and my other relationships."

Prepare for His Presence - Becky Maisenbacher

With so much turmoil swirling around us today, do you ever find yourself crying out to God? What are you doing? Where are you God? Help us! Forgive us! Come and be King in this nation Father! This has certainly been a cry of my heart, to not only grow in greater intimacy with God, but to also sense the timing and season we are in and to know what He is saying.

If we ask He is faithful to come and answer. So recently during our Sunday worship I sensed Holy Spirit directing me to Psalm 24. Here we find God speaking through David, especially in verse 1 and 2, clearly reminding David of His glory, sovereignty and omnipotence over all creation. God is stating here that men may claim to have land and reign over their kingdoms, but He is the Lord and creator of all things - all creatures, all human beings, plants, trees, evergreens, gold, silver, cattle on a a thousand hills and the fish in the sea. He has created the earth and separated the waters from the land - He has built the hills and formed the mountains. He is King of the universe! 

Clark's Commentary regarding this Psalm gives some historical insight stating that this Psalm was probably composed as the Ark was being carried from the house of Obededom to Mount Zion. It is suggested the questions spoken throughout may be directed at those who were to carry and minister before the Ark (the priests) and their character, with the last verses referring to the preparation to open the city gate so the Ark could enter.

Let's take a moment to read and soak up the uplifting words in this beautiful Psalm:

he earth is the Lord's and all it contains, the world and those who dwell in it. For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers. Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood and has not sworn deceitfully. He shall receive a blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Thy face - even Jacob. Selah.

Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O gates, and lift them up O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is the King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah. (NASB)

So how do we prepare to ascend into the hill of the Lord and prepare for His presence and blessing as we open the gate? We see some conditions expressed in verse 4 - "He who has clean hands and a pure heart - who has not lifted up his soul to falsehoods nor sworn deceitfully." I'm so thankful that God has provided a way through His Son, Jesus, and has cleansed me and made me righteous aren't you? So through salvation (the process of being delivered from all forms of evil) we have been positioned to walk with Him and be carriers of His presence. What a blessing that we can daily come to Jesus, examine ourselves, repent if needed and continue in our relationship with Him. It is His mercy that extends salvation to all men. And it is His resplendent and glorious mercy by which He sovereignly conforms us into His image compelling us toward obedience, holiness and fidelity. Our part is to simply surrender to Him.

What a great and captivating love He bathes you and me in each day. And isn't Psalm 24 a striking picture of what God is up to right now? In the midst of the evil that may swirl about, He is preparing His people to carry the Ark (His presence) while we surrender to the examination of our heart and motives, with prayer and repentance; as we prepare to open the gate to His people, cities, states and nations, so the King of glory may enter - reside and preside. God has positioned us on His highway of holiness (Isaiah 35:* preparing a purified and consecrated people to carry His presence into the land. So lift up your heads, O gates! God is coming to His temple (that's you) and He is calling upon His priests (that's also you) to prepare and get ready to open the gate and lift up the ancient doors. Here comes the King of glory - God is with you!

Lord Bring Unity in Our Diversity - Becky Maisenbacher

Recently I awoke from a serene and wondrous dream where I was observing a great multitude of people. They were gathered together shoulder to shoulder as far as I could see. Each individual quietly stood without fanfare, singing a stanza of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, which quickly transitioned into the chorus: "Glory, glory hallelujah…His truth is marching on." As I stood entranced by the peace and diversity, I was captured by their unity and melodious singing, quickly realizing this was not a group formed for political or contentious purposes. They were not singing a song to choose sides or insight anyone to anger or fear, but they were adoringly and lovingly worshiping as a unified multitude of people from all different races and cultures, glorifying God.

Next I found myself moving toward a beautiful pair of extremely large wooden doors. I could see the timeworn marks embedded into their beautiful rich patina. I became keenly aware of their age. As I approached the entrance, I observed multitudes of what appeared to be soldiers from every era of U.S. history. Again, I knew this was much greater than any political agenda. This was about masses of people from different eras moving forward in peace focused on God's glory. As they marched in sync through these large ancient doors their faces displayed a great peace and focus. They were saints who had given their hearts to Him. They had surrendered their lives and were advancing in peace and love. As I stood by the doors, amazed at the massive number marching shoulder to shoulder through the doors, filled with wonder and reverence, I also began to join into the chorus quietly and adoringly singing, "Glory, glory, hallelujah - Glory, glory hallelujah - Glory, glory hallelujah His truth is marching on." We were all in one accord, reverently singing of His truth, which has marched on through all eras of history.

