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God's Ways Are Higher


Stay Tuned! The Shift is Here!

Stay Tuned! The Shift is Here!

Dear Covenant Center Family,
This past Sunday was a very special gathering as we as a family and tribe worshipped, sang, danced, prayed and played our last moments together celebrating our King and His goodness in our Covenant Center building. For twenty-six years God has preserved and led The Center community and He will continue to do so. Every month was met with a miracle as we paid the monthly bills and sent out the checks to workers, missions as well as benevolence to the needy. It has been a glorious time serving with you and standing together to touch a world in His name. And it is not over! This month we are simply relinquishing the use of a building due to the inability to sustain the payments any longer.
I’m sure you have questions, so we trust this letter (sorry it’s a bit long, but lots of news and so much of His love and wonder to share) will give you insight as we transition from our current building location. Stay tuned!

First and foremost, the building to us has never represented the church. YOU ARE THE CHURCH! Please always remember your importance and dominion as a representative of His Kingdom.

Secondly, our intercessors, especially Kathy Johnson, whom I have constantly been in contact over the years as we sought the Lord with the Revelation Checklist of our Church – God has continually assured us that we stand in His will and design. The Lord has declared The Covenant Center lampstand is secured! There is not sin in the camp or any person(s) or other negative reasons why finances could no longer sustain us. You have been faithful as you have committed yourself to service to Him and our community. He is simply taking us all into the 2nd phase.

Third – We have been called many “labels,” but now we can tell you we as a family have been A School of the Prophets. If you have been assigned at some time in the last 26 years, God has sent you to The Center for prophetic training. He has never asked us to describe us as a training center for the prophetic, because as we know, declaring it only opens the door to those around the world to come when they are not called, and God our Father has always demanded that He will bring the people; He will assign them, and to always remember those who come belong to  Him not to us. He has never allowed us to once try to “collect” people or count numbers. This is His work, His community, His tribe, His organism – You will always belong to Him! He has simply joined us all together as Family to co-labor with Him and He has caused us all to be successful in training and equipping a generation to intimately have relationship with our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, to hear His voice and to learn to use the gifts of the Spirit with integrity.

John Paul Jackson once taught in his dreams and visions class that the prophet training is the most strenuous and taxing training of the entire five-fold including intercessors, and he concluded with John Sanford of Elijah House - the training takes a life-time. I hope this helps explain the purpose of those called and arriving at The Center who were often met with challenges after joining our family, because they stepped into their training calling and met the King and His stringent deep to deep work to first develop the character, heal the wounds and purify the servant to be prepared to carry His presence into the land.

We have literally had thousands come through our doors, as they have been confronted with the choice to train, serve and work on their character and prophetic training. To some they said, this is “nice” but it’s not for me. Others would say, “Well, I like this, but can I take some of this with me,” and others have come and recognized “What is in you is in me. I have to be in this all the time. Can I join you?”

We have talked about entering this new ERA and we have discussed seasons and the new season we have entered. We are a family of Seers and Nabi prophetic people, so we know that many of you by the Spirit have known something was up or changing. Good for you and well done.

Our antennas should always be leaning into Him and alerted to His activities as He wants us to be aware and prepared for the future, so we can always ask, “Lord, What do I do with this important information? Pray, or share? Take action? Some of you have been trained like stealth fighter pilots, others as uncover agents or you may be sent out as reconaissance - all in His army to serve. We commend you for staying your course in training with Him and holding the line. Well done!

Now to Answer More Specific Questions and Answers:

- We are not going “away,” we are in transformation to a new body structure.
We are not retiring. Richard and I in our time seeking the Lord regarding “retirement,” received His replay years ago as He declared, “There is no retirement in My Kingdom!” That was funny Lord! We signed up for eternity as you have also, so we will continue to serve as He changes us from glory to glory. 

