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A Kingdom House

A Kingdom House - Becky Maisenbacher

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God is building His kingdom here on earth. He is encouraging each one of His children to know that He is loves them and has destiny in their spiritual DNA. I hope this Word encourages you as He speaks to any striving for significance or identity, knowing He is well pleased.

I am building My kingdom house. And you say, well, Lord what is a kingdom house? What does a kingdom house look like? I tell you it is a house of destiny. It is a house of relationship. It is a house of healing. It is a house of love. It is a house of multiplication. It is a house of impartation. You say, what does Your destiny look like? I say your destiny is what you walk in throughout each day. Your destiny is where you are right now. Your destiny is to love mercy, live holy, see Me clearly, impart heaven to those who mourn, to those who are burdened, to those who are sorrowful, to those who are in pain. Your destiny is every minute of your day. For I guide you through your destiny each day, each minute, each hour. So when you look for My kingdom house, look within you. Yes, there is multiplication, there will be impartation and My presence will reign in this place.

But know that you don't have to search for your destiny. Your destiny is where you live right now. Your destiny is that moment of love that you share. Your destiny is the prayer that you release. Your destiny is the hope that you impart. Your destiny is the revelation from heaven you share that helps guide a wondering soul. So yes, I call you a kingdom house and I declare to you, each of you are a part of My house of destiny. Each of you are a part of My kingdom house. Don't look for My love in one place. Don't look simply for My presence, Do not build idols, places where you think that I live and reign. Because as scripture has spoken to you, I reign over all the earth. I love all creation and I love all people. I desire to give hope and encouragement and to daily guide My creation into their destiny; day by day, moment by moment. So live, celebrate, enjoy the gift of My love and My presence and impart it to all you meet, and you will walk as My kingdom house and My house of destiny.

In His love,

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