It has been challenging for all of us to discern what the Lord is doing with His rhema personal words, prophetic words, and various streams of technology as well as personal opinions. It’s encouraging to receive a reminder that He is The Master of the Universe and His ways are not our ways.
This past Sunday, February 27, 2022 as our worship team released heavenly sounds and prophetic expressions the Spirit of God came with His presence and revelation when the following word was released by my wife, Becky. This word encourages us to trust and to understand that sometimes darkness leads us to His light. In His Covenant Love, Richard.
(Becky) You, the psalmists and musicians, all have tapped into a stream of the Lord. We don’t always talk about it, but it is who He is. As you, particularly as musicians, tapped into the discordance that was taking place so magnificently. That’s what He’s teaching us all isn’t He? To hear and see and know and understand what He’s speaking to us. And here is what I heard Him say in response to your worship, prayers, praise and declarations. So, I’ll share this, and you all weigh it. It’s sobering to me. But that’s a part of Him too, isn’t it?
I asked Him what He wanted to express with the unusual sounds and dissonance coming forth. The music was beautiful, unusual and very striking:
“I AM the Master of this Universe. I am the Master of this Universe. You say you desire to know My ways. You say you want to know more of Me. And I come to you with what you can handle. And we talk of the world becoming dark. And yes, the world will darken, because the days are nearer to my Son’s return. My Son will return. But I say I AM the Master of the Universe. And guess what? I am also the Master of discordance and dissonance. I am also the Master disruptor. I AM the One who allows darkness to walk into My light. I choose at times to remove My light so the darkness may have permission, that I will allow it to enter and let its’ presence do its’ work; so that those who enter into the darkness will turn their eyes to the light and see Me.
My plans are greater than your understanding. My ways are higher and wider and deeper than your understanding. But I am at work, and I have My plans and as the Master Disruptor you have even seen Me enter your lives at times when I have allowed divisions, I have allowed disappointments – even derisions. I have allowed things to take place because in that darkness as I begin to shine My light I guide your path. Does My scripture not say that I am the One that guides your path? I am the One that opens doors that no man can shut. I am the One that closes the doors that no man can open.
I have been looking for a people who will allow Me to be Me, who will not put Me in a pretty box and say that I am just sweet. I have been looking for a people that would allow Me to be Me and not be afraid of the darkness knowing that My Light surrounds it. I have been looking for a people that can smile in the midst of the storm and know that I ride upon it. I have been looking for a people and I have found you - You are My people!
For you have walked through many valleys and walked through many disappointments and you have walked through much pressure early in this life and you have said at times, “Oh God I don’t even know if You’re real anymore. I don’t even know if I want to know You anymore.” But I tell you my beloved, I have used these times and I will continue to use these time of trials and challenges because My plan is greater than your understanding. But know My love, as they sang today- ‘I am your reality,’ My love is greater, and wider and deeper than anything you must walk through, any trial or testing. They will never overtake you. But know as I reveal more of Myself today to you, I am also the Disrupter. But I do not disrupt to harm. I disrupt to open pathways that are new that will guide you into the truth and the destiny that I have for you, for this world, and for each nation.
So, for you today who will allow Me to reveal more of Myself to you… you see there is a human side of Me too. When I have one of My children say, ‘I don’t want to know you anymore.’ You know how that feels. It hurts My heart also, because that was never My plan. That was never My reason for doing what I must do. So, I pray and I delight in your love.
And I am building within you an understanding of My ways - to a place where you trust Me totally; where you trust Me totally! So even though you’ve walked through challenges and even though you’ve walked through pain, some more than others have experienced much deeper pain, know I will come and continue to give you understanding of My purposes and My plans and My redemption and My love so that I can continue to fill you with hope as you continue to desire Me.
So, I pose to you My children today: May I reveal more of Who I am to you? Will you be disappointed in who I am? Or will you be able to take Me from the vastness of my greatness as Master of this Universe and trust Me? And trust Me? I want you to know Me. I want to expose more of Myself to you. I want you to have greater understanding of Who I am. But I’ll give you what you can handle, because My heart for you is always Love, My heart for you is always Goodness, My heart for you is always Mercy.
Even though in these days you will continue to see darkness, try to remember I, in My light, surround the darkness. I, in My light, surround the darkness! Do you hear Me? There’s no place the darkness can hide. There is no place that My light can’t shine. I raise kings up and I let them fall. And I raise empires up and I let them fall. Look to Me. I ride upon the storms, and when you agree I ride upon the storms, you will be saved.
Isaiah 45:5-7 - “I am the Lord, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God. I will gird you, though you have not known Me; That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun that there is no one besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other, the One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the Lord who does all these.”