- We are all stepping into the NEW structure of the church (body of Christ) and He will begin to unfold what it will look like for each of you. As a forerunner family it is not a surprise that He is revealing His future plans for the Body of Christ, for all to see, as a prophetic image of what God is working not only in us and the shift in our community, but the entire church body at large. Remember, He always speaks to His prophets and tells them ahead of the action. And often uses their experience as a visual message to the world. Whew - I sure am glad we are not called like Isaiah the son of Amoz to walk around naked for three years as spoken in Isaiah 20: 2-3. Thank you Lord!

 Here are a few points to remember–

 - Your certification licensed or ordained certificates through TCC remain active. All class records, training records, Covenant U records will continue to be maintained, just not in our present building.

- Our online presence will continue; however our title or branding may look a bit different. Our 501(c)3 corporation is actually listed as “Covenant Outreach Ministries.” This has always been our heart to train, equip and send out. Isn’t it amazing that we were directed to declare our corporation as “Outreach Ministries.” We believe we are entering the second stage of our TCC Family taking Him to the streets, developing future plantings with you who have trained and are well prepared for your heavenly assignments.

Be watchful for title changes possibly regarding our FB feed, private TCC community for connection, prayer needs and directives and possible website title changes, etc. We want to remain in contact with you and be of continued service and support to you. Activities and messages will continue as we walk together through this shift. We will advise you as it all unfolds lead by His Spirit. Again, please stay tuned..

I shared on Sunday, remember Kim Clement who traveled the world, shifted to an online streaming content in his entitled “Den” and reached a world with his teachings and prophetic training. Richard will be in prayer and await our Lord’s leading for these future steps.

- Covenant U online school will remain active for continued training,  Our courses are transferable to a regionally accredited university -SEU.

- Your offerings and/or tithes are still important for management of our online presence, records storage, continued training and communication. We are thankful for all our technicians who keep communication lines working as well as managing Covenant U. You can still send your gift to our PO Box and our website “Giving” button will still be functioning. Address: The Covenant Center, PO Box 524, Lakeland, Florida 33802-0524. We thank you so much for your continued support and prayers.

Time for the Butterflies to Fly - God’s Amazing Confirmations –

As we find ourselves in the preparational time before Rosh Hashanah, we have learned that this is always a time of reflection and repentance, as we prepare our hearts to be found faithful, purified and prepared to receive His fresh assignments as we walk into the New Year. What an amazing time for God to come and let us know the second phase and shift is here for us. This is not loss – this is victory!

In the last 6 months it has been evident that God was beginning a shift in our TCC Family. He is the God that opens doors that no man can shut as well as close doors that no man can open. The angels have been very active and His beautiful presence has been very weighted. As we sought Him for direction, I was impressed to contact several of our intercessors to please seek Him and let us know of anything they receive. Months passed without special insight or direction other than, “Keep going forward. Keep doing what you know to do.” Finally, this past week, Richard came out of his prayer room and shared that it was time to close the doors of our building we no longer could financially sustain.

Now, I must add that the sweetness and love of God for His servants can leave you breathless as He confirms His plans and orchestrates the movement of His people. Remember He is the Great Maestro and King of the Universe. As of this past Sunday morning, September 8th, we literally stepped out our frontdoor preparing to head to The Center knowing this was our last physical gathering in this building – Twenty Six years together sustained by you all and His mighty hand.

As I opened my phone and looked at the text, one of our intercessors Judy Ehlenbach, sent the following message she received in prayer on September 3rd. I share this with you to encourage you that you are secure in His plan for you. We are all secure in our future service to Him.

September 3, 2024 received by Judy Ehlenbach –
The blessings of the Lord are and have been over you.

There is a new transition upon you, some might say, “Oh no.”

Trust Me for I know what I am doing.

There are seasons and changes. Many changes are uncomfortable, BUT
his is ME, the Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Each of them had many seasons and steps in their walk with Me that
through their faith in ME, not their circumstances, they thrived.

Fear Not. This is the closing of 1 door to open 100 more. What might seem sad
simply is a new beginning.

Like a child being born the baby leaves their precious mama for a new life,
with many open doors and opportunities.

 The Lord is greatly pleased with your obedience for decades. Covenant Outreach
was a healing, teaching and safe haven for all who walked into the doors.

 Now it is time for a completely new beginning.