From the beginning of creation God has desired a people to love and worship Him in Spirit and in truth. God poured His love out to the world through the precious blood of His only son Jesus, as he was sent to earth to redeem mankind. Since then, multitudes of people have lived through amazing experiences as well as horrific betrayals - wars and rumors of war; but God's desire has remained the same as spoken by Jesus in John 17:26: "I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known; that the love wherewith You did love Me may be in them, and I in them." What was Jesus really praying here? That God in His glory would make us all one. Only through His love and His glory will mankind be redeemed and transformed into His image being filled with His love and grace.

When we ask God to help align our lives with His desire as stated by Jesus in Luke 10:27, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself;" we will then begin to see His love change the culture and atmosphere around us.  When we choose to love and simply give a cup of water in His name, we will find that one step of grace can change history.

Regarding the beautiful weathered doors in the dream, we find in Psalm 24 the King of Glory entering Zion in verse 7-10: "Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O gates, and lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory!"

God, who created every living being and creature loves His creation. As we ask Him to teach us to love the way He loves, to serve the way He serves and to express compassion as He expresses His love through His grace; lives will be touched, and families as well as cities and nations will be changed in His name.

"Heavenly Father, create in your people a pure heart that we may ascend into Your hill and stand in Your holy place with clean hands. Come in Your glory bringing unity in our diversity and make us one. May we as Your people bring glory to You as we learn to move in your love and grace.


The Lord's Prayer Part 3 - Richard Maisenbacher

As we continue reflecting on The Lord's Prayer, let's look at Matthew 6:11 which states: "Give us this day our daily bread."  We are reminded in this one sentence that our basic daily needs come to us from heaven one day at a time. Planning and setting goals for our future is good, but apprehension for tomorrow can result when we take our eyes off His provision for today. Jesus shared His cure for anxiety when He spoke in Matthew 6:25: "For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor for your body, as to what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body than clothing?" And in Matthew 6:34 He reemphasizes and concludes His message with one final thought: "Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." 

When we pray, "Give us this day our daily bread" our belief structure may be challenged as to whether His daily bread is a gift of God or a daily expectation. In Matthew 6:33 if we assume that we will "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; all these things will be added" to us, our faith increases and we trust in Him and our relationship with Him. On the other hand, if after praying we choose to posture ourself with a demanding attitude that He will now meet our need, we have chosen a relationship based on demand and one's right, rather than a relationship founded on love and trust.

This part of the Lord's Prayer becomes a reminder that we are a part of a covenant God who keeps His word to those He is in covenant with. He loves us and He looks for ways to bless us in our relationship with Him. Therefore, we love Him and look for ways to please Him by following Him and His ways. As this process of love and trust increases, we quit looking for ways to minimize the uncertainty of life by trying to control everything in our future. We then can rejoice that He meets our needs through this intimate relationship of prayer one day at a time, while our worry dissipates right before our eyes.


The Lord's Prayer Part 2 - Richard Maisenbacher

Previously in my December post, I discussed with you how the Lord's Prayer appears to be a modified version of the eighteen Benedictions of Blessings the Jews recited three times a day. Within their busy work schedules, abbreviated prayers became acceptable as demonstrated by Jesus' example in the Lord's Prayer..

To review, the first verse of the Lord's Prayer which appears in Matthew 6:9, begins with "Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name," which we found to translate as "May Your name be sanctified." Sanctify means to make clean, holy, purify, or separated unto Him. Therefore, because we are in covenant with Him, whenever we obey His commandments we are sanctifying His name.

The phrase "Thy kingdom come" found in verse ten was common in Jewish prayers. It referred not only to the future Messianic Age, but also to our present needs here on earth, depicting the kingdom of heaven is at hand. They were also accustomed to praying, "Let Him cause His kingdom to reign and His redemption to flourish." We see that "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," is very similar to the 3rd benediction found in the Amidah which states: "We will sanctify Your name in the world even as they sanctify it in the highest heavens." Therefore, as a result of our prayers and obedience we see that we have an important part in our relationship with the Lord to sanctify His name on earth as it is in heaven.

