Restoration of the Tabernacle of David
Michael Kesinger
The Restoration of the Tabernacle of David
Amos 9:11 - In that day I will raise up the fallen booth of David, and wall up its breaches; I will also raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old.
2 Chronicles 5:13-14 - God's Glory Cloud [His Presence] filled the Temple after the trumpeters and the singers raised their voices - accompanied by trumpets, cymbals, and other musical instruments. The Glory cloud was not a one-time occurrence, as it often filled the Tabernacle of Moses.
The Ark of the Covenant and the kind of worship that God inhabits - were in the Tabernacle of David. Amos 9:ll prophetically speaks of God rebuilding the tabernacle of David, and (in part) was fulfilled in the re-birth of Israel. In Acts 15, James quotes Amos 9:11-12 equating the tabernacle of David to the Gentiles coming into the Kingdom. I believe this all includes the “One New Man”; and we are still waiting for further fulfillment of this Worship Tabernacle. Amos 9:l2 says that rebuilding the tabernacle of David is key for possessing the remnant of Edom - and all the heathen who are called by His name. The name Obed-Edom (in whose house the ark resided for 3 months) means "servant of Edom”. The type of worship presented at the tabernacle of David will be key to future revival and the bringing in of the Edomites and the heathen.
When David brought the ark up to Jerusalem with great fanfare and worship, he danced out of his kingly robe revealing his linen ephod - which is a priestly garment. The linen garment was what the priests wore while ministering before the alter. The Tabernacle of David was all about Worship: it was carried – with extreme worship, to mount Zion and placed under a tent; then dedicated with more worship. Although animal sacrifice was present at the dedication, it was the singing and instrumental worship that was predominate at David’s tent. David did not function as a Levite priest; rather a fore-type of the Melchizedek priesthood of Christ. When the ark was returned from Philistine captivity, the budded staff of Aaron was missing (the Aaronic/Levitical priesthood would no longer be needed - because Jesus would fulfill this role.
1 Chronicles 25 lays out how David set-apart for the service some of the sons of Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun, who were to prophesy with lyres, harps, and cymbals. The number of those who performed this service was 288: who were skilled (perhaps the teachers) and divided into 24 groups. By the end of David’s rein, there were 4,000 singers and musicians to worship. This worship was “continually, as every day’s work required”. Much of the Psalms were written at the tabernacle of David - in front of the ark of the covenant.
David’s Tabernacle was located on Mount Zion - in the city of David. The Temple was latter built on Mount Moriah – now known as the Temple Mount. What happened at David’s Tabernacle only lasted for only about 40 years; but, has everlasting consequences. This kind of reminds me of the Jesus Movement (in the 1970’s) that lasted a short period... but has had wide-range effects to this day.
The first tent of meeting (the Tabernacle of Moses) was still in existence and functioning at Gibeon - at the same time David had worship installed at the tent he established at Jerusalem. Interestingly, the Ark and the Tabernacle of Moses were separated and had taken different paths. The Tent of Meeting ended up in Gibeon - on the greatest of all the high places. Psalm 78 says God “forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh”. Eli ‘s sons were corrupt and did evil at Shiloh.
The main problem was that the Presence of God was no longer at Gibeon. The Ark of the Covenant had been missing for years from the Tabernacle of Moses. But they were still doing animal sacrifices, they had the other temple furnishings, and they were doing all the associated religious works. The presence of God had moved from the Tent of Meeting to the Tabernacle of David - where the ark was, and He sat between the Cherubim on the Mercy Seat. There was sacrifice and law at the tent of meeting - there is worship at David’s Tabernacle. It is no secret that God inhabits the praises of His people. Worshipers have access to the presence of God. The tabernacle was for the ark - the ark was not for the tent. The book of Hebrews says God does not take pleasure in our burnt offerings. God accepts the worship of the people - of the calves of our lips (as Hosea 14:2 spoke). Calves were offered in sacrifice - our lips offer a sacrifice of praise.
God says, Mount Zion - which cannot be moved, abides forever. Mount Zion is referred to as the city of the living God Lord of Hosts - Who dwells on Mount Zion. God has a special place for where worship arises. Isaiah 16:5 says “And in mercy shall the throne be established: and He shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness.”
People were content to do their religious duty there without the presence of God - which was with the ark. I think that the religious systems and true worship are often separated today, and that many are content to fill the pews and do religious service. Others dance like David did with their worship, and “leave it all on the field”.
Michael Kesinger
Vision statement: My prophetic art vision is to passionately paint messages that impact the viewer and impart spiritual Truth to the seeker. It is not the media - but the message, that transforms. It is not the painting or an artistic gift - but the imparted Truth, that is of value. Paintings the Lord has given me are as a fire shut up in my bones - which has to be released through a paint media. I pray the paint becomes as an anointing of liquid fire. I desire to paint like Keith Green sang - bold and uncompromising. Art - like music, is inspired. It can be used for good or evil, or perhaps neutral. I desire to paint - not neutral images; but messages that challenge.
Michael has been creating prophetic art in Winter Haven/Lakeland Florida area for over 30 years. His art has been shown at churches, conferences and outdoor venues. Even with as little exposure as he has had up to this time, there are a numerous pieces of his work hanging in homes and churches. Not having been professionally trained in any technique or artistic bent, he is self-taught, and his artwork is prophetic, coming directly from the Lord’s heart and mind to his. Each piece has a prophetic interpretation which Michael receives from the Lord, usually immediately, sometimes in phases.