Richard Maisenbacher
Pentecost and Shavuot - Richard Maisenbacher
Many believers recognize that Passover and Resurrection Sunday (Easter), usually are celebrated on the same Sunday in the Gregorian calendar. However, this year Resurrection Sunday was on March 31st and Passover was celebrated on April 22-30th.
Pentecost was celebrated this year 2024 on May 19th and Shavuot, which is described below, will be June 11-13th. Let’s review what the feasts of the Lord are about.
Pentecost is a Feast of the Lord recognized by believers which is mentioned in Acts 2:1. In the Book of Acts, chapter 2, the presence of God fell upon the believers with tongues of fire (the pictograph is evidence of a blessing) as they began to speak in the native language of those who were listening. In the book of Jeremiah chapter 31, he prophesied that the Spirit of God would come upon the believers and the Torah (God’s Word) would be written on their hearts, rather than on tablets of stone.
When Paul was at Ephesus, he found some disciples and he asked them in Acts 19:2-6, “And he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” And they said to him, “No, we have not even heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.” And he said, “Into what then were you baptized? And they said, “into John’s baptism.” And Paul said, “John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in Him who was coming after him, that is, in Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Spirit came on them and they began speaking with tongues and prophesying.”
Fifty days after Passover, the Apostle Paul planned his travels so he could be in Jerusalem during Shavuot. It was to celebrate God’s faithfulness with the early wheat harvest (early First Fruits offering), which increased the hopefulness for a fall harvest (Sukkot). Later, the Rabbis while searching for historical facts discovered that around the same time during Shavuot, Moses came to Mount Sinai and was given the Law.
The Jews celebrated Shavuot when they received the Torah from God in Exodus 20. The presence and the revelation of God appeared on top of the mountain in the form of fire. Torah or the Word of God was then given to them on tablets of stone. This year in 2024 Shavuot is celebrated on June 11-13.
We look forward to celebrating these Feast with joy and thanksgiving! He has given us His written Word and continues to write His Word upon our hearts. We are in covenant with Him and blessed to have the opportunity to be intimate with Holy Spirit and communicate in many various ways! This is a time to saturate ourselves with His Word (Law) and Spirit (prayer) as we expect a fresh outpouring of His Spirit to do great and mighty things in His Kingdom during the next several months. This is a new season and era! Let us rejoice!
In His Covenant Love,