Now I pray with greater understanding knowing the deeper meaning of this beautiful prayer. In summarizing, let's look at the following:

1. Our Father whose name is to be hallowed will be sanctified.
2. Since we are in covenant with Him and choose to obey His will, we purify or sanctify His name.
3. In our covenant union, the two become one. Names are not only exchanged, but the characteristics representing the meaning behind each name is also exchanged or sanctified.
4. Since His will is already done in heaven, it is now duplicated here on earth as we follow His instructions.
5. His kingdom not only represents what will take place in the future age or in heaven, but is also applicable to our current needs here on earth at this time.

Israel knew that their hope for redemption was related to their obedience to the commandments of God. In praying the Lord's Prayer I have learned it is not simply a prayer of words for the Lord to hear or answer, but it implies a a responsibility on my part. If I want the Lord's name to be sanctified on earth, I must choose to keep His commandments, which in turn will expand His kingdom.

I will continue to discuss some of the benefits of walking in His covenant of love, expressed in the Lord's Prayer next time.

A Time of Restoration - Becky Maisenbacher

It was the early 80's and I had just finished sharing a short message and song of praise at our home church in Dayton, Ohio. I began to exit the stage when I heard a voice from the audience declare: "Miss Becky, I have a word for you." I looked around and there standing before me was our special speaker Evangelist Jerry B. Walker. As I handed him the microphone, he looked at me and declared: "Miss Becky your word is 'Restoration.' The Body of Christ is not familiar with it now, but they will be in the future and it is a word for you." I smiled and thanked him for his word of encouragement and continued to my seat somewhat puzzled, thinking "Restoration…hmmm what an unusual word Lord, what does it mean?"  

Richard and I had completed all our Bible classes, word of faith schooling, and all the required meetings to graduate from the school of theology, but I had heard very little spoken about restoration. This word became a meditation for me. There were of course events in the Bible where God greatly restored treasure and health, but what relevance did this word have for me today? In my youth I did not understand that I had lessons to learn. And in the thirty years since receiving this word my family and I have walked through many trials including bankruptcy, infidelity, betrayal, public slander and more. We have also watched God preserve and sustained us. He has taught us, corrected us, given us guidance and counsel, vindicated us as well as restored us. God has faithfully been our anchor and this simple word from Jerry B. Walker has continued to be a precious word of hope. 

Today we are hearing many prophetic voices declaring a new season - a season of "Restoration." It is encouraging to hear this word spoken and for many these coming years will bring great restitution and resolution. However, just like restoring an older home, there still may be painful times of tearing down and discarding materials, like our thoughts, unbiblical beliefs, behaviors, motivations, etc. which no longer support the new structure being built. But no matter how difficult the demolition experience, it sure is exciting and gratifying to see the structure rebuilt, restored and the finishing work completed.

God desires for you to understand His process of renewal and restoration, as He changes you into His likeness. What better way to understand His covenant process than to walk through it with Him. You give Him permission to expose and remove what is not pleasing to Him and then He patiently restores and fills you with more of Him. What an amazing work of Holy Spirit, digging deep into the hearts and minds of men sanctifying, transforming and restoring us as He renews our heart and mind while He restores our soul.

God is at work dividing your soul and spirit, so you may think and reason more like Him. He is at work extracting the world's ways so you may commune more intimately with Him. He wants to teach you to discern information more by His Spirit than simply from your intellect, will or emotions. He is not only able to redeem your thoughts but your entire life. Whatever you have lost, whatever pain, shame, humiliation or ill health you may have had to bear, God is ready and waiting to restore you. He is always at work bringing restoration and life to His people. Look for Him, ask and expect Him to move on your behalf. And as you and I continue to surrender to HIs restorative work, may we encourage one another, especially when it is painful, to say to our Father, "Don't stop Lord - even when it hurts."

A Season of Change - Richard Maisenbacher

When I consider the New Year in 2016 I hear the Lord saying to be open to change. For some change will be a wonderful thing to look forward to because of the challenging year they have just experienced. For others it will be difficult to look at any change because they enjoy things just as they have been and change seems unnecessary.

When I researched the word "change" in the Bible, in Jeremiah 4:27-28 concerning Israel God declares: "I will not change My mind, nor will I turn from it." However when they are considering killing Jeremiah because of his challenging messages, the Lord says: "Now therefore amend your ways and your deeds, and obey the voice of the Lord your God: and the Lord will change His mind about the misfortune which He has pronounced against you." 

Scripture encourages us in Hebrews 13:8 that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." Even though Jesus never changes, we find seasons do change as we are reminded in Isaiah 43;19: "Behold I am doing something nene, now it will spring forth, will you not be aware of it?"