 It will be a beginning of rest and stepping back. It is time for the beautiful butterflies
to fly away.

 The cocoon is no longer to be their safe harbor.

 It is time for their beauty to touch the nations. They ALL are stunningly beautiful!
And it is their time to fly.

The blessings of the Lord are upon each one. They are My beloved sons and daughter,

as are you and Richard.

Fear not, this is ME. Some might say, “You didn’t’ do this,” or “You didn’t do that.”

Do NOT listen for I the Lord am doing this.

Doors close. Seasons change. It is ME. Fear not when the door closes.

I will lead MY people! My love will go before each of My children
for I the Lord love you with an everlasting love.

Blessed is the Name of the Lord.  Judy E.

 I’d like to pray with you as we prepare for Rosh Hashanah and launch into the New

We thank you Father for Your faithfulness and perfect timing of Your word. You are never late or early. You are always on time. We give you praise for these twenty-six years together and we as a family now receive the new assignments to accept your call to the Nations. Whether in a word to family or friend, a letter or email, a blog post, a podcast, a social media post, a video, a book or training manual; during a neighborhood walk, downtown, at the beach, in a store, buying groceries, in their travels, in their dreams, in a home group or home church, It is time for your prophetic people to hear your voice, activate their gifts, surrender to Your will, obey, take action and touch a world in Your name.

We thank you for every person who has walked through the doors of the building you provided. We thank you for the psalmists, musicians, artists, writers, and all creatives you have sent to share their gifts and skill training with us. We praise you for the connections you have built as You formed us into a Covenant Family. We thank you for teaching us the importance of covenant, and the connection of being not only one of Your many families but being a part of Your amazing worldwide Body. How good it is for your people to dwell together. And most of all Father, we thank you for Your amazing Love and Your presence that breaks every yoke and heals every heart. Your love is truly amazing and a gift to all who choose to receive You. Now we look forward to Rosh Hashana and the New Year as we enter this New Era and New Season. May your perfect will be done and may You always be glorified in Jesus’ name.

Again, we love you and thank God for you. Stay tuned!

Our trust is in our God not in buildings or materials things.

Shields up and Onward! Let the New Year begin and His Kingdom reign.

 In His love,

Becky and Richard Maisenbacher








God's Ways Are Higher - Pat Stark

Pat Stark

God’s Ways Are Higher

What I want to share with you comes from a long journey of struggle with God and His ways that have not always been my ways.

“He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel.” Psalms 103:7

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8,9.

My struggle with God’s ways being different than mine all began many years ago when I had cancer.  My pastor who was well known internationally and been used mightily also had cancer at the same time.  God spoke to me the words that one of us would be sacrificed for greater purpose. Because he was so valuable to the Body, I believed it was me and wrestled to surrender to God. As you can see, I’m still here and he is not, but it caused me to wrestle with something deep inside me regarding God’s ways and purposes that we often can’t see or understand. God also used scriptures like Isaiah 45 in the process.

The painful events of life can cause us to wrestle with things we have never struggled with before regarding God and his ways.

  • Things like when life doesn’t make sense

  • Like when believing for healing, but it doesn’t come

  • Like when there is a death and we were believing for healing

  • Like when we feel the scripture says one thing and God seems to do another

  • Like when we have “pictures” we have created that we felt lined up with scripture but they don’t come to pass the way we had thought

  • When God seems uncaring, silent, absent, or different and we feel confused, forsaken, and alone

  • Times when we are forced to ask with great sadness, “Who are you God? I don’t understand you.”

Oswald Chambers in his time tested devotional, My Utmost For His Highest,”points out:

There are times when God cannot lift the darkness from you, but trust Him. God will appear like an unkind friend, but He is not; He will appear like an unnatural Father, but He is not; He will appear like an unjust judge, but He is not. Keep the notion of the mind of God behind all things strong and growing…therefore you can rest in perfect confidence in Him.”

I’ve met with many people who have been unwilling to wrestle with all those uncomfortable feelings and they’ve just buried those emotions deep inside. Without realizing it, they have buried their anger and resentment toward God, but it displays through their feeling distant from Him, shut down inside, or with anger that comes out sideways, wounding others around them.

