Richard Maisenbacher
James 1:5, “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James is not Greek, so his understanding of the word wisdom is quite different. Skip Moen’s word studies between the Greek and the Hebrew is very helpful.
The word wisdom in the Greek is sophia but, in the Hebrew, it is hokmah. In the Greek sophia is the accumulation of theoretical knowledge, based on intellect. Getting the right information or facts in the right order so we have true insight into the nature of things. In education we train the mind. Success is based on wisdom. We plan our way to prosperity. We believe we can reason our way to peace and proper action.
However, the Hebrew is different. Wisdom (hokmah) is a gift from God, not from educational training or mental development. Wisdom is not centered in the mind, but it is centered in the will. Wisdom is also practical, but it is not based on a bunch of information. The wise man or woman acts as God would. James even reminds us that someone who knows what to do and does not do it misses the mark or sins. The wise person has respect for God. My behavior is determined not by my reason but by God’s revelation.
God gives us wisdom to anyone who asks. It is not mental ability. God gives instruction in righteousness. God tells us how to live, how to think, how to act and how to love each other. If we don’t know what to do…ask Him. He will tell us what will delight Him and to keep the covenant with a relationship of love.
I really appreciated the time God spoke to me in prayer several years ago. It was to try to deter any performance orientation that may be hanging around. He said “Don’t do things to please Me, after a long pause he spoke: “Find out what pleases Me and do those things!” This began to make a big difference in my relationship with Him. I began to check the root of my motivations more often.
God supplies instruction in holiness. Wisdom is not rising to new levels of success and freedom in six easy steps. It also doesn’t mean all our troubles will fade away. We will experience life from God’s perspective, like Jesus did, but the end brings Him glory! I hope you enjoy applying your will when receiving God’s wisdom in your decisions.
I notice in the prophetic sometimes there are disagreements with revelation and what God has spoken. It is important to discern and judge the prophetic words. However, prophecy is basically supposed to bring encouragement, exhortation, and comfort. It is very important for believers to be encouraged by the Lord because of the many challenges we all face. Sometimes the words are for prayer and other times it involves wisdom so that we can take correct action. Believers hear or see differently, have spiritual giftings that are varied, and have different personalities that are all encouraged by God.
If the word you hear is different from someone else, there are a few options, you can take.
1) You can allow them to think differently from you.
2) You can have a positive discussion with them even though there may be different opinions.
3) You can allow pride to have its way, judge them, and get mad.
4) Pray for them that they will walk in God’s wisdom and release peace.
God does not always emphasize the same wisdom, revelation, truth, or the application.
Since the enemy is desiring to create strife in the body, this is a wonderful opportunity to communicate with one another in a loving way and still receive the encouragement or correction the Lord is bringing in the prophetic realm!
In His Covenant Love,