Recently in a dream I was playing tennis and my shots did not have any power or accuracy. The Lord then said, "Make a small grip change." In making the subtle grip change, I suddenly had more power, accuracy and depth on each shot. This change produced impactful shots while using less effort. I believe my experience in this dream is applicable to our Christian walk. When we make even the smallest change in our life, like deciding to align our lives with His directives and word, we increase our chances of hitting the mark. You may choose to pray, study the Bible, address negative attitudes and belief systems, make adjustments to lifestyle choices, tackle bad habits or addictions, recognize obstacles and change behaviors to overcome them. Making small changes in any of these areas can bring increase and breakthrough for you.

Small changes can make a big difference in your life as well as the Kingdom. Maybe God has already been speaking to you about some changes He may have highlighted for you. I want to encourage you that this is the season to not only make the change, but step out and watch how even a small change can make a big difference in your life!

Jesus - Our Foundation - Becky Maisenbacher

Throughout this year I personally have been hearing - "Foundations - return to My foundations." It is certainly important to have a solid footing to face life's challenges particularly with the tumultuous environment surrounding us today. There are many enlightening and foundational teachings which help us understand God and His ways including the Bible and the various reference books available on Greek and Hebraic word studies, the prophetic and supernatural nature of God and His glory, hermeneutics and other great literary text. However, even with all the the enlightening and revelatory instruction, the greatest foundational force is still Jesus and our relationship with Him.

When trials appear, Holy Spirit begins to sweetly sing this song to me, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus - look full in His wonderful face - and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, by the light of His glory and grace." He lovingly draws me back to His foundation - keeping my eyes on Him and leaning my ear toward heaven. He directs me to Jesus.

It really is so simple. It is not necessary to perform to secure a relationship with Jesus. It isn't about earning His love or what church we attend. Nor is it about how many scriptures we can recite, what song we sing or position we may hold in a church, what amazing dream we have had or what prophetic word of encouragement we share. All these experiences may be wonderful and they may be guided by heaven, but they can never take the place of knowing Jesus. He stands ready and waiting to be invited into your life to walk and talk with you - to have relationship with you every day. And the manifestations of His glory become a naturally supernatural part of you, when you choose to know Him. Jesus is saying, "Return to the foundations. Return to Me. Let Me be your first love."  

When you choose to have relationship with someone, you want to spend time with them, talk with them, find out what they enjoy and what plans they have for their life. Right? In fact, you usually can't wait to see them.Well, it's the same with Jesus. We learn about Him and His ways. We find out what brings Him joy as we choose to enter a friendship with Him. We develop a mutual trust and respect for one another as we joyfully choose to become His disciple. We delight in spending time with Him. He invites us into His garden and we share personal moments together.

The words to this song always awaken my spirit and desire to meet with Him. "I come to the garden alone, when the dew is still on the roses, and the voice I hear, falling on my ear the son of God discloses. He speaks and the sound of His voice, is so sweet,, the birds hush their singing, and the melody that He gives to me, within my heart is ringing. And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own, and the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known." Walking and talking with Him is life changing. He teaches us to see the world through His eyes. He gives clarity and understanding as well as comfort and direction.

Jesus desires for you to be His beloved. He wants to talk and share with you - spend time with you and help guide you throughout your life. His words bring healing and life, comfort and peace. I'll leave you with the following scriptures for reflection and pray that you may choose to draw even closer to Him in 2016. He is ready and waiting! 

I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst. John 6:35

I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you. Hebrews 13:5

Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. John 17:3

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven... Matthew 16:19

Merry Christmas to you and a blessed New Year!

The Lord's Prayer - Richard Maisenbacher

In the past I have used my normal busyness as a great excuse to pray throughout the day while multitasking, not taking time or disciplining myself to a specific schedule of prayer. This plan worked for many years, but I have found God calling me to a more strategic time of prayer. When I set a specific time it is usually in the early morning when things are quiet, or I pray at night with my wife Becky. Even though the advantages of the intimacy found in prayer with Him bring enlightenment, peace and joy, I still seem to need to schedule time with Him or the cares of the day burst forth becoming the priority.

Obviously Jesus would be an excellent role model to follow when it comes to prayer. During each moment of His life, He seemed to always have an ear toward heaven being keenly aware of what His Father was speaking or showing Him. The disciples recognized His skill in prayer and when they asked Him how to pray He responded and taught them with the model found in Matthew 6:9-13 better known as The Lord's Prayer. So it would seem appropriate to not only recite The Lord's Prayer, but also to search what was the significance of this prayer and how it affects our heart and relationship with Him today.