I used to shut down inside and then wonder where God was, and why He seemed so distant.  Then I realized that God hadn’t moved, I had just shut Him out by closing my heart. I’ve had to wrestle through some of my misunderstandings of God and scripture. Some of my interpretations were even correct, but my timing was wrong. How many times I had been driven by fear instead of trust in making decisions.

One was the timing of selling our house in New Jersey. God clearly said to put the house on the market in January of that year. But houses were selling slowly, and out of my fear, I talked my husband into listing it in November.  The house sold in 2 weeks. Between November and January housing prices increased by $30,000 and we lost out by having to accept November instead of January prices. Fear driven decisions are bad decisions.

God’s purposes are often higher than ours and His ways are often mystery, but we want to know, and that knowledge can be our trying to control things the way we want or need them to be. Without even realizing it we are eating from the wrong tree in the Garden.  The Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil instead of the Tree of Life (who is Jesus).  We often try to bring God down to our way of thinking, but He says, no, you come up here and see from My perspective. (Revelation 4:1) Even my prayers at an earlier time in life were to get God to do things in the way that seemed right to me. That way, Proverbs 16:25 tells us, is not life producing.

Surrendering to God’s ways first allows us to eat from the Tree of Life.  “God, what are you doing here, what are you saying?” When we have owned our fear and shared it truthfully with God and when we have truly surrendered it to God, not just with words or intellect, but through our fear, and from the will and heart, the result is always the same — His peace that passes our own understanding.

However coming to terms with loss of any kind, or the fear of loss, is so difficult. I believe it’s because we were originally created for the Garden and for delight, not for loss, and not for “deaths” of any kind.  Loss is not “natural” to us in the way God created us prior to the Fall of Man. That’s why we must learn to grieve our losses. 

Mourning our grief is God’s way for us to handle loss of any kind. We have to face the reality of our pain, allow ourselves to feel the hurt, and enter the struggle of our loss. We have to allow God to be our Comforter. We then walk through the loss and pain by holding His hand.  (Isaiah 43:2)

“Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their FEAR of death.”   Hebrews 2:14-15 NIV

There are many different kinds of “deaths” we can fear.

  • Fear of aloneness

  • Fear of emptiness

  • Fear of change or of the unknown

  • Fear of Loss of security which can include jobs, finances, relationships, our health and our loved ones health or even the fear of their wrong choices

 As I’m getting older and I’ve had to face the reality of approaching death myself, and I’ve come to view death very differently. I see death as an event on the journey of life much like a graduation or marriage.  I see it as a transition into a greater season, more than we could ever imagine or hope. However I often have to wrestle more to get to the place of surrender and peace with the present lesser losses.

We are already living in eternity according to Jesus.

“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” John 17:3 NIV

We can tend to think of life as life on this side of eternity and life on the other side instead of realizing we are already in eternity and are in the process of training for reining on the other side of the veil. Because of Jesus’ death,  our lives don’t end in death ~~ the next phase just begins and we get to cross over. But in the process there is a mourning of the old, a releasing and letting go. It requires us to walk through into unknown places, trusting God that he is enough to walk us all the way through.

Life on the other side of the veil is bigger than this small world. It is the fulfillment of purpose, not the end. It is the beginning of a season of living fully alive!


Pat Stark is the author of Born to Fly: Pursuing the Life You Were Meant to Live…Free; Lost Heart: A Guide to Living From Your Heart in a Broken World, and The Story of Life: The Life We All Try to Find,” available on Amazon, as well as The Covenant Center bookstore. Her message brings freedom and hope in the midst of a world of uncertainty. Her desire is to see people restored to who they were originally created to be before they were wounded by the hurts of life. She is gifted in dealing with root issues lying beneath the surface that have kept people trapped and unable to experience true freedom. Pat has worked with people for over 40 years in the area of deep spiritual and emotional healing. She is an ordained minister through The Covenant Center, Lakeland, Florida.


*Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan, c.1963, Oswald Chambers Publications Association, Ltd.