After a sweet time in God’s presence during Shane’s Tuesday morning prayer and worship, 2-28-23 Don Franklin released a teaching and revelatory word from the Lord for The Covenant Center and the body of Christ. Below you will find the transcription of his sharing and prophetic word. God is for you and you have a call and destiny with Him . This is a deep word as God is bringing the truth and balance of His kingdom to those who will hear. In His love, Becky
God's Process vs. Man's Limited Understanding of Our Lives
God’s Process vs. Man’s Limited Understanding
Father, thank you for divine direction to the Body. You don’t leave us without hope. You don’t leave us without direction. You don’t leave us without instructions on what to do with our lives, our callings, our families and ministries. So thank you Father, for information coming into the Body and channels that we can verify the things that we think and feel and pray are authentic – we’re not making them up, we’re not hearing wrong. Thank you for confirmation from different sources, what we feel may be the will of God for our lives is real and that we are hearing accurately. No one walks alone, no one has private interpretation – we need the body and the body will confirm to us at times either a “Yea or a Nay” on issues, and we thank You for that Lord.
So, I ask this morning that your word would come forth to this group and to us turning our futures, our callings, our place in the Son where You would have each one of us, cause each one of us, our hearts desire is to be exactly where you want us to be. It doesn’t matter what everyone else wants, it’s all that matters where do You want us? Because You are the King. You are sovereign. You are Lord.
If You throw Joseph into a dungeon – there’s a reason for it. You did not imprison that boy haphazardly. All the time You were planning to put him at the head of Egypt – that he would save the world. Not only of his own household but he would save nations through the granaries he developed at Sicora. God, You had a plan for that boy – I don’t think any…I don’t think he understood it. He had the dream everyone is going to bow to him and he ends up in prison. Boy he must have had some hard times at nights when he sat there all alone, betrayed by his family, sold into slavery, “Oh my Lord, I must have heard from the devil! Couldn’t have been God. Just look at what is happening in our life.” All of these reversals and on and on through scripture from Job to Daniel in the lion’s den, to Joseph, to Paul in the prison’s and writing the New Testament in a prison cell, and he didn’t even know what he was doing. What an irony! What an irony! All alone – they’ve all forsaken him. And he’s writing a book that millions will come to Christ through and it was hidden from him. So we hide this thing we do from Abraham, so we hide this thing we’re doing from Paul, so we hide this thing we’re doing from Joseph.
Ah, many times in things in our lives are hidden that we do not understand their current circumstances, or our lives at all. And then boom, all of a sudden clarity comes and God rolls back the curtain and there is a pattern and something going on more than we understood. So, I thank You that these stories were included in the scriptures so that we can learn from them. That even Job couldn’t understand why he was on the ground – he hadn’t done anything. And yet he would find himself in such an unbelievable trial. So many times in our lives, adversity comes, trials come, reversals come, we do not understand it all, but it’s there in scripture, if we could just behold and understand it. So, thank You for giving wisdom and direction through the scriptures, through all of our lives, that nobody can confound, that nobody can overturn, because it is holy writ. And somehow, I don’t know how, Job snuck into the New Testament. How did he get in there?
Take Job as an example of suffering, and when you suffer, not if you suffer, commit yourself to God as he did and consider the life of that man. There is an element of the cup that You spoke of that one of us gets to drink of. So, we thank You Lord that You bring a balanced theology into our lives, that we can endure hardship as good soldiers of the Cross. Paul said, “I am a prisoner of the Lord.” He wasn’t a prisoner of Nero; he was a prisoner of the Lord! God locked him in that jail cell, because He had a purpose way beyond what Paul understood – to write the New Testament for the oncoming Church. And now 2,000 years later, people are preaching his letters all over the planet, memorizing his scriptures, and he’s going on all alone “They’ve all forsaken me, paying the coppersmith back. Having a bad day in jail and who wouldn’t. Ha! But I thank You God that we can see through scripture, patterns for our lives- patterns that the early Saints went through. Things that give us hope in the midst of trial and tribulation. Thank You God that You are hiding things from us that we are doing, will be doing and have done. We don’t understand the ramifications of it, but you do. You said You would not waste our lives, You would not use us without sowing us at times, purpose, rhyme and reason for it all.
And there came a day when Job understood. There came a day when Joseph understood. There came a day when we will understand the things that we’ve walked through and what they entail, and the effect we have been able to have on churches, on leaders, on people of the body and on families. We thank You God, even though You hide things from us at times, there will be a time when all things will be revealed, and we will know as we are known and we will be full of the joy and the happiness of the Lord. Sorrow with those who sorrow – rejoice with those who rejoice. Both are valid in the scripture. There is a time of sorrow – there is a time of suffering, but there’s also a time of great joy and exultation. So it all comes together. Father, we thank You today for that and we ask for Your richest blessings upon these meetings and on our intercessions and on the future that is still before us. The past is gone – we leave it behind – but we have a future; and it’s full of intercession, it’s full of prophesy, it’s full of the power and anointing of God. We thank you God for a bright future for all of us who are walking with You. We hear Your voice and want to do Your will. In Jesus name, Amen.