The Lord's Prayer appears to be a modified version of the 18 Benedictions or blessings the Jews were to recite three times a day. The Rabbis became aware that praying these 18 Benedictions or Amidah as it was called became an interruption to their daily activities and work schedules. Consequently abbreviated prayers became acceptable as demonstrated by Jesus.

The prayer begins with "Our Father who art in heaven," implying we are all His children. Therefore, we are acknowledging we have chosen to serve Him out of our love for Him, choosing to keep His commandments and walk in His ways. 

"Hallowed be Your name" may be better understood as, "May Your name be sanctified." Sanctify also means to make clean, holy, purify, or separated unto Him. Because we are in covenant with Him, whenever we obey His commandments we are sanctifying His name. As a result of our prayers and obedience we have a part in this relationship to sanctify His name. How wonderful it is to be able to participate with Him!

My motivation for intimacy and prayer is not to just pray as I get a chance throughout the day now, but to set an appointed time aside daily to be with Him. Next time, I will continue to discuss my thoughts on the rest of The Lord's Prayer. 

Until then, may you and your family be blessed with His love, joy and peace in this Christmas season.

Thoughts On Prayer - Richard Maisenbacher

During the past two months at The Covenant Center we have set aside one hour each evening for prayer. It has been a wonderful experience of intimacy with the Lord and has reincorporated a life style of setting time aside to be with Him. For me, rather than just praying throughout the day when I have time, I must also deliberately set time aside to be with Him, just as I set time aside to spend with Becky.

Communicating with God all day long combined with my normal work day and ministry is extremely important. However, alone time with Him is obviously one of our greatest experiences as stated in John 17:3: And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

I find it necessary to go back to the thought process of Jesus and the Hebraic perspective regarding prayer to better understand the Bible and what the author originally intended to express. A basic belief is that God is the Ruler and Creator of the Universe and the prophets remind us that both good and evil bring about His purposes. God is also good and holy and will bring the best result even if we do not think so. It is helpful to evaluate circumstances trusting in His character and not the appearance of actions. Otherwise what we observe many times will not make sense to us. His ways are not our ways. Therefore, we trust in God's character or we fight for what we think is fair in our version of events. If we focus on what is fair complaining may become one of the byproducts.

A normal Christian prayer might be to ask God for what we need. However, the Hebrew prays that his heart will be transformed in such a way that he will be fully prepared to accept what God has to offer. This perspective allows God to choose what is best and give what is necessary as we ask Him to align our heart and thoughts with His. As we communicate with Him in prayer, we learn to trust by His grace, that He already knows what is right, holy, and is His perfect action for each situation. Otherwise, we may find prayers unanswered and shift into frustration or disappointment.

You can count on God to do what is best for you and His creation. Our part in prayer is to prepare our hearts to accept what He is doing. As we stand in this place with Him, we discover true peace. If we enter prayer with the idea we must convince God to act righteously for us, we enter a relationship founded on manipulation rather than surrender. If grace is God doing something for us by His love, that we can not do for ourselves, then we can stand in His grace knowing He will act accordingly.

Jesus gave us the ultimate prayer model in Matthew 6:9-13. Next time, I would like to investigate the "Lord's prayer" in a little more detail, so we can begin to understand how much Hebraic thought went into His abbreviated example to us.

Till then, God bless you and keep you always.

Covenant Center Worship Team - Let It Rip! - Richard Maisenbacher

I hear the Lord saying: Some of you have wondered whether you are striving. Some of  you have wondered if you are trying to work this stuff up. Some of you have beat yourself up on whether you are performing - and I say you are not performing. You are performing before Me, for your worship comes before Me, not before men. I have taken the worshipers of The Covenant Center through, what some of you would call "hell." And I say, I am just sanctifying and transforming you. I've taken you to the cross where you have laid down your works. You've laid down men's approval. You've laid down all this stuff before Me. And the incense of your prayers and worship has come before Me, and I see no performance! I see no striving. What I do see is a desire to please Me. What I do see is a desire to worship Me. And what you say is striving, I say it's faith! What you call "working it out, and we're not sure if we've heard from You or not" -  I am calling - Worship by Faith!

