It sure seems like hope is something the body of Christ is challenged to activate on a spiritual and emotionally level. Most of us are familiar with 1 Corinthians 13:13, “But now faith, hope, love abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Therefore, our focus most of the time will be on love, which is extremely important! However, hope seems to be extremely foundational in this verse also.
Hope means to wait, look for, expect, waiting, and look for eagerly. It has to do with our future and cannot be known for sure. There is One who does know the future and is able to affect its outcome for our benefit. Otherwise, we tend to hope in our own or other’s ability or the promises of our government.
Because God is with us our hope rests in Him. This does not necessarily mean all my dreams, expectations, and hope become a reality. Even though my walk with the Lord will not be crystal clear, I am still a part of God’s plan. I hope in God’s character and His faithfulness. I trust in His covenant promises. My hope is He will deliver in His time - His way. If I trust God then I will have hope.
Psalm 119:114 declares: “You are my hiding place and my shield; I wait for your word.” Wait for means hiding place, covering, protection. If we believe the protection and security of the Lord, then behaviorally (Hebraically) we will be waiting for His word. The Hebrew word is “yahal” and means not only to wait but also to hope. It means a sense of expectant anticipation, not stagnant reclining. We don’t necessarily recline comfortably and sleep expecting the Lord to wake us up with His next word. Are we hunger and thirsting after Him? Are we on the edge of our seat straining to see or hear Him?
I cannot say that I have been this diligent to hear or see His next word or revelation for me. However, I am motivated to implement this method of seeking Him and allow hope instead of discouragement to influence me. This would probably be a great New Year’s resolution. Even though the Hebraic new year has already started back in September it’s never too late to start. So NOW is the time to hope and receive His protection by actively waiting for Him!!!
In His Covenant Love,