Don Franklin – Prophetic Word –
Out of the ashes the Lord says – A Phoenix shall rise. Ah! Out of every fire, out of every burnt offering, a Phoenix will arise. It will be an arising of this body, in this place, in this house. It cannot be stopped, because it will be the helium of the Holy Ghost that raises this place. There will be a fire kindled upon this altar – a holy fire, a pure fire, a fire of pure doctrine, pure holiness before the Lord. I will burn the dross out of this place. I will burn the false prophets out of this place. I will burn things out of here that are not of Me, and there will be a pure consuming fire upon this altar. I will sanctify this place. I will sanctify this altar. I will sanctify this congregation.
God says you’ve been through fire. You’ve been through trials. You’ve been through tribulation. You’ve experienced great trial and tribulation – all of you. But out of that the purity will come. You are in the refiner’s fire. You have been in the refiner’s fire for a season, for a time, for a long time, but every time you are scorched, more dross comes out and what is coming forth is pure gold out of this congregation. I will bring pure doctrine, pure gold, pure moving of the Holy Ghost out of this house.
Through this smelting process, and it is not pleasant, it is not easy, there is trial, there is tribulation, there is misunderstanding, there is: “Oh my God, where have you gone? Why have you forsaken me?” Even Jesus cried that out – “Why have you forsaken me?” These are all scriptural patterns. Yes, the high side is true, but also the low. Both are true, saith God. If you walk with Me, you will suffer with Me. Can you drink of the cup that I drink of. You will have a sip. Everyone of you will have a sip of that cup if you belong to Me.
If you do I will refine you and I will purify you and you are coming forth as gold. This house will be full of Jobs, full of people who have been on the ground with God. On the ground – not understanding why. On the ground complaining. On the ground repenting. Repenting. Repentance will be the key to prosperity in the future for your life; spiritual prosperity as well as material.
My hand is going to come upon those that live in Goshen – and you are of Goshen. Hallalujah. And My hand will be upon the warriors of this house that come and kneel before My altars. Sometimes very quietly, other times it will be like a locomotive. All of this is valid. All of this is of Me. Flow with Me, walk with Me, continue on with your walks. Take heart. You are walking where the early Saints walked. This is not a modern church, this is an ancient church. And you will walk as they walked. You will talk as they talked, and you will do the exploits that they did – through the anointing, through the power, and through the refining of the Holy Ghost.
If I were to give you the gifting in full measure it would be detrimental to you. I will wait until you are ready to carry these great mantles. And you can carry them in meekness and lowly of heart and humility and not touch the credit for them. And God says, then I can safely release all that you’re crying for. That’s coming. With some of you it’s already happening. Great things are moving on you, in you and through you. But you’ve been prepared almost a lifetime for it. It won’t go to your head. You won’t think that your somebody. The first thing you’re going to do is throw that crown off your head and you’re not going to wait till you get to heaven, you’re going to throw it now saith God! You’re going to get the crowns off your head cause, the minute you get there you’re going to throw them at His feet anyway, so throw them now saith the Lord! Give 100% credit for everything that happens to the Holy Ghost, and to the Father and to the Son, and you will walk blameless, harmless before the Son of God and before the world. And you will see the power of God manifest on you, like you’ve always dreamed. Amen…I am sanctifying you. I am blessing you and I am anointing you for end time work. You’ve not failed! You’ve been redeemed. You’ve been fired, you’ve been tested, you’ve been tried – and you will be exulted! Hallelujah..
Don Franklin received the gift of the Holy Spirit during the Catholic Charismatic movement of the 1970s. He served as a pastor in Teen Challenge for several years, then went on to Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida, where he graduated with a Pastoral Theology major. He and his wife, Bonnie, reside in Florida with their three children. Don has been active in the prophetic and intercessory ministry in Carpenters Home and Ignited Church for twenty years. During the years of leading prayer meetings and behind the scenes ministry, Don prayed and prophesied to many traveling here from other countries, as well as, the visiting ministries who’ve spoken in Carpenters and Ignited Church. While continuing to minister prophetically in services when home, he also serves as an evangelistic missionary of Ignited Church, bringing the word of the Lord into cities and nations. 2011 Ministry trips are planned into Germany, Israel and Japan. Don Franklin: Ignited Church, June 24, 2009: the call into Germany, the resurgence of patriotic Christianity in America, and the sufferings & trials of Job.
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