For there is a battle. That's why I have called it the good fight of faith. There is a fight! And the battle starts by hearing, for faith comes by hearing. And you've wondered whether you're hearing the sound of heaven or not? And sometimes you tap into My perfect sound of heaven, and other times you don't hear anything. And I say the times you don't hear Me, in anything, is what I want to address today. For just because you hear nothing, doesn't mean that I am not speaking. Because I've spoken to you in My written word. And My people in the past have sung songs of worship and praise. So whether you hear Me or not, open My word and let it rip. Open My word and praise Me, for you've found favor and you've found My anointing, and you've found My Spirit in My written word. So when I speak not - let it rip. I give you permission without guilt - and it will not be striving. You will not be trying to unction something up. And you will not have to feel guilty for fear of performing, for I have taken the performance out of you!

Some of you are so performance oriented - you're scared. Scared that you are going to miss it. You are not going to miss it when you release My Spirit! Even through My rhema word or through My written word - My logos. They are both My Spirit. So be free. Have a freedom, whether you are on the worship team or whether you are on the "worship team." Have freedom to express My love.

These Are Days of Preparation - Randi Lechner

The following word was given by Randi Lechner during our 9-6-2015 Sunday celebration meeting. May it bless and encourage you in these uncertain times. 

Randi declared: I heard the Spirit of the Lord say: These are the days of preparation. These are the days that will lead to great tumult and turmoil, but these are also the days of the preparation of My refreshing, says the Lord. For in the midst of turmoil, I am a strong tower. In the midst of tumult, I will be your peace. So prepare your hearts says the Lord. Prepare your hearts, not looking at the tumult, but looking at My peace. For I will be with you and I will keep you, says the Lord. And these shall be days of great restoration and days of great harvest. For have you not heard, did you not read that where sin does abound, grace does much more abound? Am I not the One who called the storm? Am I not the One, said My disciples, in the midst of the storm? For behold says the Lord, the days to come are turmoil, but I tell you, they are the days of great refreshing for those who seek My face. So rejoice. Rejoice and do not fear, for I am with you, says the Lord.

The Fall Feasts and Prayer

September is proving to be a very interesting month with various prophecies and predictions as to what the Lord may be unfolding during this season.

We do know according to Leviticus 23 that there are holy convocations during certain appointed times. God intended for the events on earth to reflect the heavenly realities.

The Fall Feasts include Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe, emphasizing repentance. Yom Kippur's focus includes redemption and making peace with God. While Sukkot, (Feast of Tabernacles) is a time of rejoicing for the harvest and celebrating the goodness of God. So to prepare our hearts, affirm and embrace the importance of this season, I will be facilitating one hour of prayer at The Covenant Center, every night at 6pm, 7 evenings a week, from September 1st through October 5th.

I look forward to spending time in His presence and hearing from heaven. Please feel free to join me during these times. Shalom!

A Time of Preparation and Expansion - Becky Maisenbacher

Oh Covenant Center, oh My covenant people, what shall I do with you? What shall I do with you? For I have tested you. I have challenged you. I have renewed you. I have brought My revelation to you. I have sustained you. I have preserved you. For I have come today to tell you, that now is the time that I will deal wondrously with you - for you have past the test. And you will see My light break forth and you will see My promises that My oracles have come to proclaim and declare. And you will begin to see them happening on the left and the right.You will see My plans unfold because this house was conceived by Me. This house was conceived and birthed by Me. And I have rocked you in My arms. And I have nurtured you. And I have consoled you. And I have taught you. And I have kept you. And I have fed you. And I have called you many things. I have called you a family. I have called you a community. I have declared this as a place where the prophets gather. I have declared this as a place when those in need would come and receive healing and hear My word. And so it shall be.

For I have sent My oracles to declare the new season of expansion. So I tell you My covenant people, there are those who have come and there are those that have left, and there are those that have stayed, and it will always be that way. But I have taken a period of time to vet, to vet those people who were not assigned to this place. But I have now set men, and I have brought the assignments and I have brought the people in to sustain My organism.

So now I can declare, the news of this new season. For My oracles have spoken a new season for this Center. They have spoken a new authority that is coming to this Center. They have declared the new government that is coming to this Center.They have declared a new structure, you will see it unfold in this Center, and there will be a new order, because this is the pattern of growth. This is the pattern of expansion. This is the pattern of the new season that leads to the new level, that leads to the new authority, that leads to the new victory.

