Many people know this Jewish New Year 5777 will be bringing in a great restoration of things that were lost. Some individuals believed the restoration would begin last fall in 2016. However, this past year was an intermission year, or a year of rest. So far, since October 4th, the revelation and teaching being released is helping to bring truths and clarity so that God's plan for restoration and breakthrough can be observed during this year.
The Covenant Center has been involved in a nine year litigation case involving contaminated property purchased several years ago. It has been a long, costly and sometimes discouraging journey. However, it is a pleasure to announce this lawsuit is now over, and the property was returned to the original owners by a rescission by the court. During this nine year lawsuit, I believed it might take six months or so to settle at the most. I had no idea that this much time would pass. We prayed, fasted, repented, declared, negotiated with God, received great prophecies, hired the best attorney in Polk County, Florida, and tried to be obedient to what we believed to be the guidance and direction of Holy Spirit during this season. What I forgot during the years of waiting, was the importance of God's kairos moments, which is the right or opportune moment for Him to act. This one moment takes place within our chronos time, which is our limited earthly time in which we live by minutes, hours, days and years.
I asked the Lord why this litigation was taking so long? Had I done something wrong? I reminded Him of HIs prophetic words that He would settle this suit in our favor. It was costing the church extra finances that we could use, and did He know the toll it was taking on Becky and I as well as our community. As the years past, our church body wondered if it was ever going to be over. By the way, we learned that this suit was one of Polk County's longest legal proceedings.
The only conclusion I could come to was that God was giving us the opportunity to develop one of HIs greatest fruit of the Spirit, long-suffering or perseverance with some patience mixed in! Who knew that in HIs timing the lawsuit would be officially resolved the day after we celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles. What a prophetic picture of what God desires to do in this new season. I believe it is a first fruits restoration for our local church and an example of things to come this year.
So as you step into this new season, be encouraged and don't forget about HIs kairos moments. The moment when everything aligns. It is a moment when all circumstances come together. It is God's appointed time to act. As believers we are in a season of restoration and kairos moments right now! No matter how long you have waited or how discouraging your circumstances may appear - hang in there! This is the time when many kairos moments are on the way!