So prepare, and as you watch and see with your eyes and your ears, you will see expansion. For now I will begin to call them in. For the time has come, and the preparation and the challenges and all you have endured - all I have prepared you for - I am pleased. So watch and pray and prepare for I am bringing them in. And it will not look like you expect it to look like, because it is My child. So open your heart, erase the lines of what you think that I can only do, and allow Me to be King in your life and in this house. And you will see all that I have declared and promised you in the days to come - come to pass. 


Let Your Praise Ring Out - Becky Maisenbacher

Please be encouraged and enjoy this word given by Cynthia Cox during worship at The Covenant Center.

Nothing pleases Me more than the praises of My children. Let the praises ring out today from within you. Let the sounds come forth from within you. Sing forth the praises of your God. Shout unto the Lord with the voice of triumph today and know that I am God, and My goodness is still ruling and reigning in the earth. So let the praises ring today. Sing out from your hearts. Let the sounds go forth this day and praise your God. For I'm a God that loves thee with a love you will never understand. And this pleases Me to know that My children send forth sacrifices, praises unto Me. For I love thee My children. Know that My love is true and My love is real for you. Ring out today. Ring out. Sing out. Let the sounds go forth. Let the sounds come forth from your bellies. Sounds of heaven go forth today. Sing unto Me with a joyful sound, for I am God. I will never leave you. I will never forsake you. I am your God. 

Be Encouraged in Your Time of Waiting! - Richard Maisenbacher

Patience is a virtue and gift of His Spirit, and we mature in prayer and in steadfastness as we wait for His promises and desires to be fulfilled. You may be praying for the perfect mate, relief from financial strain, or waiting for a job, a car; release from difficult situations or health challenges or waiting for ministry doors to open. Even though you may be actively pursuing your dream, you may experience a long and frustrating waiting period. Be assured God has a plan, and an appointed time and season for the things He has promised to you to unfold.

You may be crying out: "But when Father? When will You act?" Well, Scripture tells us that God has a "due season" for us. Leviticus 26:4 declares that He will give rain in "due season." What is His due season? I believe it is when God has everything prepared and is ready for his plans and purposes to align and be released. We sometimes forget or overlook the fact that God is always working behind the scenes preparing things for our situations to change - to shift. Even now, He is preparing the atmosphere around you to bring release to you and answer your prayer.

God has an appointed time and He is behind the scene working on your behalf. He has individual and corporate plans that He is working out for you; and when He has everything prepared and in place His alignment will take place and your answer will appear. We are told in Luke 21:19 that through patience we may possess our souls. In other words, by standing firm, and enduring - you will gain your life.

Waiting can be excruciating, but do not be discouraged, for it is a time of preparation for the next stage of your life. It is also a precious time to grow in intimacy with God, while He accomplishes His deep work within you building wisdom, endurance and patience. Paul encourages us in Galatians 6:9: "So let us not grow weary of doing what is good; for if we do not give up, we will in due time reap the harvest."

God desires for you to be in health and to prosper, even as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2). In the challenge of waiting, He is bringing you into maturity. And your soul prospers, when you allow God to align your mind, your will and your emotions with His will.

God has a "due season" in your life story and it is important for you to know that He desires good things for you. He is never early and never late. His timing is perfect and when all is aligned in His kingdom plan, His light will break forth for you.

"Then your light will break out like the dawn, and your recovery will speedily spring forth; and your righteousness will go before you; the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry, and He will say, 'Here I am.' " (Isaiah 58:8-9a)

Independence Day - Becky Maisenbacher

Independence Day! Independence Day! What a celebration! What a celebration of the goodness of this Nation! But I ask you today, what do you desire to be independent of? The world teaches us to be independent of our mother, independent of our father, independent in our thinking. But that is not My desire for me as your Father. I desire for you to be dependent - on Me. For have you not read, is it not so, that when you are weak I am strong; and when you are in need I am there?

My heart is always for you. My greatest desire is for you to be free. Free of sickness, free of poverty, free of persecution, free of the challenges of life; but never My dear ones free of Me, for I am King of the Universe. I am not only your Father, but I am your Savior and Lord. So even though we celebrate Independence Day, would it be that you would be independent of Me?

Lean on Me. Ask of Me. Invite Me into your situations. Invite Me into your life. Let Me teach you the better way. Let Me teach you My Torah. Let Me teach you how to live life well in My kingdom. And even though we may be independent in the world, I ask that you would never be independent of Me.

Who Do You Say That I Am? - Becky Maisenbacher

Who do you say that I am? Who do you say that I am? What do you think of Me? Who do you put your hope in? Who do you say that I am? I am He! I am the One! I am the Holy One! I surround you with My love. My wings cover you. I protect you. I provide for you. I bring good gifts to you. I bring My wisdom and My light to you. I breathe upon you and My breath of life gives you hope. Who do you say that I am? Who do you say that I am? Am I omniscient? Am I omnipresent? Do you think that I don't see who you are? Do you think that I would leave you in those scary fearful places? Do you think that I am only a star? Who do you think that I am? Who do you think that I am? Who am I to you? What am I to you? What do you believe? What can we conceive together? How far can you see with Me? How far do you want to see with Me? What do you really want to see? Darkness and light, awesomeness and fright! Who do you think that I am? Who do you think that I am?

Who do you think that I am? Do you see that the plumb lines have been dropped? Which side do you decide to stand? Do you stand on the right? Do you stand on the left? Is there a divide? What do you think of Me? What do you believe of Me? What do you think I have been preparing within My people? Do you think I have been caught by surprise? Ha! My plans are way beyond what you can imagine or think. Was I not with Daniel? Was I not with Joseph? Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - did they stand alone? No! I was with them. Do you believe that I was with them? Do you believe that I am with you?

I have been building a people. I have been busy. I have been building an army and you have chosen to be a part of that. Is your heart prepared for the future? Is your heart really set on Me? Have you given all and surrendered to My plans and purposes? The plumb line has been dropped My precious ones. Now is the time to reflect and decide; "Who do you think that I am?" Am I your protector? Am I your provider? Am I all knowing and omniscient? Do you think that I do not hold the world in the palm of My hand; and with one little finger I can change the course of events? Is it not said that I am the One who places the people in position and power? Do you think that the world holds more power than I? I have been building My people, for those who would come and say: "I believe! I am Yours! I believe! I am Yours!" There is a time coming, and I tell you - your latter days will be greater than your former! And you will arise and you will shine. And I will cause your light to spring forth. And things that you have thought within your mind and within your heart, do you not believe that those could be of Me? The time is coming. The time is arriving for Zion to arise. It's time, for My army to begin to display themselves. Have you decided to be a part of it? What have you been able to lay down in front of Me and give up for My future and My plans? For I tell you for those who have, like the men of old  - "But oh my goodness Lord, that was Daniel, that was Joseph - they were great!" Oh My precious ones, they were no different than you. They had fears. They had doubts. Their hearts would race. They cried out to Me, "Lord, if You are real, show Yourself!" - And I did!

Who do you think that I am? What do you think that I am? I come to you today, to ask if I should pray - to choose within your heart - would you believe today? Who do you believe that I am? What do you believe that I can - do for you? Who do you believe? What do you believe? Who do you believe that I am?

This message was given in song during the 6-28-2015 Sunday morning celebration.

This Is The Season To Step Out - Becky Maisenbacher

This is the time to step out. This is the season to step out. "Oh but Lord, I'm so afraid. I am so afraid. You see I may fail. I may fail. I may fail me - I may fail you Lord." Ha, ha ha! What if you do not fail? What if you do not fail? For you see, just like My kingdom, built step by step with My precepts and principles, your life is built step by step. And all I ask of you today is to step out.

What is the small thing that I have placed in your heart that fear has stolen from you? What small thing have I asked you to do and fear has said: "No, you can't. No, you never will. No, Its not God." I ask you to take that small step. And with each small step, you will find that just like a child in the water learning to swim, where the father or mother is undergirding them, and they think, "Look Mom! Look Dad, I'm swimming. I'm swimming!" - I will never leave you or forsake you for I undergird you and I hold you up - in My Spirit and in your life, wherever you go and whatever you do. There is no failure in My kingdom! There are living experiences that help you in each step to build where I desire to take you. And when you grow old with Me, and you have spent time with Me, and when you have taken those steps each day, you will one day look back, and you will watch Me connect all the dots - all the dots, and you will say: "Oh, My God had it under control all the time - all the time!"

It's time. It's time. This is the season. No fear. I undergird you. What is it today that I have simply asked you to do - today? And know that each step will build on another step and another step, and another step. And before you know it, you will be moving toward My assignment and destiny for you. So rejoice. I undergird you. I love you. I desire good things for you. Rejoice! Rejoice! It is time to arise and shine. Take the steps. Step in!